11 "Faux Pas" That Are Actually Okay To Do With Your Wood Burning Stoves For Sale

11 "Faux Pas" That Are Actually Okay To Do With Your Wood Burning Stoves For Sale

Wood Burning Stoves For Sale

Wood stoves are a beautiful and efficient method of heating your home. They come in various styles that can be matched to any aesthetic and are carbon neutral.

If you live in a smoke control area, you'll want to choose an approved wood stove that is EPA-certified. They meet the strict emission standards to limit harmful particulates and pollutants.

Catalytic & Non-Catalytic

Wood stoves are designed to burn logs of wood in a controlled way to generate heat. They can be powered by both soft and hard wood and offer a more efficient way to heat your home than an open fireplace or insert. They can attain a high level efficiency, up to 80% as opposed to 15-20% for an open fireplace. They also use less wood which can reduce your carbon footprint.

EPA regulations set the smoke emissions limit for all stoves to be mandatory of 4.1 grams/hour (for catalytic stoves) and 7.5 grams/h (for non-catalytical stoves). Over the years manufacturers have developed technology for combustion to meet these standards.

Catalytic stoves lower the temperature of ignition making use of catalysts made from platinum or palladium. This ensures that all gases are burned and results in a cleaner, less polluting burning. The stoves can also sustain a longer burn time due to their thorough combustion process.

Modern non-catalytic wood stoves use baffles or stainless steel tubes to re-ignite the lingering gases and initiate secondary combustion. This reduces the amount of unburnt gases that enter the flue and results in an active, stunning flame display. Non-catalytic stoves are generally easier to operate and do not require the regular cleaning or replacement of a catalyst.

Both non-catalytical and catalytical stoves can be used conjunction with a venting device that allows them to burn both hard and soft wood with the same rate of efficiency. Two options can help you get the most out of your wood and help you discover the ideal wood-burning stove to fit your home.

Morso sells catalytic stoves as well as non-catalytic stoves that are Swan-labelled. This means they meet the most stringent environmental standards that exist in the world. Their wood stoves release considerably less fine particles than EPA-certified versions and are a sustainable heating option.

Energy Independence

Wood stoves are an excellent way to achieve energy independence and reduce dependence on gas, oil or electricity. A wood stove generates radiant heat that heats your home in a cost-effective and natural method. You can even use a blower to distribute the warmth more quickly in the coldest nights of winter.

With the most advanced technology for combustion the modern wood stoves are built with air quality and efficiency in mind. They employ bricks and baffles to ensure that the wood burns efficiently. They also employ air injection tubes to bathe the fire with air, reducing the amount of unburned matter that escape into the surrounding environment.

With these innovations that are available, you can enjoy the warmth of your wood stove without worrying about air pollution. The smoke that is produced by new wood stoves is much less harmful than that generated by older stoves. Additionally, burning wood is a sustainable and renewable energy source. It does not release more carbon dioxide into the environment than it would in the event that it were left to decay naturally in the forest.

When you are looking at wood stoves, look for the EPA certified symbol. This signifies that the stove is in compliance with the minimum standards set by EPA to reduce air pollution. It's also important to take into consideration the size of your wood stove and how much coverage you need for your home. A wood stove that is the right size will maximize the efficiency of your energy, while still supplying enough heat to be able to comfortably heat your home.

The EPA-certified wood stoves available for sale at Embers Living are available in both traditional and modern styles to fit in with any home. Shop online for the top freestanding wood stoves or stop by one of our Colorado showrooms to take an in-depth view of our selection. Our knowledgeable team is happy to answer your questions about our wood stoves and other products. To make things easier we provide delivery to your home or office. We are proud to offer wood stoves made by the most trusted manufacturers in the industry including Lopi and England’s Stove Works.

Warmth and Aesthetics

A wood burning stove is a beautiful addition to any home. It radiates heat throughout your home, letting you to stay warm without having to switch on your furnace. It also keeps you warm during a power failure and shield you from neighbors until power is restored.

Modern wood burners feature catalytic technology that ignites gasses that have not been burned before they are ejected through the chimney. This reduces creosote, and promotes a cleaner burn. They're designed to burn more efficiently than traditional stoves and can save you money on heating costs. Some models double as a stovetop, meaning you can use your wood-burning stove for heating as well as cooking.

You'll want to also consider the kind and quantity of wood you'll use for your stove. Different kinds of wood burn at different rates and produce different BTUs. The size of your home and the insulation of your home will determine the amount of heat you can generate using your stove. For this reason, it's essential to measure the area where you're thinking of placing your wood stove and to consult with an expert about what kind of wood burner is best for your needs.

Before you make a purchase, make sure you check with your local government to see if regulations limit or prohibit wood stoves from being installed in your area. Some municipalities may require a flue lining or other safety requirements. You should also make sure that the stove is certified by the EPA. This means that the manufacturer has achieved EPA emission standards, which are lower than older stoves.

If you're looking for an exceptional wood burning stove to buy take a look at the options at Embers Living. We offer a range of models with various sizes, features and designs to enhance any living space. Visit our showroom and talk to our staff for advice. Alternatively, you can use our online store to browse our large selection and purchase your new wood stove from your home.


Wood stoves are a more efficient heating source than traditional masonry fire places. They convert more of the wood's fuel into heat. wood burner fireplace are designed to operate completely off the energy grid, saving you significant amounts on your utility bills. They can also be used to heat your house for many hours. An optional electric blower can be used to distribute the heat more rapidly, but it consumes a small amount of electricity.

They are also less susceptible to chimney smoke than fireplaces, which could cause issues for those living in the vicinity. This is because wood stoves have a sealed combustion chamber, meaning that they are more efficient in transferring heat into homes.

Many of the latest wood burning stoves on the market use advanced technology to boost their efficiency, with many boasting efficiencies of up to 81 percent. However, even the most efficient stoves require some diligence on the part of their owners in order to get the best performance. The most important thing is to ensure that the stove's air controls aren't completely closed. This could cause the appliance to overheat, which could cause damage and decrease its performance. Modern stoves come with specific instructions in their owners guides on how to control the air controls.

The use of high-quality firewood is also a critical element in the effectiveness of a wood stove. The more dry the wood, the more efficiently it will burn and generate heat. A good rule of thumb is to use only well-seasoned wood that has been split and dried for at least a year.

In addition to ensuring proper use, there are many other things you can do to help your wood burning stove become more efficient. Some of them are easy, such as making sure that the vent is not blocked or blocked from the flue or causing obstruction, while others require more complex adjustments to the combustion process of your wood stove.

It is crucial to decide what the wood stove's main purpose is in your home. Is it to provide an atmosphere element for cozy evenings, or is it to serve as your main source of heat? If you are installing a wood stove, you must follow DEC's Wood Smoke Control Guidelines.

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