10 Hard Truths That No One Wants to Accept in Life

10 Hard Truths That No One Wants to Accept in Life

Инглиш ридинг

Instead of moving on, people like to dwell(обитать) in the past.

This stifles(душить, подавлять) us from any type of self-improvement. It keeps our heads in the clouds rather than rooted in reality. Accepting the hard shit is the only way to call a spade a spade(называть вещи своими именами) so we can move on to the next chapter of our lives.

So here are ten hard truths that everyone should accept in their lives to keep their self-improvement progressive.

  • You suck at(вы не справляетесь) your passion right now because you just started practicing it. The world doesn’t owe you shit. You have to earn your spot in everything you do. Right now, I suck at writing but I’m never giving up on it.
  • There’s no proper way to prepare for the death of a loved one. No matter how hard you want to hold onto someone, they’ll leave you eventually. Keep a memento to remind yourself of them if that’s how you grieve(скорбите). It’s almost the end of the road for my dog, that’s why I keep a picture of him and me in my wallet(бумажник).
  • You can’t set goals if you don’t create habits. Goal-setting is a lost cause because people don’t understand they need to implement habits first. They want huge growth without putting in the work. It takes three months to fully implement a daily habit.
  • It’s impossible to lose weight if you don’t change how you eat. I’m not advertising any fad diet. I hate restrictions too, but we all have to adjust how we eat in some way to lose weight. Eating habits matter more than exercise.
  • You can’t be friends with everyone. Toxic people are floating around like dust mites(пылевые клещи). Having a horrible person in your circle is a reflection of you and your mental health.
  • Awards aren’t going to give you superpowers. I used to gun for every award out there until I realized it was a piece of gold that got dusty in my attic(чердак). Don’t get caught up(не попадайте в ловушку) in award-hype, enjoy the process.
  • To make more money, you have to save more and spend less. You can take this in baby steps by not getting your burrito at Chipotle every other evening.
  • You are your toughest(самый жесткий) critic. To this day I still look at articles I’ve written and I’m confused as to how they got so much attention. Don’t start criticizing things that do well. Move on to the next creation.
  • You need a therapist but you either can’t afford it or don’t want to go because of the stigma(позор). I cope with my depression by writing since I’m a broke college student. If you can afford therapy – get a therapist.
  • You are going to be lazy (maybe even a few hours a day). This is okay. Productivity isn’t about working nonstop, it’s about being smarter with how you allocate your time.

Accepting these hard truths are crucial to our self-improvement.

The moment we start denying them is the moment we start kicking ourselves in the ass. I know you want to live a happy life and a happy life isn’t about staying in the same shitty rut you were in before. Embrace your flaws and move on.

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"У большинства из нас есть две жизни. Одна, которую мы проживаем, и вторая - непрожитая- внутри нас. А между ними - Сопротивление." Стивен Прессфилд.

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