10 lessons from the book “Make Your Bed”

10 lessons from the book “Make Your Bed”


1. It is important to start the day off with a simple task, such as making your bed. This can set you up for success throughout the day, and provide a sense of accomplishment that will carry on into the rest of your day. 

2. It is important to take small steps each day to reach a long-term goal. Making consistent progress with small tasks every day can lead to big success in achieving larger objectives.

3. In order to become successful, you must be willing to take risks and challenges in order to push yourself out of your comfort zone and learn from adversity. 

4. Find mentors who have had success in areas you want to achieve success in and learn from them; listen intently, ask questions and follow their advice if it resonates with you. 

5. Focus on what is within your control , don’t dwell too much on things that are out of your control and remember that setbacks happen, they do not define you or lead you away from achieving your goals.  

6. Take responsibility for yourself and your circumstances; oftentimes people use external factors as an excuse for why they are feeling down or why they can’t achieve something – understand that only you have the power to change things in life for yourself if you truly commit and put effort in it. 

7. Find perspective and gratitude by remembering those times where others have gone through difficult times; this appreciation of life can give purpose and encourage closer healthier relationships including with those close around us. 

8. Engaging in physical activity helps clear the mind by getting endorphins flowing; exercise stimulates mental, emotional, and physical aptitude which all work together contributing towards overall achievement in short term goals as well as our long-term objective ambitions.  

9. Determination leads us towards our desired destinations so believing in something wholeheartedly gives us opportunity for breakthroughs even building more resilience along the way - strong self-belief when it comes difficult situations evoke personal growth 

10. Remember — no matter how hard it gets — keep pushing forward while enjoying life’s little moments.

“Make Your Bed” encourages readers to start the day with a small and achievable task of making their bed in order to develop a sense of self-discipline, pride, and confidence.

Ebook: https://shrsl.com/3vidq

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