15 Amazing Facts About Repairing Double Glazed Windows You've Never Known

15 Amazing Facts About Repairing Double Glazed Windows You've Never Known

Repairing Double Glazed Windows

Double glazing can be an excellent investment for your home. However, over time it could develop issues like misting or condensation.

This can be due to a variety of causes, but usually down to the seals no more being airtight, causing a loss in the gas that acts as an insulation between the glass panes. It can be helpful to know how to repair double glazing.

Broken Panes

A stray ball from the lawnmower or a stone that has been thrown around even a claw of a cat could cause a double-glazed window pane to shatter. This allows heat or cold to pass more easily between two panes of glass, which can result in lower the insulation and causing higher energy bills. If both of the windows are shattered then it's time to contact an expert to repair the windows.

If one of the panes has damaged, but not completely broken It might be able to be repaired. The first step is to take the old pane from the frame wearing gloves and a pair of work glasses. Then using a painter's instrument and gradually warming it with a heat gun, remove the loose putty around the edges of the broken glass. Use aluminum foil to protect the glass from cracking as the putty is being removed.

When the frame is ready to accept a replacement pane lubricate a cheap glass-cutting tool (available in the majority of hardware stores) with WD-40 or another lightweight oil. Cut the glass around the perimeter, about one inch from the edge. Then, put the glass in the rabbets (the grooves that resemble ls) in the window frame. Use the chiseled edges of the tool to get rid of any excess putty around the edges.

Press glazier's tips into the frame in intervals of six inches around the joint where the glass joins the frame. Then apply another cord of glazier's compound to the frame-glass joint, and smooth it out using the putty knife. If your windows are made from metal it is possible to paint the joints with an adhesive specifically designed to stop rust.


Even though it is rare double glazing cracks can occur suddenly, particularly in older windows. The reason for this is usually due to pressure differences between the two panes of glass, caused by extreme temperature fluctuations. This is why it's essential to keep your blinds closed during hot weather, and avoid opening them too wide when the sun is shining - this prevents excess heat from accumulating between the two glass panes.

The best way to prevent cracks in your double-glazed windows is to ensure the frames are secured, particularly on the hinges, locking mechanisms and handles. Double-glazed windows must be simple to shut and open without sagging or catching. Oiling the hinges and mechanisms may help. You can also adjust the screws and locks to ensure they are secure enough.

It's important to keep in mind that a window that is cracked is not just unsightly, but can be very dangerous. If you find shards on the floor or cracks in the double glazing, it's best to call an emergency glazier. It's better to replace the broken glass rather than attempting to repair it.

Likewise, any condensation in between the two glass panes tells you that there's an issue with your seals, and should be fixed immediately. A professional glazier with a good reputation can drill into the sealed unit and inject or pump a drying agent, typically a desiccant into the window to rid it of any moisture. This is a fast and inexpensive solution. Be aware that this is only a temporary solution and that you'll need to replace your windows in the near future.


Condensation is a concern with older double glazing. Condensation happens when moisture in the air is drawn into the space between the glass panes and then evaporates at night. This is a completely natural phenomenon and not indicative of any defect in the glass or windows, but can be frustrating for homeowners since it prevents the double glazing from working properly as it should.

The best solution is to add vents or trickle vents on the frame to allow air to flow through, thus removing the possibility of condensation forming in your home. Adding this will also help keep heat in the home and decrease energy bills in the long term.

Sometimes, a professional can fix the problem without having to replace the entire window. They will drill a tiny holes through the window to release any trapped moisture and then apply an antifog coating.

It is a good idea to contact the company you bought your double glazing from immediately you begin having issues. It is crucial to contact the company from which you purchased your double glazing from as soon as you start experiencing issues. This will allow them to send a technician out to examine the situation and fix any issues before they get worse. It is a good idea that all communications be in writing. This is done via email or a letter.

It is possible to fix certain things yourself, but it is generally quicker and more efficient to work with a professional. This is particularly true for any problems that require the use of specialist tools. Additionally professionals will usually provide a guarantee for their work which you won't necessarily receive when you attempt to fix the double glazing yourself.


Double glazed windows are becoming more popular as they help to increase energy efficiency, cut down on the amount of noise heard in the home and protect furniture from damage caused by ultraviolet light. They also help reduce condensation which is a frequent cause of mould. However, if they're not installed correctly, it's easy for air to escape through the gaps between the panes of glass which can cause the draughts.

In double-glazed windows two panes of glass are separated by a spacer bar, and the gap is then filled with an insulating gas. The spacer bar typically contains a desiccant that helps to draw moisture out of the gap and prevent interior condensation. However, as the desiccant ceases to function to eliminate moisture from the spacer bar, it's likely for condensation to develop between the panes of glass. This is a problem that occurs frequently when double glazing is poorly made, but it can be fixed by drilling holes in the glass or spacer and then putting in a dehumidifier.

The space between the two panes of a double-glazed window serves as an insulation, preventing cold air from getting into your home. Filling the gap with an inert gas like argon, could improve the insulating properties even more.

Double glazed windows are more costly than single-glazed windows for installation, but they're often well worth the investment since they can reduce cooling and heating costs, protect furniture from UV damage and can improve the value of your home. If you're considering installing double-glazed windows into your home, work with an experienced installer such as Thermawood. Their retrofit double glazing system lets you to enjoy the benefits of an IGU that is high-quality without having to remove your frame and the cladding.


Double glazing has numerous benefits to homeowners. it improves energy efficiency, reduces noise and condensation. It also helps reduce the possibility of draughts or the growth of mould on windows. They aren't indestructible and, in some cases, problems may occur. You can repair most double glazing problems rather than replace them, thereby saving money and the hassle of replacing windows.

Double glazing owners are often required to fix a leaking seal. If this is the case it is crucial to contact a professional to arrange for an installer to come out and make the necessary repairs.

A window that is difficult to shut or open can also be a problem. It could be due to heat or the mechanism is getting stiffer over time. Try cooling the mechanism and lubricating hinges or handles if this is the problem. Alternatively, it may be that the frame has slightly dropped or sagged and needs to be aligned.

The misting can also be fixed easily. upvc window repair made of rubber that hold the two panes of glass together wear out over time. This is typically caused by the frames moving in a slight manner as they age and compacting the special packaging material that keeps them in place. This can result in one or both panes of your double glazing moving and breaking the seal.

Misting can be treated by drilling holes into the affected glass and then removing the moisture from within. This is only an interim solution and will likely need repeated. Installing trickle vents in your frames is an ideal long-term solution. They let fresh air into the room, but prevent warm air from getting out.

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