10 000

10 000

106 "Москва"

Here is a small anniversary in our little kingdom — 10,000 subscribers. According to the rules of telegram channels, it is necessary to write who 106 reads and follows. We respect traditions and do not break the rules.

Let's start with channels dedicated to military affairs, since our battalion is a combat unit of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

The most interesting, sharp, truthful, objective and not deceitful in terms of the military situation, and besides, reflecting the ideology of 106 is the GREY ZONE channel.

It is very good that they separated from RSOTM, because the difference in ideology, content, analysis and presentation of material in favor of the Grey Zone is clearly visible.

We are following a good person who has brought a large number of Russian hooligans to his team and moves with it through the steppes of Donbass, and is also an excellent instructor — Oleg Blokhin

Official telegram channel of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

Channel "Military informant"

One of the few who is devoid of stupid patriotism and unnecessary propaganda writes what he sees and knows, at the current time this approach is already considered to be adequate.

Paratrooper brothers from the best airborne unit. They are rightfully the "stars" of the telegram, sometimes they are too optimistic, so when we are sad, we go to watch the "Archangel"

Our old friend and real war correspondent, ideologically loyal comrade-in-arms, the great and terrible Yuri Petrovich Kotenok .

Our Alter ego — Dima Frank

Our anonynmous hooligan 106 , who runs the channel from the perspective of an ordinary fan soldier guard.

Vyacheslav "Vihodnoy"  from another unit of football hooligans is trying to reveal himself as a person in a new dimension, we are interested in his development.

As far as social and political activities are concerned, the first for us is Konstantin Malofeev , who does not need to be introduced and it is clear why he is number 1 for us.

Also we follow either those who are ideologically close, or those who help us periodically or constantly:

Well-known journalist, blogger and deputy with a Russian agenda — Andrey Medvedev

Our friend and ideological supporter, from whom we stole the 106 emblem, is Roman Antonovsky.

 In modern Russia, there is a main problem for any Russian person — migration policy, so any organization that tries to defend the rights of the Russian people by legal methods is a huge benefit for the country. We are always supported by the Russian Community.

Maxim Divnich is an MMA fighter, who also came to us with gifts, the only one who is not afraid to live and be active in this zoo called POP-MMA and speak in defiance of abu-bandits.

Mikhail Mavashi and his movement "Northern Man" repeatedly helped 106 with a lot of stuff. They are trying to unite the Slavs in Russia during these hard times, such processes should always be supported. Also we must mantion Mavashi's personal courage to stand for the Russians against the abu-bandits.

Federation of Traditional Sports "Two-Headed Eagle".

The best right-wing rock sounds right here

We will find out all the latest news of the Russian telegram in the "Right Course"

Our mediaspace about football hooligans also cannot pass by our attention, the two main pillars of Russian fanatism in media:

The most popular fan community in Russia is OFNEWS. The guys are currently actively supporting the Russian army and those hundreds of Russian fans who went on a military campaign for our land.

Telegram-channel who first started the Russian agenda, when everyone sat and silently listened to the insults of the Khazars, wiped their snot and looked at it, not understanding what to do, how to be. When yesterday's schoolboy, whom you beat in the gateway, walks in front of the public and twists his fingers, saying that you are a sucker and a coward. They did the job and were the first — NoFunID. Today's fan squads are their merit.

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