11 Thesis Statement Examples

11 Thesis Statement Examples

Shawn John

A thesis statement is one of the essential components of the introduction in any sort of writing. It consists of two or three sentences. Students while doing a thesis often have concerns about how to write a perfect thesis statement and where to add it to the thesis.

Many students make a huge mistake by inserting a thesis statement into the Abstract. Remember, the introduction and Abstract are two different things. The right position to include a thesis statement in your thesis is the end of the first paragraph of the introduction.

This article is going to explore the most effective ways through examples to write a strong thesis statement but before move towards that, students should the importance of a thesis statement in the PhD thesis or the essays.

Why Thesis Statement is Important?

The thesis statement plays a significant role in all genres of writing. Students must learn to write a firm thesis statement for their academic assignments. It is important because it covers the following features.

-         Most Brief Account of the Main Idea

A thesis statement directly hits the main idea of your thesis or vice versa within the limited words.

-         Outline of the Findings

It is the shortest and the strongest synopsis of what you have found in your research and how you are going to portray the problem in the later content.

-         Hit your Argument

Despite being the most precise section of the content, it navigates the readers to the argument you are going to build and discuss in the further paragraphs.

Characteristics of a Concrete Thesis Statement

A concrete thesis statement follows some must-have qualities. When students hire academic assistance online like Online PhD Thesis Help at The Research Guardian or give self-written content for edit, the professional writers make sure to incorporate all the required characteristics while writing the thesis statement for your content. The thesis statement should always be:

·        Concise – It should not exceed three sentences

·        Engaging – It must be able to engage the reader

·        Specified – it describes a specified area of the topic

·        Arguable – It can be questioned; it provokes a controversial thought

·        Compelling – It should compel the reader to go into the main body of the content and read further

·        Comprehensive – It should be clear and easy to comprehend

How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement – Coherent Examples

Nothing can give you a better idea of a strong thesis statement than a demonstrating thesis statement example. Here are some easy examples that will help you in this regard.

Determine the Subject

While writing a thesis statement you should focus on the subject. Like if you are writing a Psychology PhD thesis and using the language of marketing, it would weaken your statement.

1.   For Example – Weak Statement

“Information in the thesis should be Legal”, it’s a weak statement because the word ‘Legal’ is connected with the law while the statement is related to an academic career. You should use the word ‘Valid’ instead.

2.   For Example – Weak Statement

The element of jealousy is more connected to women than men even though men are more ungenerous. It is absurd because there is no connection between jealousy and generosity. Both are two different subjects.

3.   For Example – Strong Statement

Worldly desires are unstoppable and often lead people to anxiety. This study will explore the reasons why people desire and how it can be controlled. It is a strong thesis statement because the language and idea are relevant to the subject.

Avoid Vague Terms and Phrases

Vague terms and phrases can make the thesis statement ambiguous. Use phrases perfectly.

4.   For Example – Weak Statement

“Food and Perfumes scents attract people.” It is a weak statement because the terms food and perfumes scents are an imperfect combination of words.

5.   For Example – Weak Statement

“Energy drinks can lift up your mood.” A vague phrase is used because the word ‘lift’ means to raise or move in the upper direction so there is no need to mention ‘up’.

6.   For Example – Strong Statement

“Writing a thesis statement is a hard nut to crack.” It is the best phrase that suits this statement.

Don’t Use Conventional or Prejudiced Ideas

Such statements which are easily agreeable are not considered good thesis statements. It should create an argument in the readers' minds.

7.   For Example – Weak Statement

“Fair elections are the requirement of the time.” Everyone may relate and agree to this statement so it’s a weak thesis statement.

8.   For Example – Strong Statement

“Joint Family system is beneficial for the upbringing of children”. This can be considered a strong arguable statement because not everyone supports the joint family system.

9.   For Example – Strong Statement

“Covid vaccination must be injected to all. It doesn’t have negative effects.” It is also a perfect example of a strong thesis statement because it is conflicting.

Avoid Using Hither Thither Thoughts

You should be relevant to the topic while writing a thesis statement. Avoid inserting additional thoughts that are not directly concerned with the topic.

10. For Example

“Public parks are not safe for children although there are exciting and adventurous swings.” This is a weak statement because it holds the element of joy instead of explaining the reason why public parks are not safe.

11. For Example – Strong Statement

“Books are always a person’s best friend because they give the best advice in all matters of life.” It’s a strong statement because the idea is concise, comprehensive, arguable, and to the point.


These are the easiest explanations one can use to elaborate the dies and dints of a thesis statement. One should satisfy all the above-mentioned rules for a thesis statement because a little negligence can weakens the very first impression of your thesis. You should be efficient enough to write it perfectly.

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