10 Lessons From the Book “Psychology of Money”

10 Lessons From the Book “Psychology of Money”

Deep Note ( @1DeepNote )

1⃣ Money Decisions

🤓 Every decision is justified by taking the information we have at the moment and plugging it into our unique mental model of how the world works.

💗 “The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance observes” — Sherlock Holmes.

2⃣ Be careful who you praise and admire; 

👉 Be careful who you look down upon and wish to avoid becoming.

🙂 We only see the headlines and believe we can do the same.

3⃣ Having Enough

🔴 One of the most challenging financial skills in the world is to get the goal post to stop moving, it is evident in our consumer-driven lifestyles.

👉 Capitalistic system makes it easy to feel good with the latest gadget or item, and you have to keep getting them.

4⃣ Compound interest

🤠 The book mentions Warren Buffett’s investment success often as he has been investing for decades.

👉 You must let your money compound naturally and stay out of its way.

5⃣ Planning is essential but

👉 the most important part of every plan — is to plan on a plan, not going according to plan.

😉 Plans and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

6⃣ You can be wrong half the time and still make a fortune

🤠 “Here’s the thing about luck…you don’t know if it’s good or bad until you have some perspective.” — Alice Hoffman

✅ You should Play the long game in finances.

7⃣ Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays

🔴 The intrinsic value of money is its ability to give you control over your time. 

👉 Unspent assets give you greater control over what you can do and when you can do it.

8⃣ Humility

👉 One of the most potent ways to increase your savings isn’t to raise your income but raise your humility.

✅ In the future, taking the ego out of my decisions will be wiser, mainly if it results in completing a long-term goal.

9⃣ True wealth is what you don’t see.

👉 Modern capitalism makes helping people fake until they make it a cherished industry

🤓 Be more concerned with what they did to earn the wealth and see how I can apply those principles.

🔟 Avoid the single points of failure.

👉 A good rule of thumb in life is “everything that can break will eventually break.“

🤠 So an important lesson as we advance is to diversify your income streams and your skillset ASAP.

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