12 Surprisingly Beautiful Truths Of Life

12 Surprisingly Beautiful Truths Of Life

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  1. Nothing Lasts Forever — While this is a sad notion for anything positive, it is a light at the end of the tunnel for everything negative as well.
  2. You Can Always Smile — No matter how crappy(дерьмовый) life gets, no matter what all goes awful and horribly, somewhere along the way you will always be able to smile.
  3. Happiness is Simple — Difficult, maybe, hard, probably, but also simple. It’s just a matter of doing more of what you like to do and less of what you don’t. Simple enough until you get into the details.
  4. You Cannot Not Be You — No matter how hard you try to be someone else, you will always be on your side. Through thick and thin(несмотря на трудности), you will always be there and always be you.
  5. Now Is The Start Of The Rest Of Your Life — You can make this start a continuation of your past, or take this very moment to change it all. All it takes is one simple choice.
  6. You Will Change The World — Maybe not the world for everyone, but you will, without a doubt, change someone’s world. One Random Act of Kindness, one smile given in passing, or one good moment may be enough to forever change a life and butterfly effect the world to a better place.
  1. There Is An Immense(огромный) Power In A Choice — When we think of traveling back in time we think that simply moving a chair could change the entire course of history. If that is true for the past, then why would that not also be true for what we do in this moment regarding the future? We are all powerful beyond measure!
  2. The Best Way To Help Someone Is To Lead By Example — You cannot force change upon anyone, but by showing them a different, better path, you give them an option they have not seen before. By living your best life you empower others to do the same.
  3. The Small Things Add Up — 5 Minute, daily habits are the secret to success. It is the little things done every day that, over the course of your life, will either make or break your life.
  4. Misses Do Not Matter — It does not matter how many days you missed or opportunities have passed, what matters are the hits and the opportunities you did take! It’s the things you did do, not the things you didn’t, that make your life what it is today and push you forward.
  5. The Only Way To Fail Is To Give Up — Everything until then is a setback; nothing more. Until you give up you are still part of this race.
  6. Nothing Really Matters — Nothing you do will matter in the end. Nothing. And while some may look at this and despair, the truth is that means you can do whatever you want! You can screw up, make mistakes, embarrass yourself and live the most fun life possible for it will not matter one way or the other. So you might as well choose what makes you happy!

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