10 must-read books to help you overcome laziness

10 must-read books to help you overcome laziness


1. Atomic Habits by James Clear

(4.36/5 ⭐️)

Make small, incremental, daily improvements to your routines that compound over time into remarkable results.

2. Deep Work by Cal Newport

(4.18/5 ⭐️)

Cultivate intense, distraction-free concentration to accomplish meaningful things and thrive in a demanding world.

3. The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

(4.13/5 ⭐️)

Identify the single most important task in your work and life and make it a priority by focusing on it consistently.

4. The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal

(4.13/5 ⭐️)

Learn techniques like temptation bundling and precommitment to strengthen your self-control and resist procrastination.

5. Getting Things Done by David Allen

(4.01/5 ⭐️)

Use a system of inbox processing and next-action lists to reduce stress, increase focus, and promote productivity.

6. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

(3.99/5 ⭐️)

Defeat Resistance, your inner critic sabotaging real work, by committing to a creative endeavor and pushing past self-doubt.

7. The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey

(3.95/5 ⭐️)

Test productivity theories using your life as a lab and design effective habits tailored to your needs and goals.

8. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

(3.91/5 ⭐️)

Start your day with uplifting routines like meditation, affirmations, exercise and reading to feel motivated, focused and happy.

9. Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy

(3.87/5 ⭐️)

Identify your most important tasks and tackle them first thing in the morning to build momentum and prevent procrastination. 

10. The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

(3.87/5 ⭐️)

Take immediate action when you have an instinct to avoid or delay something by counting down 5-4-3-2-1 and moving.

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