100 Cute

100 Cute


100 Cute

How to Start a Conversation with a Guy
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Sweet Things to Say to your Boyfriend over Text (to make him feel special)
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How to Make a Guy Want to be With You (10 must have behaviors)
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We created a list of cute things to say to your boyfriend so that you can be creative in telling him all the ways that he is special to you.  
 We are always looking for ways to show how much that we care about someone and these phrases can be used in a card, sent as a text or used as Instagram captions. 
Some of our phases or texts are cute, some are flirty and many are cheeky! Use whenever you are in the mood to make him smile!
  40.You make life so much more fun
  56. My life with you is so much better than I have ever imagined
  57. I actually don’t hate love songs anymore
 58. I would love to just freeze this moment in time with you
60. Whenever anything happens to me, you are the first person I want to share it with
One way to make him feel special is to simply let him know that he is on your mind. By touching base throughout the day using a quick text or GIF it’s a simple way to stay connected.
The sweetest thing is to let him know how important he is to your life. Who doesn’t want to know that they are loved or cared about?
No one, so tell him and show him all the ways that he is the one for you!
Giving an honest compliment will definitely make him smile. While letting him know what you appreciate about him will definitely melt his heart!
We have over 200 deep questions to ask that will help you both get to know each other in a deeper way. It’s so much easier to dive into meaningful topics when you turn it into more of a game.
Why not try unique ways to tell him good night? This is the best way to make sure that YOU are the last thing that is on his mind at night. 
We have lots for you to choose from including images with a cute message. It’s all about finding different ways to stay connected in a very busy world.
Our complete list of “cute things to say to your boyfriend” can be sent in texts, along with our cute, flirty texts link that is below.
We also have romantic ways to say good morning in fun and creative ways. Keep things interesting by using our good morning quotes, texts and images.
Use our cute things to say to your boyfriend to brighten their day and make them smile! All relationships take care to remain or become strong. Show them that they mean a lot to you by the words and actions that you use.
 So often when a relationship ends, it is because someone did not pay enough attention to what matters to the other partner.
Do your part by listening to what they are asking for or they are saying that they need from you.
 Show kindness by your words and the way that you act towards the person that you like or love. These simple things will help make your relationship a success!




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I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “actions speak louder than words.” Yes, in a romantic relationship, what you do does matter. But what you say matters as well. Your girlfriend expects you to say cute things to her on a daily basis. After all, you should be a gentleman. You want your girlfriend to feel loved, secure, and passionate about you.
The simplest way to express your emotions and affection is “I love you.” But that’s not the only way to show her you love her. Therefore, I want to share with you:
Verbalize your feelings in a romantic relationship in a special way. I’m sure your girl will appreciate it!
Now I know many of these one-liners are cheesy. But believe me when I say that these cute things to say to your girlfriend do work. And they work well. But the trick is to use the sentence at the appropriate moment. And you have to be truthful. Use them only if you truly and really feel it in your heart. There is no point joking about romantic love. It not only insults your girlfriend, but you as well.
My last piece of advice: use them when you are cuddling, or text her when she least expects it.
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Do you know what my shirt is made of? Girlfriend material!
Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass!
Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!
I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.
Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers.

Cuteness means when you are beautiful at the same time cool, there are bunch of people who are cute. This kind of people are easy for you If you use these cute pick up lines that are high guaranteed to work and Pickupliness guaranteed these amazing bundle of cute pick up lines .
You must be a keyboard because your my type.
Do you live in a cornfield? Because I stalk you
Are you the SAT because I’d do you for 3 hours and 45 minutes with a 10 minute break halfway through for snacks, and then I can stare at you for like 10 minutes and […]
Did you know there is 21 letters in the alphabet (no) oops! I forgot u r a q t
Can you touch me so I can tell my friends that I was touched by an angel?
If there were any words to describe how beautiful you are, Webster would have to make a whole new dictionary Just to describe your smallest feature.
Can i tie your shoes? Because I don’t want you falling for anyone else.!
You have a secret admirer… its not so secret… It’s ME.
There are 21 letters in the alphabet, right? Oh, never mind. I missed U R A Q T.
Do you have a pencil? Cause I want to erase your past and write our future.
How was Heaven when you left it? – See Funny Pick Up Lines
When I first saw you I looked for a signature, because every masterpiece has one.
If God made every woman as lovely as you, men wouldn’t appreciate beauty as much.
Baby, somebody better call God, cuz he’s missing an angel!
Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be Pretty Cute
Is your name Gillette? Because you’re the best a man can get
You remind me of a pop tart. (Why?) You’re cool cause you’re hot!
If you were a teddy bear i would sleep with you every night – See: Ted Pick Up Lines
If you were a car, I’d wax you and ride you all over town.
I wanna floss with your pubic hair.
Hey you know Dr. Phil says I am afraid of commitment…. Do you want to prove him wrong?
My love for you is like the energizer bunny; it keeps going and going.
You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line !
If you were a tear in my eye I would not cry for fear of losing you.
I know why Solomon had 600 wives, because he never found you.
Roses are red, bananas are yellow, wanna go out with a nice little fellow?
You’re eyes are bluer than the Atlantic ocean and baby, I’m all lost at sea.
If I were a stop light, I’d turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.
Does your watch have a second hand? I want to know how long it took for me to fall in love with you
It’s not my fault I fell in love. You are the one that tripped me.
God gave us two ears, two eyes, two legs and two hands, but he only gave us one heart, and he wanted me to find you and tell you, you are the second one
There are many fish in the sea but you’re the only one that’s caught my eye
If you had eleven roses and you looked in the morror; then you’d see twelve of the most beatiful things in the world.
Hey baby do you like a man that can carry big things because I have the biggest sweetheart
I’ll put a tear drop in the ocean. When you find it is when I’ll stop loving you. I lost my teddy bear can i sleep with you
Do you have a map because I keep getting lost in your eyes?
Was your father an alien? because you are out of this world
Is there an airport nearby, or is that just my heart taking off?
You are like a candy bar: half sweet and half nuts.
Hello how are you? [Fine] Hey, I didn’t ask you how you looked!
Do you have a Band Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
You look so sweet you’re giving me a toothache.
What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in the room?
You’re too pretty to be real. May I pinch you to see if I’m dreaming?
You can fall off a building, you can fall out of a tree, but baby the best way to fall, is in love with me – See: Girls Pick Up Lines
Your lips look so sweet, just one kiss and I swear I could give up sugar for life!
Have you ever had a guy follow you across the quad (or into a coffeehouse, onto the Metro) because he liked your smile?
I memorized every number in the phone book, but managed to lose yours. I’m gonna need to get that.
Can I buy you your last drink? Why is it going to be my last drink? Cause after that, I am taking you home.
I need your help! My mom says that if I don’t get a date by tomorrow, she’s putting me up for adoption.

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Find a name for baby boy that reflects just how cute he is.
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Patricia Barnes is a homeschooling mom of 5 who has been featured on Global TV, quoted in Parents magazine, and writes for a variety of websites and publications. Doing her best to keep it together in a life of constant chaos, Patti would describe herself as an eclectic mess maker, lousy crafter, book lover, autism mom, and insomniac.
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Choosing a cute boy name can be rife with problems. You’ll want to find a name that you and, if applicable, your partner like. But you’ll also want to consider the name’s meaning, popularity, and any potential negative associations.
Having spent many hours two reading through name lists, books, and websites, we have all we need to compile a list of the cutest boy names and their meanings. We also have a handy factoid or two that may help you with your decision-making process.
Here are our top 100 choices for cute baby boy names.
Adric is an English boy’s name with no meaning.
In the television show, “Dr. Who,” Adric is a companion of the fourth and fifth doctors. The name is an anagram of the surname of physicist Paul Dirac who shared the Nobel Prize for Physics with Erwin Schrödinger in 1933.
Aldous is an English name meaning “old”.
Aldous Huxley was the English author and philosopher famous for his written works which include “Brave New World,” the dystopian novel about a future where humans are bio-engineered.
Alf is a short form of Alfred which means “elf counsel.”
Alf is also a stand-alone Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian name that means “elf.” It is also the short form of Adolf, which means “noble wolf.”
Andris is a Hungarian and Latvian diminutive of Andrew , meaning “manly” or “masculine.”
In some countries where Christianity is the dominant religion, name days are celebrated. On a name day, everyone with a specific forename celebrates. The name day for Andris is November 30th.
Aodhán, pronounced AY-DAWN (with a soft D sound), is an Irish name, meaning “little fire.”
This name began as a nickname for people called Áed, or Adoh, which means fire. In Irish mythology, Áed was a god of the underworld who was cursed to spend 900 years as a swan.
Asher is a Hebrew name that means “happy” or “blessed.”
In the US, Asher has grown in popularity since the early 1990s. Currently, it is still climbing in the top 1,000 boy names. In 2021, it is #42 on the charts (1) .
A Hebrew name, Avi, means “my father.”
Avi is the pen name of author Edward Irving Wortis, who has published over 70 books for children and young adults. In 2003, Avi won The Newberry Medal for his YA book “Crispin: The Cross of Lead . ”
The name Beau is used almost exclusively as a boy’s name in the US, but in other countries, especially European countries, Beau is used for both genders.
Bede is an Old English name that means “prayer.”
Bede, also known as St. Bede and Bede the Venerable, was an English monk, author, and scholar who wrote the “Ecclesiastical History of the English People.” He is also a saint in many branches of Christianity.
Bertie is an English name that means “bright.”
Bertie is often seen as an abbreviated form of other names with the element bert, such as Albert, Herbert, or Norbert.
Blaze is a modern English form of Blaise which means “lisping.”
Blaze is also the English form of the Russian name Vlasiy, so if you’re looking for a cute boy’s name with links to your family’s Russian heritage, Blaze could be the one.
Bram is a short form of Abraham, which means “father of many.”
Bram Stoker, the Irish author of the horror classic “Dracula,” was the business manager of Henry Irving’s Lyceum Theatre, making Bram a cute boy’s name for literary, horror, and theatre fans.
Brogan is derived from the Gaelic word bróg, meaning “shoe.”
Brogan is a cute alternative to the somewhat overused Logan . However, be prepared to put up with this being shortened to “Bro.”
Buck is an English name that means “male deer.”
Buck, as a forename, was relatively common in the US until the 1940s, when it fell out of fashion. It has made a few brief comebacks, most notably during the late 1970s and early 80s, but we think it’s ripe for revival.
The name Cam has Scottish roots and means “crooked nose.”
In English, Cam is generally used as a short form of Cameron . In addition, Cam is also a Vietnamese name that means “orange” (as in the fruit, not the color).
Cash is an English name that means “box.”
Despite the common assumption that this name is connected to money, it’s actually an old English occupational surname. A cash was a box maker, with the word coming from the French “casse,” meaning “box.”
Chidi is an Igbo name, meaning “God exists.”
Chidi is the ideal cute name for a boy whose family has Igbo heritage, especially if the family has strong religious beliefs.
Chip is used as a short form of the names Christopher , Richard, and Charles .
Chip is also used in place of “Junior” in some instances. This usage generally pertains to children who are deemed “a chip off the old block” (meaning they’re just like their father).
Clem is a short form of Clemment which means “gentle” or “merciful.”
In The Database of British and Irish Hills, a “clem” is a category of hill with an assent of 100 meters all around. These were named after the author of the list “Yeamans of England & Wales,”written by E. D. Clements.
Cosmo is an Italian boy’s name meaning “decency” or “order.”
It’s cute but cool, modern-sounding but with plenty of history. What’s not to like? The only downside we can think of is that some people might associate it with the women’s magazine, Cosmopolitan.
The Welsh name Dai means “to shine.”
Pronounced DYE, Dai is also a Japanese name, meaning “title.” This makes Dai a cute boy’s name especially suitable for those with either Welsh or Japanese heritage.
Dante is an Italian name that means “enduring.”
Dante is a medieval short form of Durante. It was the full name of poet Durante di Alighiero Degli Alighieri, more commonly known as Dante, author of “The Divine Comedy”.
Dexter comes from the Latin word meaning “skilled” or “right-handed.”
Dexter became an occupational surname for someone who dyes fabrics. It then morphed into a forename that may bring to mind the TV series “Dexter’s Laboratory” or the Dexter Morgan franchise.
From the Germanic word element ebur, Ebbe means “wild boar.”
Pronounced EH-BUH, Ebbe is one of those rare cute boy names with a rugged, nature-inspired meaning . But brace yourself as people new to this name will constantly pronounce it “Ebbie.”
Eben is an English short-form of Ebenezer, meaning “stone of help.”
Eben is an attractive alternative to the longer, old-fashioned-sounding name . Ebenezer conjures images of an old man with a hatred for the Christmas season. But in our books, Eben is an adorable name for a baby boy.
A Norwegian name, Egil means “awe” or “terror.”
Egil One-Hand is the name of a legendary Viking hero. His story is told in “The Saga of Egil One-Hand,” an Icelandic tale that was first penned in the 13th century.
Eli is a Hebrew name meaning “ascension” or “my God.”
Eli Lilly was the founder of the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Company. He was an early pioneer of systematically standardizing and producing drugs so patients would receive a high-quality product.
Emerson is an English name, meaning “the son of Emery.”
Emerson is a surname that became a forename. It indicated that a child was Emery’s son. Emery is the English form of the Ancient Germanic name Emmerich, which means “ruler.” Theoretically, you could say Emerson is your “little prince.”
Ferdi is a short form of a Germanic name, meaning “brave journey.”
Due to this name’s meaning, it’s a good choice for a baby boy who has experienced a difficult journey before being born — and it sounds adorable too!
Flick is a diminutive of Felix which means “successful” or “lucky.”
A flick is a unit of time that is equal to 1/705,600,000 of a second. It was created so times commonly associated with the frequencies of audio sampling and video frame rates could be represented by integers.
Flynn is an Anglicized form of Ó Floinn, which means “descendant of Flann.”
Another surname as a first name example, Flynn’s root word, Flann, is Gaelic for “red.” That makes Flynn the ideal cute boy’s name for the child of a redheaded parent.
Gabe a shortening of Gabriel , which means “God is my strongman/hero.”
While Gabe feels like a cute modern name, it was a popular US boy’s name in the late 1800s and has hovered around the 700–800 mark for most common names of the last decade.
Gage is an Old French surname meaning either “pledge” or “measure.”
This cute boy name was virtually unknown until the 1989 release of the film adaptation of Stephen King’s horror novel Pet Cemetery. Following the movie, Gage hit the top 1,000 boy names lists, peaking at #136 in 2003.
Gus is a short form of Augustus, meaning “the dignified.”
Augustus was an honorific title given to Roman Emperors, Empresses, and select members of the Imperial family. The month of August has the same root, so this cute boy’s name could be a clever choice for babies born in August.
Hamnet is an archaic English name that means “home” or “home protec
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