10 Apps Like Duolingo That Are Better For Learning a New Language

10 Apps Like Duolingo That Are Better For Learning a New Language

With each app recommendation, we’ll give you a better, similar, or different rating to help you quickly compare.


1. Rype

Better, similar, or different?: Different (and better for speaking)

Rype is an online platform where you can take private 1-on-1 language lessons with professional teachers. There’s arguably no better way to learn how to speak a new language than through practicing with native speakers. Rype gives you immediate access to handpicked teachers that will offer a fully personalized lesson plan based on your needs and goals.



2. Busuu

Better, similar, or different?: Similar

Busuu offers a language learning experience that compares to Duolingo. They have a structured curriculum that you can progress through involving audio, vocabulary, and other gamified experiences. However, unlike Duolingo, Busuu has a more limited free version as they have a premium subscription-based business model. What we do like about Busuu is that the community seems more integrated to give you feedback on your speaking skills.


3. Memrise

Better, similar, or different?: Different (Memorizing words)

For as long as we can remember, using flash cards were either an ugly experience online or you had to rely on physical cards. Enter Memrise. A beautiful experience with pre-built flash card collections that you can use. While the technology is applicable for memorizing just about anything, its main focus seems to be around foreign languages.


4. Babbel

Better, similar, or different?: Better/Similar

Like Duolingo, Babbel offers an instructional language course to help you learn the basic words and grammar rules. They claim to focus more on conversation lessons, and others seem to justify paying for their premium courses. Compared to Busuu however, Babbel’s subscription limits you to just one language at a time. That means if you want to learn French, after learning Spanish, you’ll have to pay for a separate membership.

We recommend you check out our article on Duolingo vs. Babbel.


5. Mango Languages

Better, similar, or different?: Similar

This app like Duolingo, helps you learn basic grammar and vocabulary in your target language. From a user interface and experience perspective, it looks and feels quite similar to Duolingo. Their lessons are organized by chapters, and is not as gamified as Duolingo.

screenshot of Mango's courses pathway.


6. Rosetta Stone

Better, similar, or different?: Similar

Rosetta Stone has been around the language learning space, as long as… rosetta stones have been around? JK. But you may remember back in the days when they used to sell physical CD’s. They have evolved their model recently by introducing a cloud version of their app via a subscription model.

Check out our Rosetta Stone review.


7. MindSnacks

Better, similar, or different?: Different

While Duolingo is a gamified approach to language learning, MindSnacks is literally a language game. Based on the look and feel of the app, it looks like it’s catered towards the younger demographics but they claim it’s for all ages. It’s also designed for mobile-first, so you can learn on-the-go, while you’re commuting or bored at home!

Resultado de imagen para mindsnacks


8. Tandem

Better, similar, or different?: Different

Tandem is a language exchange community, where you can find conversation partners. It’s different from Duolingo in that it allows you to connect with real humans in your local city. What’s missing is a curriculum and lesson plan that helps you go from beginner to intermediate or intermediate to advanced. However, it’s a useful complement if you want to improve your writing skills in Spanish, French, or more.


9. Podcasts

Better, similar, or different?: Better for listening skills

Podcasts are free, plentyful, and incredibly productive for learning any new language. Like Duolingo, it’s free as long as you’re OK with listening to sponsors. More importantly, it allows you to multi-task while listening because it doesn’t require your full attention.

Here are a few top podcasts we recommend for learning a new language:

  • Coffee Break
  • News in Slow
  • Innovative Language Podcasts


10. TripLingo

Better, similar, or different?: Better for travelers

TripLingo is a language app designed for travelers, specifically international travelers. It’s hard to know the history of the app’s progress without speeaking to its founders, but one could argue the language portion came later. When you visit their website, most of their tools are focused on travelers, not language learners.

These include features like culture guides, safety tools, and cost savings for the budget-savvy traveler. TripLingo also offers phrasebooks and voice translators, which seems to be their key language learning features. Either way, if you want an app that offers resources for your international travels on top of basic language resources, this is great choice.

Perhaps not the best app though if you want to go deeper into learning a new language.



Which of these apps will you try?

We hope you enjoyed this overview of apps like Duolingo that are similar, different, and even better. As you saw, these language apps come in different flavors which is why we recommend trying out several of these before deciding.

If you want to improve your conversation skills, we recommend checking out Rype or Tandem. In addition to speaking, if you want a fun app to learn with while on-the-go, then apps like Busuu or podcasts may be great complements. Either way, give each of these a fair shot, and stick to it!

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