1000 mg vitamin c when pregnant

1000 mg vitamin c when pregnant

1000 mg vitamin c too much

1000 Mg Vitamin C When Pregnant


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•  What causes Vitamin C deficiencies? •  Is it possible to overdose on Vitamin C? •  The effect of a Vitamin C overdose on Copper •  The effect of a Vitamin C overdose on Zinc •  The effect of a Vitamin C overdose on Manganese •  The effect of a Vitamin C overdose on Calcium •  The effect of a high dose of Vitamin C on Nickel & Vitamin E •  Optimal supplementation of Vitamin C by population average •  How much Vitamin C should one supplement? •  Vitamin C supplementation during Pregnancy and Nursing •  The discovery and history of ascorbic acid •  2014  RDA or DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) without naturally occurring cofactors - such as rutin and hesperidin - were used), and that epidemiological data showed no evidence at all that higher dosages of ascorbic acid caused cancer. (listed below) that cause a Vitamin C deficiency or reduce its benefits. amount, or specific Vitamin C side effects that apply to everyone. 

At the same time, while the potential to You are hereLife Stages » Pregnancy and Lactation, This page works the best with Internet Explorer 5.0 followed by Netscape 6.0. I don't recommend viewing it with Netscape Navagator and possibibly older versions of Netscape. Lemon juice would be another alternative, rinsing the vagina gently with pure or slightly diluted lemon juice will also help kill sperm. Both of these remedies will probably cause irritation to the vaginal tissues. If it is too much, this side effect can be remedied by taking a bath, or gently douching with water. I say gently, because douching because you want to rinse sperm out, not force them in any further. I've also read that garlic, might have some spermacical activities. If you don't have easy access to anything else it might be worth a try. Peel and bruise a clove and push it up against your cervix and leave it there for 8 hours. I wouldn't trust these remedies to kill every sperm but they can probably get most of them.

The following day it might be wise to go for emergency contraceptive pills at the local planned parenthood. If it is too late for emergency contraceptive pills, then your next best option in my opinion would be to use an implantation inhibitor, which works by making the uterus temporarily unsuitable for a fertilized egg. My first choice would be queen anne's lace seeds. 1 teaspoon of seeds CHEWED per day, wash them down with a glass of water. Make sure you chew them well so that the oils are released. These are taken for the next 7 to 10 days then stopped. They are not easy to find, although I have found some online sources where you can order them. This is something to have on hand just in case, rather than search for in the time of crisis. If you are unable to obtain or can't use Queen Anne's Lace seeds (also known as wild carrot). [follow the links for more detailed information and how-to's] Then Vitamin C or Rutin would be your next best alternative. I have no opinion on which is more effective when it comes to vitamin c or rutin.

Personally I really don't know much about rutin other than what Susun Weed wrote in her book. Vitamin c is used more often than rutin. But perhaps as more women become aware of these alternatives and tell me of their experiences when trying to prevent pregnancy, we will get a better feel for their effectiveness. For doses and more info on Rutin follow the above link. When using vitamin c as an emergency contraceptive or implantation inhibitor, 6 grams of vitamin c (pure ascorbic acid, check the ingredients) are taken each day, divided into 500mg or 1000 mg doses (1000 mg = 1 gram) are spaced over the 24 hour day. 6 to 10 grams are taken per day for the next 10 days then stopped. However, I do think that the queen anne's lace seeds are more effective than the vitamin c is at preventing implantation of a fertilized egg. In the meantime obtain two or three early detection pregnancy tests. If possible try to find the ones which can give an accurate reading 10 days after ovulation has occurred.

You will use these tests as early warning in case the vitamin c did not work. Rather than just waiting for menstruation to arrive, and potentially wasting valuable time if you did conceive and the steps you took to inhibit implantation didn't work. The first pregnancy test is taken 12 days after being exposed to sperm, (if 3 tests are bought) the second test is taken two days later, and the final test is taken 1 week after the last test was taken. Before Menstruation is due - when menses is due in about 5 days its a perfect time to begin abortive herbs if a high risk exposure to semen has been identified. Susun Weed's favorite herb for use during this time is Blue Cohosh, but any good quality abortive herb is likely to be effective. The earlier the pregnancy is the easier it will be to disrupt, but don't be fooled, terminating a pregnancy is NOT an easy task. Our bodies are designed to protect and nurture the embryo, disrupting the process is not easy especially if one is healthy and the pregnancy is too.

Most abortive herbs have a strong scent, if you get herbs that are old or harvested or stored improperly will be unlikely to give you the results you desire. So be choosey, you only get one shot. Herbs from walmart are unlikely to be as good as those from a local herb shop. Dosages for the various herbs at this time would be at or near abortive strength, I hesitate to use the more toxic herbs in their abortive doses unless the pregnancy has been confirmed. When it is this early, its hard to find a test accurate enough to be accurate. So again, use your discression, and base your decisions on the information you gathered in previous pages, and use them only if you really feel it is neccessary. Vitamin C can be used in place of the abortive herbs, and is more easily found than some of the herbs. Intuition tells me that herbs of excellent quality may be more effective at disrupting pregnancy before menses is due, but I don't have any data to back that up. I've seen it work and not work, fewer women have reported in on the herbs so its hard to say how effective they are.

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