10 scientifically proven benefits of reading books

10 scientifically proven benefits of reading books


Reading books has been scientifically shown to provide multitudes of cognitive, emotional, and physical health benefits, and in this article, we will explore the 10 key benefits that studies have revealed.

1. Books reduce stress and improve mood

According to a University of Sussex study, reading for just 6 minutes reduces stress levels by 68% - more than other relaxing activities like music, tea, walking, or video games - by engaging imagination to enter an altered, creativity-stimulating state of consciousness.

2. Books boost brain connectivity

Research shows that becoming deeply engaged in a novel enhances connectivity in the brain and improves overall brain function. Interestingly, reading fiction specifically was found to strengthen the reader's ability to empathize and put themselves in another person's perspective, flexing the imagination in a way that is similar to an athlete visualizing muscle memory in sports - building that mental capacity through practice.

3. Books may help prevent cognitive decline

Analysis of postmortem brains found that people who engaged in mentally stimulating activities like reading and writing throughout life were less likely to show physical signs of dementia like brain lesions, plaques, and tangles associated with cognitive decline. This provides evidence that keeping the mind active through reading may help prevent or delay the onset of age-related dementia.

4. Books increase empathy

Research suggests that reading fiction enhances individuals' "theory of mind" abilities, allowing them to better understand and empathize with the thoughts, emotions, and perspectives of others. This increased understanding and empathy can lead to improved social skills and interactions.

5. Books may help you sleep better

Research published in Social Science & Medicine found that using smartphones before bed is linked with shorter and poorer quality sleep, as the light from the devices reduces melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. In contrast, reading a book before bed helps promote relaxation and prime the body for restful sleep.

6. Books may boost intelligence

Reading regularly has been shown to boost intelligence by expanding vocabulary, as a larger lexicon is linked to higher cognitive abilities. Through exposure to a variety of words and language patterns, individuals can enhance their intellectual capacities and deepen their knowledge.

7. Books make you more creative

A research conducted at the University of Toronto reveals that individuals who indulge in short story fiction exhibit higher levels of openness compared to non-fiction readers. This heightened openness leads to enhanced cognitive abilities such as information processing and creative thinking, empowering individuals to confront life's challenges with a broader cultural background and increased imagination.

8. Books soothe symptoms of depression

Reading fiction can provide relief to individuals with depression by offering an escape from their own reality and immersing themselves in the experiences of fictional characters, while self-help books, prescribed through programs like the UK's Reading Well, can provide valuable strategies and support for managing symptoms and improving mental well-being.

9. Books improve vocabulary

Regular reading from a young age has been linked to the development of extensive vocabularies, which can have a significant impact on various aspects of life, including standardized test scores, college admissions, and career prospects.

10. Books help you live longer

A long-term study on health and retirement discovered that individuals who read books had a survival advantage, living approximately two years longer than non-readers or those who preferred other forms of media. Furthermore, reading for more than 3 1/2 hours per week was associated with a 23 percent increase in the likelihood of living longer.

The science is clear - consistently reading books can boost your brainpower, expand your mind, lower your stress, warm your heart, and add years to your life.

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