11 Methods To Refresh Your Weston-Super-Mare Double Glazing

11 Methods To Refresh Your Weston-Super-Mare Double Glazing

Boost the Look of Your Victorian Home With Double Glazed Windows From Seal-Lite

Weston-Super-Mare residents can bring new life to their Victorian homes with uPVC windows from Seal-Lite. We can also improve newly built homes and apartments.

UPVC replacement windows are a great insulation, keeping your home warm and draught-free. They can also reduce the cost of energy by reducing your dependence on the boiler.

Energy efficiency

Installing double-glazed windows that are thermally efficient can have a significant impact on your energy bills. They will keep your home warm, saving you money on heating. This can also reduce condensation and draughts within your home.

All replacement windows that we supply and fit are glazed with Planitherm, which is an A-rated glazing system. This improves the efficiency of your home, meaning that you'll be using less electricity and fuel. This can also help to cut your carbon footprint and save you money.

If you live in a traditional property We can provide you with uPVC sash windows that will perfectly fit into your Weston Super Mare home's heritage design. They are extremely flexible and can be either single hung, where only one sash is moveable or double hung in which both can be opened. Modern sash windows are comparable to casement windows when it comes to thermal efficiency.

You can also pick from our Residence Collection if you want to improve your Weston Super Mare home's contemporary style. These beautiful windows come with Secured by Design certification and their sleek design will add elegance to your home. They are an excellent choice for homes that have to comply with planning restrictions or conservation areas requirements.

We can offer you various color finishes for your brand new uPVC windows. This way, you can find the perfect colours to match your Weston-Super-Mare home and create a unique look that will enhance your home's aesthetics. You can also opt for the woodgrain effect to create a more traditional finish. This will give the appearance of natural wood without any maintenance requirements. Your window installer can guide you on the finish that is best for your windows.


As winter approaches, dampness and condensation can be a problem for homeowners. To avoid these problems and their aggravation by cold weather or a lack ventilation, it is crucial to ensure that your home is properly protected. Thankfully, double glazing can aid in reducing the build-up of moisture in your home by blocking drafts and keeping your house warm.

Many homeowners are worried about their energy costs. With double glazing, you will see a significant drop in the cost of these bills. The insulating properties of uPVC windows help to reduce heating costs by stopping the heat from leaving your home. The windows are also designed to capture the sun's heat and then transfer it to your home, bringing it to an ideal temperature.

Along with decreasing energy bills, uPVC replacement windows also enhance the security of your home in the Wells area. The locking mechanism that is built into every uPVC window design is robust and sophisticated, making it extremely difficult for burglars to gain access to your property through windows.

Double glazing can be a challenge in conservation areas or historic properties, in which it is be impossible to replace windows and door. This issue can be addressed by using secondary glazing. It can provide all the advantages that are offered by uPVC in your Weston-Super-Mare home. Secondary glazing is an additional glass pane that is placed between your existing windows and is filled with argon gas, which has sound-dampening properties. This type of window can reduce the sound in your home. It is worth noting that triple glazing, which features an additional glass pane and a cavity of argon gas can be an even more effective sound-dampening solution.


Double glazing can help cut down on outside noises by creating a soundproof separation between your home and the street. It can also reduce energy bills and prevent loss of heat. door repair weston-super-mare , colours and sizes are offered to suit any style of property. They can be retrofitted into older properties or used as replacement windows. A professional installer will be able to guide you on the type of window is best for your Weston-Super-Mare property.

If you live in an area designated as a conservation area or listed building there are options for double glazing that allow you to preserve the traditional aesthetics of a heritage building without sacrificing performance. These are known as secondary windows and are designed to be installed behind existing sash frames, either single-hung (where just one sash is moveable) or double glazing (where both sashes can be opened). The sash frame will be replaced by a solid timber box, which is lined with insulated foam to create a strong barrier between your home and the street.

The gap between the two glass panes is filled with a gas, such as argon, which acts as insulation to provide a thermal and sound proof seal. This is particularly beneficial for older properties where draughts and condensation are common. Double glazing can also enhance the value of your property.

Another reason to invest in double glazing is to guard your home from intruders. It creates an extra physical barrier that thieves can't break through and it can also help to block the sound of a dripping tap or other household noise.

Always ensure whether the company you select has the required insurance and certifications. You should also choose an installer that offers an extended service plan, which includes advisory support after installation. This will enable you to keep your double glazing in good condition for many years and make the most of it.

Visual Appeal

Many period buildings and properties have double-glazed sash windows. Estate agents frequently say that they can add value and are a selling factor for properties. Seal-Lite provides a variety of uPVC windows and doors that can be used to improve the appearance of older properties or listed buildings. The Residence 9 window system, for instance, is designed to mimic the appearance of a 19th Century flush sash timber window whilst providing market-leading thermal and acoustic performance. This makes it a great option for conservation areas, as well as for new-build cottages or homes.

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