+$15,693 from push-traffic in India + manual «how to make +$20k» 

+$15,693 from push-traffic in India + manual «how to make +$20k» 


Traffic period: 1 August - 30 October (3 months)

Spent: $51,354

Earned: $67,047

Profit: $15,693

ROI: +30%

Source: datspush.com — promocode: «dr.cash_20»: +20% deposit from $100 to $200

Network: dr.cash

Offers: 17164 - Max X, 17523 - Thor

Geo: India - [IN]

India is the top geo. A lot of traffic, cheap conversions and fresh audience. For a long time India was in deep private in several networks and it was a real challenge to get it. But dr.cash performed really good with local advertisers and improved this geo.

I worked with India before August, but only from August I succeeded to get volumes. For the reporting period there were created around 40 campaigns on several sources, but Datspush was the top one because of low competitiveness, the possibility of setting caps and allowed adult on prelanding pages.

I tried plenty of offers, because a lot of them were tested, but the main ones were Max X and Thor

Best creos:

These are the two main and best creatives I have tested.

Usually I use my own prelanders and landing pages. And I replace them with the new ones every 2-3 weeks.

Datspush.com statistics:

Dr.cash statistics:

It was a long work with different stages of success, ROI was really low from time to time because of high competitiveness, but still it was profitable. First weeks of August ROI was higher than 100%, but then I had to increase the payout for me in order to get enough traffic volume. In conjuction with Datspush for selected period ROI was +30%, but I include here all creo’ tests and various approaches\payouts etc.

In addition I worked with remarketing (ROI was extremely high) and campaigns with low volumes from different sources, but high ROI. It is difficult to collect screenshots here, so check the stats from the tracker:

Profit more than 30k and excellent approve rate for Indian geo (revenue in binom is a little bit lower because of tracker lags - part of postbacks were not received)

dr.cash — №1 for Male Enhancement in India

Network comment: Check the working teasers on various push-sources (there are a lot of them with India) and collect your cash at low difficulty level!
Reminding that in dr.cash you can find the widest сhoice of Indian offers and the highest cap! You can find the sorted by popularity (leads volume) offers on the main offers page with honest %-approve for the last 30 days.
As usual, our support will provide you with our own bundles (today we are preparing brand new, check it out with your manager)
The manual about how to make +20k$ on holidays you can request from your manager. It includes: top offers with the biggest cap and really iron approve rate, the list of most profitable and low competitive sources right now, unique bundles.

Our friends from datspush.com set up a promo code for your tests! Use «dr.cash_20» - and get +20% on deposits from $100 to $200.

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