15 Gifts For The Electric Fireplace Wall Lover In Your Life

15 Gifts For The Electric Fireplace Wall Lover In Your Life

An Electric Fireplace Wall Can Be a Great Addition to Your Home

A wall-mounted electric fireplace can make your home feel more comfortable. They are easy to install and come in a variety of sizes. They can be incorporated into existing walls, or affixed to an existing one.

Before beginning the installation, make sure that you follow the instructions given by the manufacturer. They should give specific information about framing, securing the unit and wiring.


A wall-mounted electric fireplace is a popular choice for modern homes. It is easy to install and doesn't require structural modifications to your home. It is also simple to connect to your home's electricity network. But, there are important things to be aware of before installing an electric fireplace on the wall. Be sure that the fire is situated at an approximate distance of 400mm from any combustible substances. Make sure that the heater, which is located at the bottom of your firebox, is not in contact with any fabric or other objects. This will prevent accidental burns.

Before installing a wall mounted electric fire, it is important to take into consideration the type of installation. Certain models are designed to be flush mounted while others are recessed into the wall. The latter option is best if you want a clean contemporary design. After you have chosen the type of installation be sure to read the owner's manual for details on framing, fixing the unit, and wiring.

Once you've decided on where you want your fireplace to be installed Measure the opening of your wall and mark it with pencil. Utilize a spirit level gauge to ensure the studs are straight and there is enough space between them. Installing free standing fireplace recessed fireplace requires you to install an electrical outlet in the wall that you will be installing. After that, you should put a piece or fascia to cover the outlet and plug.

The next step is to create an enclosure for the fireplace wall. Set up the studs and the fireplace frame, according to the layout markings that are on the lower and top plates. After that, secure the frame to the wall with screws. Install the fireplace wall, and then add decorative glass to complete the look.

Before beginning the electrical work, you should connect your fireplace to the electrical outlet and test it out to ensure everything functions properly. If it does not you should seek out an electrician for assistance.


No matter if you have an electric wall-mounted or freestanding fireplace, there are several safety measures you should take. The most important thing is to make sure that your fireplace is correctly installed and is not in close proximity to anything that could ignite. You should also regularly inspect your electric fireplace for signs of wear and tear and plan regular maintenance.

The first step is to review the installation instructions for your particular fireplace carefully. This will give you an idea of how to put it in place it. Generally, you will need to attach the screen and firebox to the wall bracket before you are able to use it. This may be a simple or challenging task based on the model that you choose. If you're not sure what to do you can always ask an expert for assistance.

It's important to ensure that the fireplace doesn't be too close to furniture or other flammable objects. It should be kept at least four feet from any combustible object. Also, keep the area free of curtains, rugs and other items that can ignite. If you have children it is recommended to put up an infant-proof barrier around your fireplace to stop them from smacking it accidentally.

Keep your electric fireplace away anything that could catch on fire, such as clothing and paper products. Keep it out of the reach of children and animals. It should be mounted on the wall in a place where it cannot be easily smashed down.

Finally, you should avoid using extension cords with your electrical fireplace. They could cause overheating that could be hazardous to your family. Instead utilize the power cord that came with your fireplace or a high-quality extension cord that is properly tested for your home's wiring. Make sure you have surge protectors to protect your home against power surges. It is essential to regularly inspect your electric fireplace for signs of wear. Avoid using your electric fireplace as a primary source of heat or leave it unattended.

The following are some examples of

A wall-mounted electric fireplace can be a great addition to a room. It adds aesthetic appeal and warmth to any room, and is also an excellent method of saving energy. It is important to select the best model, since there are a variety of types of electric fire places on the market. To ensure that you purchase the most effective one, think about some of the most crucial features.

The color of the surround is an important feature to consider when choosing an electric fireplace. It can be made of metal, wood or glass, and finished in a variety of colors. It is essential to choose the color that is compatible with existing furniture in the space.

Another feature to look out for in a wall-mounted electric fireplace is the capacity to alter the intensity of the flame. It is also crucial to verify the settings for heat. A higher setting will generate more heat while the lower setting will produce more subtle flames.

Certain models also come with the option of turning the flame off and not heat the room. This is a wonderful option for those with small children or pets. A cool glass feature is another feature to consider. It decreases heat transfer through the glass.

Electric fireplaces can be positioned in a variety of designs. For example, some can be built into the wall or surface-mounted. This is a great option for those who don't want to tackle the mess or cost of installing a traditional fireplace in their home.

Wall-mounted electric fire places are a low-cost and easy-to-install choice for those looking to add a cozy atmosphere to their home. They are available in a variety of sizes and designs, and you can have ones with built-in speakers. You can place these fireplaces in your bedroom, den, or living room and relax in their relaxing ambience.

One of the most recent electric fireplaces is the Scion Trinity, which has an exclusive multi-sided design as well as a more customizable appearance than other models. Kuefler claims that the design provides more options for finishing materials than recessed electric fireplaces.


A wall-mounted electric fire place is a gorgeous feature for any home. Installing it can be costly. Consider all costs involved in this type of project. This includes the price of the fireplace as well as the installation and any potential ongoing operating costs. You should also consider how you will utilize the fireplace in your home.

There are a variety of electric fireplaces that are wall-mounted. Some are prefab units that can be installed by a contractor and do not require any wiring or installation. Others are more complicated, and require framing into the wall. Some of those that are built-in require additional demolition work, drywall repairs, and electrical work. In general, those built-in will have higher costs than those prefabricated.

One of the best options for wall mounted electric fireplaces is a recessed design. They are built into the wall and can be concealed behind a flat screen TV. They can be used for rooms that are up to 400 square feet and come with front vents that allow safe airflow. Certain models come with decorative surrounds to improve the overall look of the fireplace.

Another option for a wall-mounted fireplace is a unit that has a wide frame and narrow elongated form. This design is ideal for a corner, above a sofa or cabinet, or underneath a TV that is mounted on the wall. It comes in a range of frame finishes - from sleek black to stainless steel and can be match to the wall color or contrasted with it. This is a plug-in unit that doesn't require any hardwiring.

Some wall-mounted electric fireplaces have additional features, like remotes and timers. Some even come with adjustable flame brightness that can be set to emit a crackling sound or even simulate smoke. These options can lead to an increase in cost, so make sure you take them into consideration when making comparisons between units.

Other factors can also affect the price of an electric wall fireplace. The size of the fireplace, and the amount of heat will influence the price. The most basic units cost less than $500, whereas the larger, more complicated units could cost upwards of $2000.

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