18 Sez

18 Sez


18 Sez

MIHAN - Special Economic Zone, Nagpur

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of COMMERCE

© 2022 MIHAN - Special Economic Zone, Nagpur

No. 28 OF 2005
An Act to provide for the establishment, development and management of the Special Economic Zones for the promotion of exports and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Be it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
(zc) "Unit" means a Unit set up by an entrepreneur in a Special Economic Zone and includes an existing Unit, an Offshore Banking Unit and a Unit in an International Financial Services Centre, whether established before or established after commencement of this Act;
(zd) all other words and expressions used and not defined in this Act but defined in the Central Excise Act, 1944, the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951, the Income–tax Act, 1961, the Customs Act, 1962 and the Foreign Trade ( Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in those Acts
1 of 1944.
65 of 1951.
43 of 1961.
52 of 1962.
22 of 1992.
3. (1) A Special Economic Zone may be established under this Act, either jointly or severally by the Central Government, State Government, or any person for manufacture of goods or rendering services or for both or as a Free Trade and Warehousing Zone.
(2) Any person, who intends to set up a Special Economic Zone, may, after identifying the area, make a proposal to the State Government concerned for the purpose of setting up the Special Economic Zone.
(8) The Central Government may prescribe the following requirement for establishment of a Special Economic Zone, namely:-
(a) the minimum area of land and other terms and conditions subject to which the Board shall approve, modify or reject any proposal received by it under sub-section (2) to (4) ; and
(b) the terms and conditions, subject to which the Developer shall undertake the authorised operations and his obligations and entitlements.
(11) Any person who, or a State Government which, intends to provide any infrastructure facilities in the identified area referred to in sub-section (2) to (4), or undertake any authorised operation may, after entering into an agreement with the Developer referred to in sub-section (10), make a proposal for the same to the Board for its approval and the provisions of sub-section (5) and sub-sections (7) to (10) shall, as far as may be, apply to the said proposal made by such person or State Government.
(12) Every person or a State Government referred to in subsection (11), whose proposal has been approved by the Board and who, or which, has been granted letter of approval by the Central Government, shall be considered as a Co-Developer of the Special Economic Zone.
(a) generation of additional economic activity
(b) promotion of exports of goods and services;
(c) promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources;
(d) creation of employment opportunities;
(e) development of infrastructure facilities; and
f) maintenance of sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State and friendly relations with foreign States.
6. The areas falling within the Special Economic Zones may be demarcated by the Central Government or any authority specified by it as-
(a) the processing area for setting up Units for activities, being the manufacture of goods, or rendering services; or
(b) the area exclusively for trading or warehousing purposes; or
(c) the non-processing areas for activities other than those specified under clause (a) or clause (b).
7. Any goods or services exported out of, or imported into, or procured from the Domestic Tariff Area by, -
(i) a Unit in a Special Economic Zone; or
(ii) a Developer; shall, subject to such terms, conditions and limitations, as may 9 be prescribed, be exempt from the payment of taxes, duties or cess under all enactments specified in the First Schedule.
(a) an officer not below the rank of an Additional Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with Commerce - Chairperson, ex officio;
(e) a nominee of the State Government concerned - Member, ex officio;
(f) the Director General of Foreign Trade or his nominee - Member, ex officio;
(g) the Development Commissioner concerned - Member, ex officio;
(h) a Professor in the Indian Institute of Management, being a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, being a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as may be, nominated by the Central Government - Member, ex officio; 21 of 1860. 10
(i) an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of India dealing with the Special Economic Zones in the Ministry or Department of the Central Government, dealing with commerce to be nominated by the Central Government - Member-Secretary, ex officio:
(a) granting of approval or rejecting proposal or modifying such proposals for establishment of the Special Economic Zones;
(b) granting approval of authorised operations to be carried out in the Special Economic Zones by the Developer;
(c) granting of approval to the Developers or Units (other than the Developers or the Units which are exempt from obtaining approval under any law or by the Central Government) for foreign collaborations and foreign direct investments, (including investments by a person resident outside India), in the Special Economic Zone for its development, operation and maintenance;
(d) granting of approval or rejecting of proposal for providing infrastructure facilities in a Special Economic Zone or modifying such proposals;
(e) granting, notwithstanding anything contained in the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951, a licence to an industrial undertaking referred to in clause (d) of section 3 of that Act, if such undertaking is established, as a whole or part thereof, or proposed to be established, in a Special Economic Zone;
(f) suspension of the letter of approval granted to a Developer and appointment of an Administrator under subsection (1) of section 10;
(g) disposing of appeals preferred under sub-section (4) of section 15;
(h) disposing of appeals preferred under sub-section (4) of section 16;
(i) performing such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Central Government.
10. (1) If at any time the Board is of the opinion that a Developer -
(a) is unable to discharge the functions or perform the duties imposed on him by or under the provisions of this Act or rules made thereunder; or
(b) has persistently defaulted in complying with any direction given by the Board under this Act; or
(c) has violated the terms and conditions of the letter of approval; or
(d) whose financial position is such that he is unable to fully and efficiently discharge the duties and obligations imposed on him by the letter of approval, and the circumstances exist which render it necessary for it in public interest so to do, the Board may, on application, or with the consent of the Developer, or otherwise, for reasons to be recorded in writing, suspend the letter of approval, granted to the Developer for a whole or part of his area established as Special Economic Zone, for a period not exceeding one year and appoint an Administrator to discharge the functions of the Developer in accordance with the terms and conditions of the letter of approval and manage the Special Economic Zone accordingly.
(9) Where the Board suspends the letter of approval, under this section, in respect of any Developer, the following provisions shall apply, namely:-
(a) the Board shall invite applications for transferring the letter of approval of the Developer, whose approval has been suspended and select the person or persons, in accordance with the procedure as may be prescribed, to whom the letter of approval of the Developer in the Special Economic Zone may be transferred;
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Development Commissioner shall-
(a) guide the entrepreneurs for setting up of Units in the Special Economic Zone;
(b) ensure and take suitable steps for effective promotion of exports from the Special Economic Zone;
(c) ensure proper co-ordination with the Central Government or State Government Departments concerned or agencies with respect to, or for the purposes, of clauses (a) and (b);
(d) monitor the performance of the Developer and the Units in a Special Economic Zone ;
(e) discharge such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Central Government under this Act or any other law for the time being in force; and
(f) discharge such other functions as may be delegated to him by the Board.
13. (1) The Central Government shall,-
(a) in the case of existing Special Economic Zones, within six months from the date of commencement of this Act; 16
(b) in case of other Special Economic Zones established after the commencement of this Act, within six months from the date of establishment of such Special Economic Zone, by notification, constitute a Committee for every Special Economic Zone, to be called the Approval Committee to exercise the powers and perform the functions specified in section 14.
(2) Every Approval Committee shall consist of –
(a) the Development Commissioner - Chairperson, ex officio;
(b) two officers of the Central Government to be nominated by the Central Government - Members, ex officio;
(c) two officers of the Central Government to represent the Ministry or Department dealing with revenue – Members, ex officio;
(d) one officer of the Central Government to be nominated by that Government to represent the Ministry or Department dealing with the economic affairs (financial services) – Members, ex officio;
(e) two officers of the State Government concerned to be nominated by that Stated Government – Member, ex officio; (f) a representative of the Developer concerned – Special invitee.
(4) Every Approval Committee shall meet at such times and places as it considers necessary and shall have the power to regulate its own procedure.
(5) One half of the total Members of the Approval Committee shall form a quorum, and all the acts of the 17 Approval Committee shall be decided by a general consensus of the Members present. Provided that in case the Approval Committee is unable to decide any matter by a general consensus, such matter shall stand referred to the Board of Approval.
(6) No act of the Approval Committee shall be called in question on the ground merely of existence of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the Approval Committee.
(7) All orders and decisions of the Approval Committee and all other communications issued by it shall be authenticated by the signature of the Chairperson or any other member as may be authorised by the Approval Committee in this behalf.
(8) The term of office of an ex officio Member shall come to an end as soon as he ceases to hold the office by virtue of which he was so nominated.
(b) approve the providing of services by a service provider, from outside India, or from the Domestic Tariff Area, for carrying on the authorised operations by the Developer, in the Special Economic Zone;
(c) monitor the utilisation of goods or services or warehousing or trading in the Special Economic Zone;
(d) approve, modify or reject proposals for setting up Units for manufacturing or rendering services or warehousing or trading in the Special Economic Zone [other than the grant of licence under clause
(e) of sub-section (2) of section 9] in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (8) of section 15; Provided that where the Approval Committee is unable to decide whether a particular process constitutes manufacture or not, it shall refer the same to the Board of Approval for a decision. (e) allow, on receipt of approval under clause (c) of subsection (2) of section 9, foreign collaborations and foreign 18 direct investments (including investments by a person outside India) for setting up a Unit;
(2) On receipt of the proposal under sub-section (1), the Development Commissioner shall submit the same to the Approval Committee for its approval.
(3) The Approval Committee may, either approve the proposal without modification, or approve the proposal with modifications subject to such terms and conditions as it may deem fit to impose, or reject the proposal in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (8):
Provided that in case of modification or rejection of a proposal, the Approval Committee shall afford a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the person concerned and after recording the reasons, either modify or reject the proposal.
(4) Any person aggrieved, by an order of the Approval Committee, made under sub-section (3), may prefer an appeal to the Board within such time as may be prescribed.
(5) No appeal shall be admitted if it is preferred after the 19 expiry of the time prescribed therefor:
Provided that an appeal may be admitted after the expiry of the period prescribed therefor if the appellant satisfies the Board that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within the prescribed time.
(6) Every appeal made under sub-section (4) shall be in such form and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against and by such fees as may be prescribed.
(7) The procedure for disposing of an appeal shall be such as may be prescribed: Provided that before disposing of an appeal, the appellant shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(8) The Central Government may prescribe,-
(a) the requirements (including the period for which a Unit may be set up) subject to which the Approval Committee shall approve, modify or reject any proposal referred to in subsection (3);
(b) the terms and conditions, subject to which the Unit shall undertake the authorised operations and its obligations and entitlements.
(9) The Development Commissioner may, after approval of the proposal referred to in sub-section (3), grant a letter of approval to the person concerned to set up a Unit and undertake such operations which the Development Commissioner may authorise and every such operation so authorised shall be mentioned in the letter of approval.
16. (1) The Approval Committee may, at any time, if it has any reason or cause to believe that the entrepreneur has persistently contravened any of the terms and conditions or its obligations subject to which the letter of approval was granted to the entrepreneur, cancel the letter of approval:
Provided that no such letter of approval shall be cancelled unless the entrepreneur has been afforded a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(2) Where the letter of approval has been cancelled under subsection (1), the Unit shall not from the date of such cancellation, be entitled to any exemption, concession, benefit 20 or deduction available to it, being a Unit, under this Act.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Act, the entrepreneur whose letter of approval has been cancelled under sub-section (1), shall remit, the exemption, concession, drawback and any other benefit availed by him in respect of the capital goods, finished goods lying in stock and unutilised raw materials relatable to his Unit, in such manner as may be prescribed.
(4) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Approval Committee made under sub-section (1), may prefer an appeal to the Board within such time as may be prescribed. (5) No appeal shall be admitted if it is preferred after the expiry of the time prescribed therefor: Provided that an appeal may be admitted after the expiry of the period prescribed therefor if the appellant satisfies the Board that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within the prescribed time.
(6) Every appeal made under sub-section (4) shall be in such form and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against and by such fees as may be prescribed. (7) The procedure for disposing of an appeal shall be such as may be prescribed: Provided that before disposing of an appeal, the appellant shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
17. (1) An application for setting up and operation of an Offshore Banking Unit in a Special Economic Zone may be made to the Reserve Bank in such form and manner as may be prescribed.
(2) On receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the Reserve Bank shall, if it is satisfied that the applicant fulfills all the conditions specified under sub-section (3), grant permission to such applicant for setting up and operation of an Off-shore Banking Unit. (3) The Reserve Bank may, by notification, specify the terms and conditions subject to which an Offshore Banking Unit may be set up and operated in the Special Economic Zone.
18. (1) The Central Government may approve the setting up of 21 an International Financial Services Centre in a Special Economic Zone and may prescribe the requirements for setting up and operation of such Center: Provided that the Central Government shall approve only one International Financial Services Centre in a Special Economic Zone.
(2) The Central Government may, subject to such guidelines as may be framed by the Reserve Bank, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and such other concerned authorities, as it deems fit, prescribe the requirements for setting up and the terms and conditions of the operation of Units in an International Financial Services Centre.
19. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the Central Government may, if required, -
(a) prescribe a single application form for obtaining any licence, permission or registration or approval by a Developer, or an entrepreneur under one or more Central Acts; 
(b) authorise the Board, the Development Commissioner or Approval Committee, to exercise the powers of the Central Government on matters relating to the development of a Special Economic Zone; or setting up and operation of units; (c) prescribe a single form for furnishing returns or information by a Developer or an entrepreneur under one or more Central Acts.
20. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the Central Government may, by notification, specify any officer or agency to carry out surveys or inspections for securing of compliance with the provisions of any Central Act by a Developer or an entrepreneur, as the case may be, and such officer or agency shall submit verification and compliance reports, in such manner and within such time as may be specified in the said notification.
21. (1) The Central Government may, by notification, specify any act or omission made punishable under any Central Act, as notified offence for purposes of this Act.
(2) The Central Government may, by general or special order, authorise any officer or agency to be the enforcement 22 officer or agency in respect of any notified offences or committed in a Special Economic Zone.
(3) Every officer or agency authorised under sub-section (2) shall have all the corresponding powers of investigation, inspection or search or seizure as is provided under the relevant Central Act in respect of the notified offences.
22. The agency or officer, specified under section 20 or section 21, may, with prior intimation to the Development Commissioner concerned, carry out the investigation or search or seizure in the Special Economic Zone or in a Unit if such agency or officer has reasons to believe (reasons to be recorded in writing) that a notified offence has been committed or is likely to be committed in the Special Economic Zone:
Provided that no investigation, search or seizure shall be carried out in a Special Econom
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