11/30/21 changelog

11/30/21 changelog

Anthony Pyrtle

Rom-side Features

- Hacks to bypass safetynet and root detection

- Dynamic wallpaper-based Material You themes with modern color science from ProtonAOSP

- New DerpFest Walls made for Material You

- Set Google Sans as body, headline and lockscreen font

- Reduced gap below spacebar in GBoard

- Black theme switch for dark mode

- Lineage LiveDisplay, Powershare and Touch HAL support

- Brightness slider customizations

- Statusbar icons tuner

- Option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon

- Make roaming indicator optional

- Updated LTE+ and 4G+ icon as per new Silk design

- Toggle for old style mobile data indicators

- DerpFest logo switch for the status bar

- Custom Carrier Label & Carrier Label Placement

- 3 finger swipe to screenshot

- Long press power button to toggle flashlight

- Long press volume button to skip track

- Advanced reboot options

- Battery light toggle

- Battery icon styles (circle/bigcircle/dotted/bigdotted/bar/hidden)

- QS quick pulldown

- Switch for Haptic Feedback to QS tiles

- Animations for quick settings tiles

- Interpolator options for qs tiles animation

- Deep sleep info in uptime preference

- Lockscreen visualizer feature with customization options

- Bunch of useful QS tiles in addition to AOSP ones:


- Caffeine

- Data Switch

- HeadsUp (peek notifications)

- Location modes

- NFC tile for devices with nfc

- USB tethering

- Screenshot (partial/full)

- Sound (ringer modes)

- OOS-inspired Network speed indicator with customization options

- Lockscreen media art and blur level controls

- Double tap to sleep on statusbar, launcher, lockscreen

- Finer control over font size

- Additional charging info on lockscreen

- Statusbar bluetooth battery level

- Multi SIM ringtone setting

- Screen recorder stop dot and low quality options

- Delete button for screenshots

- Pixel offline charging animation (for supported devices)

- One click to add/remove QS tiles

- Added avatar to search bar and aligned it with homepage title

- Increasing ring feature

- Unlinked ringtone and notification volumes

- Incall vibration options

- Allow to suppress notifications sound/vibration if screen is ON

- Less boring heads up option

- Allow to disable battery light

- Volume Long Press Skip Tracks

- Wake on plug switch

- Allow disable of screenshot shutter sound

- Reset battery stats

- Double tap to sleep on lockscreen

- Double tap to sleep on statusbar

- Enable DT2S on lockscreen based on DT2W

- Use DT2W setting also to wake from AOD

- Toggle to disable alert slider notifications

- Allow toggling location privacy indicator

- Allow toggling screen off fod

- Allow customizing the length of gesture navbar

- Allow adjusting back gesture height

- Button to AppErrorDialog to upload crash information to Memochō

- Show a link to Google Play in installed app info

- Open app when clicking on icon in App Info

- Added missing illustration for camera gesture

- Allow devices to configure sensor location for fingerprint

- Add back SELinux info

- Show battery estimate in QS

- Toast icon switch

- Option to mute media with gesture

- Enabled lockscreen media artwork even if qs media is enabled

- Lockscreen quick unlock

- AOption to scramble pin layout when unlocking

- Fingerprint authentication vibration switch

- Make Udfps haptic feedback optional

- Support for displaying Volte icon

- User Selectable VoLTE Icons

- Dedicated Wi-Fi and cellular data tiles in quick settings

- Added delete action chip intent for screenshot

- Added back the delete action for the screen recorder notification

- Name Cellular Tile based on carrier

- Save recordings in ScreenRecords folder

- Removed default aspect ratio limit for old apps

- Removed restrictions for system audio record

- Allow adjusting screen density to smaller sizes

- Added time spent in app from Wellbeing

- Added refresh rate preferences

- Protect sensitive info on About device

- Adaptive dual-tone light and dark themes for quick settings and power menu

- Custom ripple animation tuned for responsiveness

- Seamless font weight animations

- Subpixel text positioning for better kerning

- Fewer distractions throughout the system

- High-quality color blending and surface color generation

- Higher-quality Night Light and Ambient EQ using modern color science

- Gradual, less jarring transitions when turning Night Light on/off

- Improved memory management

- Secure quick settings

- Modern privacy indicators for location, camera, and microphone

- Camera and microphone privacy toggles

- Minor hardening from GrapheneOS

- AI-powered back gesture

- Memory usage in Settings

- Support for signature spoofing respectively MicroG

- Optimizations and fixes from AOSPA, ProtonAOSP & upstream AOSP master

- DerpLauncher:

- Adapted home settings UI to Android 12 style

- Transformed quickspace to Android 12 style

- Now Playing status feature for quickspace

- Support for themed icons (including third party icons)

- Implemented Hotseat Pissel Bar

- Widget and popup menu item colors based on underlying wallpaper area

- Moved clear all button to actions view

- SeekBar to customize recent apps background opacity

- Option to control wallpaper zooming

- Toggle for DT2S

- CAF functionality improvements/enhancements:

- Camera extensions

- WiFi display/miracast

Device-side Stuffz

- OOS Style alert slider

- Fixed dual sim/2nd sim not working

- Added option to choose between 60 or 120 Hz for refresh rate

- switched to aosp nfc & wfd

- Pocket mode should be working correctly now

- Fixed Hey Google not working

- Fixed echo in phone calls especially on speakerphone

- Switched to qti vibration and some vibration improvements

- Switched to udfps for fod

- IllusionX as kernel

What to do next?

- Get enforcing working

- Still trying to get warp charging to completely work correctly

- Fix T-Mobile apn/volte issue

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