10 essential books to understand the art of persuasion

10 essential books to understand the art of persuasion


1. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

(4.36/5 ⭐️)

A former FBI hostage negotiator shares effective tactics for gaining the upper hand in negotiations through strategic deal-making and empathy.

2. Influence by Robert Cialdini

(4.21/5 ⭐️)

Explores the psychology of persuasion through six universal principles and how to ethically apply them to influence people.

3. Start with Why by Simon Sinek

(4.10/5 ⭐️)

Inspires leaders to build loyal followings and change the world by starting communications with their purpose and passion before discussing the details.

4. Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

(4.06/5 ⭐️)

Reveals improvisational persuasion techniques for high-stakes scenarios using strong narrative frameworks and audience engagement tactics.

5. Win Bigly by Scott Adams

(4.05/5 ⭐️)

Analyzes Donald Trump's persuasion techniques during his rise to the presidency and provides controversial tactics for pacing, framing arguments, and speaking simply.

6. Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell

(4.02/5 ⭐️)

Examines high-profile communication failures to explore how we can better talk to, understand, and identify truth and deception in strangers.

7. Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

(3.98/5 ⭐️)

Examines why some ideas thrive and others die and how to craft memorable messages that resonate and motivate.

8. Contagious by Jonah Berger

(3.98/5 ⭐️)

Analyzes why products and ideas become popular and provides science-based techniques to craft contagious content.

9. Yes! by Noah Goldstein, Steve Martin and Robert Cialdini

(3.97/5 ⭐️)

Breaks down 50 scientifically proven techniques to become more persuasive based on the psychology of influence.

10. Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury

(3.95/5 ⭐️)

Offers step-by-step strategies and mindset shifts for conflict resolution through interest-based negotiation and principled collaboration.

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