10 Inspirational Graphics About Stand Alone Fireplace Electric

10 Inspirational Graphics About Stand Alone Fireplace Electric

A Stand Alone Fireplace Electric Can Give Your Room a Traditional Look

This electric fireplace has a traditional look and can heat rooms as large as 1,000 square feet. It has an adjustable remote and five brightness levels. It is CSA certified and has overload and overheat protection.

It makes use of radiant, also known as infrared, heating to warm objects and people rather than circulating warm air. We like its simple controls and two temperature settings.


Many models of stand-alone electric fireplace are designed to be hung on the wall with special mounting brackets. This is an excellent option for those who don't have enough space for a fireplace, or if obstructions such as windows, built-in cabinets, or bookshelves prevent you from mounting a traditional fireplace on a flat wall. Certain models can also be built-in to the wall. being 'built-in' into the wall, which could be a more appealing option if you want to give your room a more traditional appearance. In any situation, the fireplace must always be kept at least three feet away from any combustible material to ensure safety.

Before hanging your fireplace, be sure to follow the instructions of the manufacturer. If you are able, pick the location that is near an electrical outlet, and on an even surface. Mount the brackets carefully to the wall. Before screwing the brackets at the bottom down make use of a spirit-level gauge to make sure that the wall is straight.

Attach the front glass cover after the fireplace is installed. If you purchased a fireplace that comes with stones for ember and flame effects, install these as per the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Then, connect the power cord to an electrical outlet and plug in the fireplace.

If you're planning to wire your fireplace before starting work, turn off the circuit breakers at your home and allow for up to 4 feet of service cable from the outlet to junction box on the insert. If you are not sure about this, consider hiring an electrician.

Follow the instructions included with the fireplace to install it in the wall and connect it to the electrical outlet. Certain models require additional equipment, like an extension cable to reach the power outlet. Based on the type of fireplace you have, an electrician may be needed to assist. Once everything is connected and turned up, you'll be able to enjoy your new fireplace!


Electric fireplaces are built with a range of security features. For instance, the majority of them have an alarm clock that can be set to shut off the fireplace after a predetermined period of time. This feature is particularly useful for those with children or pets at the house and don't want to fret about them accidentally turning on the fireplace. Some fireplaces come with an remote that makes it easy to alter the settings from the sofa or chair.

While these fireplaces are safer than traditional wood burning fire places, they still require some care and maintenance to ensure the safety of your family and your friends. To minimize the chance of a fire, it is important to keep combustibles off from the fireplace. It's also important to ensure that the vents in your home are kept open to allow hot and cold air can circulate freely. It is also recommended to have your fireplace inspected regularly by a professional so that any issues can be addressed before they become dangerous.

A surge protector can be used to improve the security and reliability of your electric fire. These devices guard your appliance from surges of electricity and can help prevent injuries or damage to your property. They are sold at a variety of hardware stores and are priced low, making them a great investment to ensure the safety of your home.

In addition to keeping combustible material away from your fireplace, it is important to keep all electrical appliances including the fireplace, away from water and other liquids. This will help avoid injuries or accidents like electrocution, that could happen if liquids are poured over them. To avoid hazards of tripping make sure that electrical cords are out of the way and untangled. It's also a good idea always to shut off the fireplace before you leave the home or get ready to go to bed. This can help reduce energy bills and also prevent any fires that could start when you're gone.

Simple to use

Electric fireplaces are more adaptable than gas fireplaces. Gas fireplaces require ventilation systems and chimneys. Electric fireplaces can be put in any location. They are perfect for rooms without a fireplace and work as well in modern homes as they do in older traditional ones.

The versatility of an electric fireplace also allows you to easily manage its settings, which can be done using an easy remote or the unit's touch-screen display. You can adjust the flame's brightness, temperature, as well as the temperatures of the embers to your liking. Many models come with features like fake crackling or smoke to improve the appearance and make the fire appear more realistic.

Another benefit of electric fireplaces is that they generally require less maintenance than other fireplace options. While inspections of cleaning, repairs and inspections are still required however, they can be performed at a much lower frequency than with wood or gas fireplaces. Furthermore, as these units need to be connected to an electrical outlet to operate they can be utilized in any room in the house which includes kitchens, bedrooms, or bathrooms.

There are a variety of freestanding and wall-mounted electric fireplace places. Wall-mounted models can be mounted above or below the mantel, and tend to be smaller, with some even looking more like a flat-screen TV rather than traditional fireplaces. Freestanding models are generally larger, with some looking almost like an actual fireplace, complete with mantel.

The selection of an electric fireplace is dependent on whether it will be used to provide heat or as a decorative piece. While the majority of models are designed to heat the entire space however, there are certain models that can be used without producing any warmth, ideal for those who only want the ambiance of a fire.

If you decide to purchase one designed to heat your space be sure to look for the highest amount of BTUs (British thermal units) it can generate. This is the amount of heat it will generate, and should be sufficient to maintain the room at the temperature you want it to be. Consider a feature like a remote-controlled timer that will shut down the device after a certain amount of time, or a built-in sleep mode that will automatically shut off at the set time.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is how much electricity a device consumes versus how much heat it produces. It also reveals how much electricity is lost in the process.

When electric fireplaces are concerned, the higher the energy efficiency, the less you'll pay to run them. That's because they're more effective in converting electricity into heat.

The best electric fireplaces have 75 to 99percent thermal efficiency meaning that for each 100 BTUs the unit produces, between 75 and 99 BTUs will be used to heat your home. This is more efficient than gas fireplace places, which have a thermal efficiency rating of only 80%.

To ensure you're getting a fireplace with high efficiency, search for an ENERGY STAR label. This means that it has met the strict efficiency standards established by the U.S. government. Compare several models and brands to make your final decision. You can also include a programmable thermometer to your home to regulate temperature and save money.

When shopping for an electric fireplace you'll discover a range of styles that include wall-mounted and freestanding options. Certain fireplaces are equipped with remote controls, while others can be controlled via smartphones. You can pick from various temperatures and flame settings. If you want to reduce the expense of operating your fireplace, you should consider an option with a low-heat level or one that can be used without the heater being turned on.

This freestanding model has an elegant design that blends in well with all decors, and it's very easy to use. free standing electric fireplace fireplacesandstove can alter the flame's height and temperature, as well as lower the brightness of embers to create a more natural glow. It is CSA-certified and has an overheat safety system, which shuts it down immediately if it becomes too hot. It's also a great buy at less than $200. It's not as warm as other electric fireplaces we tested and it cannot be used with backfires.

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