12 Teens Sex

12 Teens Sex


metrowebukmetroTuesday 17 Feb 2009 4:56 pm
In a survey out today 6% of teenage girls admit to having sex before the age of 12.
Two-thirds of sexually active under 18-year-olds lost their virginity before the age of 16.
And 40% of the young respondents said they were less than 12 years old when they first kissed a boy.
Teen magazine Sugar surveyed 1,770 girls between the ages of 12 and 18 and found that 15% admitted to having sex.
Seven per cent admitted to having had sex with “10 or more” boys and 18% said they first had sex with a boy who was not a boyfriend.
Last week it was revealed that 13-year-old Alfie Patten had fathered a baby girl. He was just 12 when he and 15-year-old Chantelle Steadman conceived baby Maisie.
Despite the risks it seems some parents adopt a relaxed attitude to their daughters’ relationships.
The survey found that 11% of girls were allowed to have boys stay the night in their bedroom. Another 34% could take boys into the bedroom and close the door and 27% had boys to stay overnight in a separate room.
Only 16% are banned from having boys in their bedroom at all.
Parents might struggle to get to know their daughters’ boyfriends as 54% of teenage girls said they would never let them meet a boyfriend and 21% would not admit to having one.
Only 11% of parents insist on meeting the boys their children date.
One teenage respondent said: “Cause my parents are so horrifically embarrassing, I would never live it down, I mention a boy’s name and all I hear is ‘Lauren’s got a boyfriend’ it’s so stupid.”
Girls admitted to feeling under pressure to have sex and 47% said that the pressure comes from their peers.
Those who do have sex found that it did not make them happy. Twenty two per cent said they felt “ashamed”, 21% felt “used” and 26% admitted to feeling “worried”.
One respondent said: “I was pressured into it by other people at school, lots of people at my school have done it before, and it wasn’t a very good time. We have been on/off for a year and we weren’t together when we did it and I thought it would make him like me more and stop messing me around, but afterward he stopped talking to me and now we hardly talk anymore.
“I was also worried that my parents would find out, because I was stupid to do it so young and I know if they find out they will be really disappointed in me, and they would go mad. I wish I had waited.”
Editor Annabel Brog, said: “Schools, the Government, media and parents all need to take responsibility for ensuring teenagers get clear mental, emotional and physical boundaries about what is and isn’t acceptable when it comes to dating and sex.
“Sugar is constantly endeavouring to raise levels of self respect among teenage girls so that they have the confidence and courage to say ‘no’.
Sugar says Always be S.A.F.E before sex – Sure of the facts, Age 16 or over, Free from pressure, Emotionally sorted.”
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As a new mother herself, Brenda Lohman admits to being shocked by the results of a new study she co-authored. It found that among nearly 1,000 low-income families in three major cities, one in four children between the ages of 11 and 16 reported having sex, with their first sexual intercourse experience occurring at the average age of 12.77.
"So if 12 years was the average age here, that meant that some kids were starting at 10 or younger," said Lohman, an Iowa State University associate professor of human development and family studies (HDFS). "A handful of kids reported having sex as early as 8 or 9. We know from our follow-up interviews that one boy who reported having sexual intercourse for the first time at age nine had fathered four children by the time he was 18."
"Those people who say that kids don't have sex at that young of age should think again," she said. "Definitely the age is the most shocking thing about this study."
Tina Jordahl, a former Iowa State HDFS and public policy graduate student who is now a market research specialist with Hospice of Central Iowa, collaborated with Lohman on the study. It analyzes data from the "Welfare, Children and Families: A Three-City Study" -- a six-year longitudinal investigation of low-income families living in Boston, Chicago and San Antonio. Their paper, titled "A biological analysis of risk and protective factors associated with early sexual intercourse of young adolescents," was posted online in the Children and Youth Services Review and will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal.
Interview data for the study was first collected in 1999 on youth between the ages of 10 and 14, and again in 2001. Lohman says she also has data collected in 2006 from the same subjects, who were between 16 and 20 by that time.
Boys having sex earlier, more often than girls
In the study, boys reported their first sexual intercourse at younger ages (averaging 12.48) than girls (13.16). Boys also had nearly 10 percent higher frequency of intercourse than girls and were also more likely to experience sexual debut (20 percent to 14 percent) between the two years when the first two waves of data were collected.
Recent national research has found that 13 percent of girls and 15 percent of boys have had sex by the time they're 16. Lohman says that means the rate of sex among her low-income sample is only slightly higher among the girls, but almost double among the boys
"The ages [of sexual debut] are a bit younger than the national samples, but not alarmingly so," she said.
African Americans also had 12 percent more early sexual intercourse than whites (29 to 17 percent respectively), although racial differences did not change the age of their first intercourse.
The authors report that periods of instability in family structure and welfare use serve as risk factors for early sexual activity. They found that additional maternal education -- beyond a high school level -- was found to inhibit some of that activity.
"That can be for multiple reasons," Lohman said. "It can be that mothers have better paying jobs and more stable home environment and they're less likely to be in stressful circumstances. It could also be that mothers then have greater cognitive capacities to sort of sit down and discuss the pros and cons of waiting to have sex until you're older."
For that reason, the researchers propose allotting public funding to increase maternal education as a way to reduce early sexual promiscuity among their children.
Juvenile deliquency increases early sexual activity
The study also found the youths' involvement in delinquent acts drastically increases the chances of early sexual activity.
Because of the gender differences in sexual debut, the authors also urge more gender-specific prevention programs that are implemented at earlier ages, especially among high risk populations.
"It may be that boys and girls, starting at younger ages, should have these programs that are designed separately by gender before they're moved back together over time," Lohman said. "And yes, they must start much, much younger than they do now. You have to start before those young kids -- 10 or even younger -- start becoming sexually active."
Lohman is currently working on research to determine the relationship between obesity and teen sexuality. She hopes to publish results from that study within the year.
Materials provided by Iowa State University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Iowa State University. "Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 August 2009. .
Iowa State University. (2009, August 19). Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 8, 2021 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090817142855.htm
Iowa State University. "Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study." ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090817142855.htm (accessed July 8, 2021).
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Low-income Kids Report First Sexual Intercourse At 12 Years Of Age In New National Study
A new study of nearly 1,000 low-income families in three major cities found that one in four children between the ages of 11 and 16 reported having sex, with their first sexual intercourse occurring at the average age of 12.77.

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