14 Years Old Lesbians

14 Years Old Lesbians


14 Years Old Lesbians
14 year old lesbian sister cornered at Taco Bell for sexuality
14 year old lesbian sister cornered at Taco Bell for sexuality
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My little sister got invited out to Taco Bell by my grandpa. Totally innocent. The second she gets into the car, my grandpa starts ranting about how homosexuality is a sin and she's going to hell and her life is gonna be ruined if she doesn't change. Up until that point, she had no idea he knew. This argument continued at Taco Bell, IN PUBLIC, for over an hour. My grandpa called my aunt and invited her to "talk some sense" into my sister as well, so she was eventually ganged up on by both of them. They literally backed her into a corner so she couldn't call anybody to pick her up, all while everybody there just STARED.
She came home two hours later in tears and hyperventilating. She had her first panic attack. All because my family is full of Bible-fucking, bigoted assholes.
They have just given your sister all the reason she needs to cut them out of her life permanently. She will never trust them again. In the long run, they are the ones who lose the most.
Your job is to support your sister and do everything you can do help her avoid spending any time with these people until such time as they choose to sincerely apologize to her. You might also want to give them an earful about what colossal jerks they are by behaving this way.
Want punish grandpa? Here's how you do it, assuming he doesn't know that you hang out in places like r/atheism . Tell him that you heard all about this from your sister. Tell him you understand that he loves her and only wants the best for her. And tell him that you understand that he was speaking from a place of faith. And that it really made you think.
And then tell him you've decided that any religion that can turn a loving grandfather into an abusive old man is something you want nothing to do with. It's evil and unhealthy, and he has opened your eyes to the truth.
And if she cuts them out they'll probably be ok with it because they stood up for Jesus and "hard truths" People like this always refer to their hatred as "hard truths" and "love"
I was the first family member that my lesbian cousin came out to. All i told her was "..cool, still wanna get high?" This was back in 1990, when people were waaaay more uptight about their sexuality. I also told her, i didnt care, and I just hope she was happy. I did tell her that her girlfriend was hot though, maybe that was a little weird (im a guy, and she was!)
I agree. Life is too short to deal with putrid people, relatives or not.
My wife's mom and sister are JWs. Two meaner and nastier people could not be found.
My wife still feels obligated to visit them although it makes her miserable but I've made it clear that the next time I see her mom is when I take a look at the vase holding her ashes.
Bang on. I would never, ever forgive them for that. I would refuse to be around them.
She's 14 so cutting them out of her life at this point is probably not feasible. Instead her anger toward them will fester for the next 4 years.
Support, it must be said, includes not only protecting her from those family members who would do this to her, but also making REALLY GODDAMN SURE she knows you accept and love her as she is.
i was gonna try to say something but this takes all the cake.
Looks like OP could follow in solidarity.
Exactly this. She should never spend time with them from this point out. At all. This is just unacceptable.
So much this. There is no reason to treat people like family when they treat you with such contempt; she needs to leave and never look back. Glad OP is an ally for her in this matter!

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Yea, there are 5 year old lesbians. There are infant lesbians.
Whether or not you are born a lesbian, you're sexual orientation is
decided at a very young age and cannot be changed.

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