10 Self-Care Practices That Cost $0

10 Self-Care Practices That Cost $0

Инглиш ридинг

It’s one of the best self-care practices I started doing for myself and here is the list of things that you will love to do.

1. Change your sheets once every two weeks.

You don’t realize but your sheets are filled with lots of dead skin cells. As human body sheds 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin every minute.

According to a Business Insider article:

In one survey 55% of single men between 18 and 25 reported changing their sheets only four times a year.

It means they all are sleeping in fungus(грибки) and bacteria which they never bother. So, from now on make sure to change your sheets at least once in 14 days because the fragrance(аромат) of new sheets is beautiful and you will sleep peacefully.

2. Empty your mind every day.

We all have fear, insecurities(неуверенности), stress, and a ride of different emotions each day.

You must have noticed that when you shared your problems with your loved ones you find relief. On daily basis, verbally or in written form share your feelings. It may be talking to loved ones or God, jotting down it on paper, or talking with yourself in front of the mirror.

The important thing to remember is — write or talk the harsh(жесткие) emotions. I used to do the same mistake I never wrote the brutal feelings because I was in constant fear that someone would read it. But as I started sharing the tough, I felt more peace.

3. Practice the art of silence.

Silence is power.

It doesn’t have to be mediation. You just have to take out 10–15 minutes a day and go to the quietest place. Sit or lie down. Closed your eyes and feel it. Don’t think anything, just toss your mind in a neutral mode.

4. Feel the earth and take off your shoes.

I walk on the grass every time I go to the park. Science says that walking barefoot in nature is good for the mind and body.

Remember your childhood when you used to walk and run on those grasses. It feels magical. Just be a kid again and enjoy the natural beauty.

Take off your shoes at — beach, park, lakes, and river and nourish(питайте) your soul.

5. Smile right now — even if you are tensed(напряжены).

“Life is like a mirror, smile at it and it smiles back at you.”

Smile because the brain can’t categorize real and fake smiles. Smiling has a ripple effect and it’s a natural drug for your body.

6. Close your eyes for 2–3 minutes and think of all the good things and beautiful places you loved.

It’s simple but yet beautiful.

Try it, there will be automatically an adorable smile on your face.

7. List your positive friends and spend time with them.

Your group of friends matters the most.

As it is often said that, we are who we spend the most time with.

If your friend circle is draining your mental energy or their goals don’t motivate you, leave that group as early as possible. And find a group where someone is way higher than you so that you can take inspiration from them.

8. Always reward yourself with two more bonus points when your energy is lowest.

Only in a healthy way.

What I do is — every morning when I run 100 rounds on my terrace. In the end, I give a healthy bonus to myself and run two more rounds. It’s hard but it’s worth it.

Your body will say ‘no’ but take that little difficult step. You will automatically see its benefits.

For example, you can apply it in various ways:

  • Read two more pages of your novel.
  • Do two more squats(приседания).
  • Mediate for two more minutes.
  • Drink two more seeps(капли) of water.

9. Answer these two questions.

1. When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Think. If you haven’t done anything new then start doing things you dream of. Take that first step.

It may be posting your first YouTube video, starting a new course, traveling to a different country, or calling your crush for the first time.

Just do it.

2. What and who lights you up?

Your heart knows what makes you happy and who makes you smile. So, go in that direction. Listen to your heart. Don’t ignore it and stop impressing people. Love yourself first.

10. Do the following things:

  • Give the command to your other hand now: Whatever you have in hand right now — phone or mouse just give its control to your other hand and when you brush your teeth every day start using the non-dominant hand.
  • Pause and drink a glass of water. Be hydrated.
  • Sit 90 degrees straight on your chair or stand up if you haven’t got up from your place for a while. Take one round and come back and work.
  • Do this one-minute eye exercise: You can do it while sitting. Put your hands over your eye socket. You will see darkness. Take few breaths. Inhale and exhale. Then lift your hand and note how you feel.
  • Always park your vehicle a little far away: This way your body will get the opportunity to walk more.
  • Don’t receive a call while you are working: If you are not in a mood to talk or busy doing work then don’t receive the call. Say, no to yourself.

These are self-care practices that I do for myself. Self-care should be a combination of physical as well as emotional well-being. As you need a good mindset and a healthy body to make the best out of your life.

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