1 Year Porn

1 Year Porn


1 Year Porn
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1 year of no porn/no fap - how did I do it?
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A porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior recovery peer support forum. We host challenges ("reboots") in which participants ("Fapstronauts") abstain from pornography and masturbation for a period of time, generally between 7-30 days. Whether your goal is casual participation in a monthly challenge as a test of self-control, or whether excessive porn use has become a problem in your life, you will find a supportive community here.
My progress so far and what I learned. AMA.
relapsed after 1 month idk what to do anymore
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On Oct. 15th, 2014, it will be one year of no porn and no masturbation. Here are a few thoughts on how I did it. My intention is to continue not using porn or masturbation.
History - I’ve been actively trying to quit porn since 2002. I had one period of no porn that lasted 2.5 years which ended in in 2006. And many years since then of having various levels of success. But after the 2.5 year stretch, the longest I’ve been able to go was 6 months in 2009.
No masturbation - I tried for a long time to make masturbation OK, but it always, always led back to porn for me. So I finally had to admit that if I wanted to quit porn, I had to quit masturbation too. Now that it’s off the menu, it’s easier.
Good counseling - I have a regular counselor who helps keep me focused and reminds me why I want to quit. Without that one on one contact with a real person, it wouldn’t have happened.
A supportive partner - my girlfriend of 5 years is supportive of my goal, without being judgmental or shaming.
Projects - I’m less likely to want to look at porn if I’m happier and more fulfilled, and having an active creative life makes me happier. In my case, the creative project I’m working on is a web series about quitting porn - Brick House. It helps me stay sober on multiple levels - a creative outlet, a way of articulating my reasons for quitting, and supporting others who want to quit. Check it out here: http://youtu.be/_Dq0SgNJr_I
Exercise goals - related to having projects to focus on is having exercise goals. I’ve been working hard the last few months to train to run a 5 K. I ended up injuring myself a couple weeks ago, but I’m going to get back out there soon. Exercise feels good by itself, but it also feels satisfying emotionally to watch myself make progress in terms of how far and fast I run.
Compassion for myself - quitting an addiction is very difficult. We need to be gentle with ourselves. Maybe that means taking time off in the middle of the day to read a book, or watch a show on Netflix, or take a walk, or chat with friends or family. We need to rest and give ourselves breaks. Practically anything we can do is going to be better for us than porn and masturbation
Scheduling my life so that porn doesn’t fit in - I try to not let myself get over tired, which is a huge trigger for me. Also, I try to avoid being alone at times when I used to look at porn - early mornings or weekends.
Not counting days - I guess I’m counting days now in this post about one year. But I try to avoid it. In the past, I’ve used a day count as a justification for quitting. “It’s been 100 days. That’s good enough.” I find it’s better if I don’t pay much attention to it.
There are other things I do as well, but these are some of the highlights. Questions and comments welcome!
exactly what I have been saying for a while now. number 4 on my tips.
1.) Be as healthy as you can, diet more important than exercise I have found.(this is because the healthier you are the less urges you have, based on experience.) 2.) Remove any triggers such as oversexualized entertainment,media, movies etc as much as you can. 3.) Instead of using fapping as a stress reliever replace it with meditation once a day maybe 20min but more is always better, or find other ways to relief stress. 4.) Don't think about the days as it will remind you of fapping(this includes visiting the nofap reddit too much, especially when the first couple of weeks) just focus on living life normally. The goal is to completly erase the idea that fapping even exists, This means also getting rid of the idea of "trying to not fap" you will fail if done this way because it is still in your mind. 5.) Commit 100%, be honest with yourself do you really want to put the effort into this? 6.) Cold showers everyday(optional but recommended)
I've used this and it got me to 150 days(hardmode) on my first try not even a challenge so easy! The only thing that made me stop was being extremely unhealthy overeating on a bunch of junk food. Following all the rules you can do nofap basically forever, if you want :)
I like your point about not overtiring yourself, in retrospect that's a trigger for myself as well.
Hi, I am new here and I've only been trying to quit porn for a year. I think I am not getting the whole picture. Majority of the people here, keep their challenges as 30/90 days of being PMO free. I figured, after 90 days in hard mode, our brains will be back to normal, and we will be addiction free. Is that not the case? I have immense respect for the fact that you went 2.5 years and now a year of no fap. Is this not enough time for quitting addiction and rewiring? Do you still lose the "superpowers" as they say, if you watch porn just a couple of times in moderation after rebooting? Can we not watch porn in moderation, after rebooting? I am honestly confused and could use any insights you give...
Right on, Brick House. I hope to follow in your footsteps. I've been active on NoFap for about 6 months, and have had streaks I feel good about, and lots of resets. Back on the horse now, more determined than ever.
Great man! I am so glad for you! I really hope you keep sober forever. I'm going to start watching your serie about quitting porn. Thanks for helping people to quit :)
Great post, thanks, and also great that you are making a difference with your web series. I think in 10 years or less people will realize that porn is a main stream addiction.
Regarding the counting I think you share some nice wisdom there. Counting is a possible trigger point for self sabotage or crossing an imaginary line.
I have built now a few mental checks and balances, that keep running on a loop daily... but most of all I think my mind is slowly calibrating back to "normal life" where you actually think that a regular life is ok, acceptable and nothing needing changing or modifying. I don't shut out my negative or stressful thoughts anymore. I absorb them, feel them, and work with them.
Keep on going, and keep on not counting...:)
You touched on a point that I left out- we need to learn to deal with feelings that come up without resorting to our drug of choice. It requires retraining our brains.
Fatigue. Big trigger for me. Don't know what it is. Your defences being lowered perhaps? I really like the episodes of Brick House that you've done so far.
For me, fatigue is a trigger because I want to get a reward or a break, and historically that has meant porn. It's easier I avoid fatigue than to fight the trigger.
My thinking is the desire is there, however you normally have the abilty to fight it odd. But since your brain is tired it cant fight back as effectively
checked out the web series. And subscribed. AWESOME stuff. Pretty funny too... good work.
Self compassion is the key, among other things and it has been very helpful for me. Stay strong and congrats for reaching 1 year.
We've been waiting for episode 4 :)
So am I! I'm waiting for a cinematographer to become available.
Congratulations mate, massive achievement. Would you say the majority of your problems lay in Porn addiction? I'm seriously struggling to cut out masturbation from my life...It's turning me into an overly frustrated mess, yet I have no desire to watch porn at all. If I can continue to reject the viewing of porn, is infrequent masturbation to my imagination acceptable?

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One Year Without Porn and it Feels Great
This community exists to help people of all ages overcome their addiction to porn.
r/NoFap has become a shell of itself.... (might be a rant)
Remember, the goal is not to never be aroused or...
I was two years PF, the difference between then and now
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After 1.5 Years of Effort, I’ve Finally Done It
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I have finally made it to 365 days without porn. My badge does not say that though, because the badge bot is not working, hopeful it will be fixed soon. The last time I looked at porn was on December 30th, 2013. Here is my story. I am 17 now. I was first introduced to porn when I was 12 by some friends at school. Which was also when I started fapping but I never started watching porn until I was around 13 years old. But after that I got hooked on porn. Then when I was around 15 or 16 I saw the ted talk about porn and that made me realize I need to quit it. In the last few years I never really got all that addicted to porn I kind of just used I to keep my self entertained while I fapped. I never really went to any extremes when I watched it. I just stuck with teen and amateur porn.
A few years ago I had tried quitting porn and got to about 150 days and then got back in the habit because I didn't try hard enough to quit it. But on December 30th, 2013 I just made the decision to quit and I haven't even seen a naked girl online since.
Some benefits I have noticed since quitting porn are. • Not as scared to talk to girls now. • I am now able to make eye contact with people. • I don't have to worry about my internet history. • I don't look at girls boobs or butts anymore. • I don't see girls as objects anymore and now I see them as people. • I have since gone and talked to 3 girls who I found attractive which I never would have done before quitting porn.
One word of advice I have for anyone trying to quit porn is. Try taking at least one 5 min cold shower daily. I have been taking 2 cold shower daily since December 12th, 2013. If you say your water is too, let me ask you something. Is your water 8 C (46 F) in the winter because mine is here in Canada. I have also gone swimming in 3 C (37 F) water. The first few shower may feel bad but after that your body gets used to it. You also have more energy and don't feel tired after a cold shower. Plus it helps you get used to being uncomfortable and you feel great after getting out of the shower. If you need some motivation to start cold shower check out the article on Impossible HQ's website on cold showers.
I have to say I feels great to have gone 1 full year without porn. After tomorrow I will have completed Pornfree 2014. I am never going to watch porn again. Social interaction with girls is a way better than any porn you could ever watch.
A year clean at age 17? That's inspiring, man.
• I don't look at girls boobs or butts anymore.
Good on ya for your streak but this part is a bit much. This is pornfree, not sexfree. Unless you're aiming for a life in the clergy it's alright to enjoy women, as long as it's IRL and not some fantasy movie.
I agree for the most part, fine to appreciate someone's good looks, but I think it's good to limit it, and definitely to stop short of leering at them or making them uncomfortable.
I think its all in how you do the looking. Appreciating beauty is a good thing, and something the Op obviously is doing considering he also "talked to three girls" he found attractive. Noting beauty isn't the same thing as objectification, and I think that's what the Op was talking about--seeing women as body parts versus as whole people.
I'm 40 and for me a really hot shower is like a massage, it takes the stress of the day away and makes me feel better for the evening.
That said I started enjoying the cold water so what I do is splash my lower body for a minute or so before I leave the shower.
As for the energy that's interesting.. maybe I would have mor energy with a full cold shower.. but that's the last thing I want in the evening as I am also trying to fix a life long "night owl" habit ;)
Congratulations man, I'm also 17 so I'm happy to see that people in the same boat as me are seeing significant improvements in their quality of life.
Thanks for the motivation to take cold showers. They really do work, they do everything you said. And a big congratulations on your fantastic progress! I'm very impressed. I like the way you appreciate women as people. (I don't agree with nromanic about 'enjoying' women.)
Wow OP! At the age of 16 you managed to quit porn. I'm jealous.
"Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable" is an awesome concept. Cold showers are a great, daily reminder that you can handle the uncomfortable bits of life. I love it. You just taught someone nearly twice your age something useful. Thanks and keep up the great work. You're an inspiration.
Dude congratulations that is incredible.
When did you start actually feel the benefits? Surely it must have taken more than 3 months. Im 7 months in and have felt nothing so far. I know one day I will (it's inevitable), but the question is how long?
I struggle sooo much when it comes to cold showers. I live in northern Norway and currently it is freezing out here (as you could imagine). It makes taking cold showers even more uncomfortable as it already is :D
well done bud, keep up the good work!

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