18 Effective Home Remedies for Incontinence

18 Effective Home Remedies for Incontinence

Incontinence is a condition associated with the urinary tract in which the person is unable to control the urination, and hence, there is an involuntary loss of urine.

There are several types of incontinence and anyone, be it a women or men, can suffer from it. It can be categorized as stress, urge, overflow, functional, transient, bowel incontinence, etc. There are various reasons behind this unintentional leakage, like age, nerve damage, menopause, constipation, enlarged prostate gland, etc.

A person may experience the urine leakage during physical activities while sneezing, when there is a sudden need to urinate, or if he/she is suffering from a physical or mental disability, etc. (1, 2, 3, 4).

There are many home remedies that can do wonders for this condition, and you can get rid of it in no time without spending too much. Here is a handpicked list of wonderful and effective remedies. Have a look at it.

Natural Remedies for the Treatment of Incontinence

1. Kegel Exercise

This exercise tightens the pelvic muscles, uterus, bladder and thus, controls urination (5).

i) Firstly, ensure that your bladder is empty and lie down on your back on the floor.

ii) Hold your pelvic muscle tight for 8-10 seconds or as long as you can.

iii) Relax the muscle again and rest for 10 seconds.

iv) Repeat this process 10 times, thrice a day.


1) This may not be the perfect solution, as the condition may return once you stop doing the exercises.

2) Women should perform the exercise with proper care, as it may tighten the vaginal muscle that may be troublesome.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is one of those essential nutrients that are required by our body and is vital for its proper functioning (6).

Studies have shown that magnesium is helpful in detrusor instability (urge incontinence) in women (7, 8). To increase the content of magnesium in your body, you can consume milk, butter, oatmeal, oranges, etc. (9).

  • Alternatively, you can consume magnesium supplements, but after consulting a doctor.

3. Reduce Your Weight

If you are overweight, try to reduce your weight, as it can cause an overactive bladder problem. Several findings have shown that weight loss improves the stress incontinence (10). You can lose weight with home remedies, by some exercises, etc.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamins are essential compounds for our body. Vitamin D or the sunshine vitamin is the one that plays a role in calcium homeostasis, and lower level of this nutrient have an impact on urinary incontinence (11). Other studies also reveal that there is an association between this component and problems related to the urinary tract (12, 13).

The best source of vitamin D is sunlight, so stay in sunlight for 10 minutes every morning.

  • Or, consume food rich in vitamin D such as orange juice, milk, egg, tuna, halibut, etc. (14).
  • Apart from that, you can also take supplements after consulting a medical professional.

5. Gooseberry

Gooseberry eliminates the free radicals from the body and possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities (15). Turmeric, on the other hand, has been used for centuries as a medicine for several maladies. It reduces the inflammation in the body and is known as “Indian Saffron” (16, 17).

Prepare your homemade mixture to treat the disorder in no time. Just mix 1 mashed and pureed (De-seeded) Indian gooseberry, 1 pinch of turmeric, and 1 tsp of honey together. Eat 1 tbsp of the prepared mixture every morning up to 4 weeks.

This method will strengthen the muscles of pelvic and strengthen the prostate muscle which will eventually eliminate the problem.

6. Fennel seeds

This is one of the best homemade mixtures for urinary incontinence treatment. The seeds have many medicinal properties like diuretic, antispasmodic, laxative, stimulant, etc. (18).

All you will need is 1 glass warm milk, 1 tbsp of fennel seed, and 2 tsp of sugar syrup prepared by mixing 4 tbsp of sugar in 1 glass of water.

Mix fennel seed and sugar syrup in warm milk and drink it once or twice daily to cure the incontinence.

7. Yoga

There are many simple and easy yoga postures that can solve the problem of fecal incontinence and other several types of the disease in no time. It helps reduce the stress and thus, helps get rid of the problem without any side effect (19). Many trials were conducted, and the results suggested that yoga can solve the disorder in women as well (20). Another study showed that it can treat stress, urge and mixed-type incontinence too (21).

8. Green Tea Extract

Green tea is an amazing refreshing beverage that has lots of medicinal properties and hence, it is effective for the treatment of many ailments.

Studies have suggested that people who consume more green tea are less prone to incontinence than the people who consume it in a lesser amount (22).

The tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants that can help with several problems of bladder including incontinence (23).

You can consume the extract in the form of capsules after taking a note of side effects it can cause.

  • Alternatively, you can also consume the tea.

Note: The extract can cause liver problems (24).

Herbal Remedies for Incontinence

9. Ganoderma Lucidum

It is also known as lingzhi mushroom. It is a Chinese herb that has antioxidant properties and is used for the treatment of several diseases (25). It has been proved to be effective in treating the symptoms of overactive bladder (26).

Note: You must consult a doctor for exact dosage according to your condition.

10. Cleavers

Cleavers is the herb that has diuretic and soothing properties. The tea prepared from this herb is mildly laxative and is beneficial for bowel and bladder (27).

It also helps coat the lining of walls of the bladder and thus, decreases the symptoms that are related to overactive bladder (28).

For urinary incontinence treatment, the herb can be consumed in the form of tea. To prepare it, mix 2-3 tbsp herb in a cup filled with hot water. Let it stay for 10-15 minutes. Strain and sip it slowly. Repeat it at least three times a day until you observe satisfactory results.

Note: The consumption of this herb is not advisable to the people suffering from diabetes. (29)

11. Marshmallow Root

This is a very common and widely available herb that has many benefits. This herb is also anti-inflammatory and has soothing properties which help stimulate healing (30). It is available in many forms such as tincture, extract, infusion, etc.(31).

It helps tighten the bladder muscle and mostly, tea is used as a cure for Incontinence (32). Just mix the marshmallow root powder in a cup of hot water. Strain it after some time and drink it daily.

12. Agathosma Betulina

Agathosma betulina or commonly known as Buchu, is a traditional tonic that is used for several urinary tract problems. It is used for the treatment of numerous maladies including bladder infections and kidney related problems (33). It also has diuretic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties (34).

To consume this, add 1 tsp of the herb in a cup of hot water. Let it steep for some time and drink this after straining. Use this regularly until you notice any positive result.

13. Gosha-jinki-gan

This is a Chinese herb that has been used for decades for the treatment of overactive bladder and related diseases. Studies have proved that the herb has therapeutic potential to treat the disorder (35). It does so by controlling the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (36). You can consume this in the form of tea or as prescribed.

14. Corn Silk

Corn silk is a traditional Chinese herb that is used to treat a number of diseases including urinary conditions across the world (37). This herb stimulates the kidney and bladder as it is diuretic and thus, improves the flow of urine ().

The other benefits of corn silk are relieving the irritation and soothing the lining of the urinary tract. It is used for frequent urination as well (39).

15. Horsetail

The herb is available as dried herb powder, and in liquid form and it can be consumed in the form of herbal tea, capsules, tincture, etc. (40). It is a well-known remedy for bladder and kidney trouble and hence, it is effective in curing the urinary leakages problem (41).

This is one of the most effective herbs for lessening the symptoms of Stress urinary incontinence or urge incontinence in women as some studies suggest (42).

16. Crataeva

Crataeva is not a very common herb but, is very beneficial for the treatment of prostate-related problem (43). It is a blood purifier and an excellent herb for urinary diseases (44). It has many variants like Crateva nurval, Crateva religiosa, etc., all of which possess diuretic properties

Note: For doses and safety measures, consult a doctor.

17. Resiniferatoxin

This is a Moroccan herb that is obtained from the resins of the cactus-like plant. It is basically a pain reliever and has lots of other uses (45). It is helpful in diminishing the symptoms of many bladder related problems including incontinence. But, there is less evidence of the successful treatment and more research is required (46).

18. Couch Grass

Couch grass is a wonderful herb that has been used for long to treat the problems of the urinary system. It has a soothing effect and heals multiple problems of the system (47). It is a diuretic and relaxes the lining of the bladder and hence provides comfort.

Note: It can be consumed daily under supervision.


If you are suffering from urinary leakage, you must take extra care of yourself as it can cause skin irritation and other diseases too.

  • Apply a mild barrier cream like Vaseline (petroleum jelly) or cocoa butter on your genital parts.
  • Clean the areas around urethra thoroughly and allow it to air-dry. You can use special skin cleansers for this purpose (48).
  • Avoid douching washing frequently as they can destroy the natural defense against bladder infection.
  • Wear a tampon or a pad while outside or while performing physical activities.
  • Adult diapers, waterproof undergarments, and urine deodorizing tablets can also be used.


  • Eliminate caffeine-containing products like chocolate, coffee, etc. from the diet (49).
  • Make a schedule of urination to avoid unnecessary and frequent leakages.
  • Consult a doctor if the problem persists for a longer duration or if it is severe.
  • Do exercises and meditation daily to aid the process of healing.
  • Keep yourself hydrated, as it can remove the toxins and provide relief in irritation. Moreover, if there is less amount of water in the body, it can lead to constipation, which may make the situation worse.


  • Do not consume alcohol as it may worsen the situation (50).
  • Do not smoke and don’t consume products containing tobacco.
  • Do not consume artificial sweeteners.


18 Effective Home Remedies for Incontinence

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