10 Quick Tips For Railroad Settlement Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

10 Quick Tips For Railroad Settlement Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Railroad Settlements and Asbestos

In 1862, Congress passed The Pacific Railroad Act. The act helped fund two transcontinental railway companies through large grants for rights-of way. Railroad workers who contract cancer as a result of exposure to their workplaces are able to sue their employers under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA).

An Illinois jury handed down an $7.5 million verdict to a former Union Pacific trackman dying from acute myeloid leukemia. The judge blamed the blood-cancer on exposure to creosote, as well as other chemicals used to protect wooden railroad ties.


Coal tar creosote can be described as an organic wood preservative used to protect railroad ties from sun, cold, heat, rain and snow. Workers are exposed to harmful chemicals and solvents, like benzene during the application of coal tar creosote. Benzene is a well-known carcinogen, and can cause myelodysplastic syndrome, leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as other serious side effects such as convulsions, changes in your heartbeat, liver damage anemia, bone marrow damage and cancer of the lungs and skin.

Our attorneys have successfully prosecuted multiple lawsuits against Union Pacific Railroad for exposure to coal-tar creosote. One of these cases landed an award of $750,000. The plaintiff was a track employee who contracted acute myeloidleukemia due to exposure to the chemical compound that is toxic on his job over 31 years. The jury concluded that the railroad failed to provide any personal protective equipment, and regularly exposed him broad range of toxic chemicals, including coal-tar creosote and coal tar distillates, carbolineum and naphtha and other cleaning solvents.

Another instance involved the use of copper naphthenate alternative to coal tar creosote. While copper naphthenate isn't as environmentally harmful than creosote is, it can still be extremely dangerous. Copper naphthenate can cause lung, skin and nerve damage. It is also a source of contamination for the groundwater and soil with benzene.


A colorless liquid petroleum hydrocarbon which is used in the manufacture of plastics, resins, nylon and synthetic fibers. It can also be found in diesel fuels and exhaust. Virtually all railroad workers are exposed to diesel fumes regularly on a basis. Benzene is a carcinogen, and has been linked to leukemia as well as myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).

There is no safe exposure level to benzene. It is taken in through the skin and inhaled. Long-term exposure to benzene may harm blood vessels, causing irregular menstrual flow, anemia and fertility issues. It is also associated with certain types of cancers such as breast and lung cancer.

Inhaling benzene is among the most dangerous. Inhaling benzene could cause dizziness, headaches nose bleeds, headaches, and loss of consciousness. Benzene can also affect the immune system and cause infections.

Recent reports have highlighted the elevated levels benzene near two Chicago train station. Commuters as well as railroad workers and city residents were exposed to high levels of pollution. Schools halted classes and cities demanded residents to seek shelter. esophageal cancer caused by railroad how to get a settlement , such as car department employees and locomotive mechanics, electricians and pipefitters work with products containing benzene, such as Safety-Kleen part washers and CRC Brakleen and paints, thinners and other items. It is also found in printing solvents.


The asbestos use in the railroad industry was discovered in the middle of the century. Asbestos is made up of six silicate minerals that naturally occur with fibrous structure. They were previously used in construction because of their an anti-corrosion, fire retardant and insulate properties. Inhaling these fibers can cause serious health problems such as lung cancer mesothelioma and asbestosis. These diseases can last up to 30 years before symptoms are evident.

The EPA has banned the mining and processing of asbestos in the United States, but it is still used in a variety of products. This includes certain kinds of floor felt, paper, and fake fire embers. When these materials are exposed either to heat or water, they can release asbestos fibers. The fibers can also be released into the air when buildings are destroyed or when homes are being renovated.

A recent study has found that exposure to benzene for just five years significantly increases the risk of developing acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms such as night sweats or unexplained weight loss. They may perform the test of blood to check for AML.

The EPA has settled a case against Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Services Inc. GWRSI operates locomotives which emit nitrogen oxides as well as fine particulates (PM2.5) when they run on diesel fuel. This EPA settlement requires that GWRSI replace any of its current locomotives with more modern models that are compliant with EPA emission standards.

Diesel Exhaust

As long as diesel fuel is used to power freight trains, railroad workers will continue to be exposed to exhaust. Diesel exhaust is a harmful mix of chemicals that includes carcinogens such benzene and carbon monoxide. It also contains particulate matter, polyaromatic hydrocarbons as well as nitrogen oxides.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified diesel exhaust as Group 1 carcinogen. Diesel exhaust may also cause respiratory ailments like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or bronchiectasis. A report published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2006 linked railroad worker employment to COPD rates.

When locomotives and railcars are running and idling they emit diesel exhaust. When engines are running, they release gases like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, in addition to diesel fumes.

Diesel exhaust fumes are often indistinguishable in locomotive cabs in which conductors and engineers are seated for up to six hours per day. When workers enter and exit the cabins, the engines and equipment emit more exhaust fumes from diesel engines and pose a risk to respiratory cancers and other issues.

Moreover railroad mechanics are exposed to diesel exhaust in poorly ventilated roundhouses and shops. They work with locomotives and track equipment in enclosed spaces that frequently produce harmful inhalants, including asbestos-insulated steam pipes and boilers and silica sand.

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