

👓 德贵 蔡


.............✅ 中国新文化运动的擎旗人胡适,坦承自己的新文学思想来自于在美国留学期间接受的巴哈伊文明。而最早在1️⃣8️⃣9️⃣3️⃣年美国芝加哥世界宗教议会期间,就有中国知识精英和来自中国的西方人士接触到巴哈伊文明。晚清民初的新学通过美国李佳白博士等人的传播,在中国产生重大影响,新学中就有巴哈伊文明。后来,新文化运动的知识分子与巴哈伊信仰之间的联系进一步增多,而且影响到孙中山,然后通过曹云祥、颜雅清、廖崇真等早期中国巴哈伊知名人士的社会影响力,扩大至全中国,对中国的近代产生了巨大的影响。晚清民初的新学,其中包括巴哈伊文明,是新文化运动的助推力。 As a religion 🛐 established in 1️⃣8️⃣4️⃣4️⃣, Bahai was introduced into China ​🇨🇳​ at a very ❗️ early stage and ➕ have a significant influence to Chinese intellectual elites such as Dr. Hu Shi, Mr. Cao Yunxiang, the president of Tsinghua University, among others, thus have an impact on the emerging New 🆕 Culture 🧫 Movement and ➕ other new 🆕 studies sprouting during the late Qing Dynasty and ➕ early Republic of China ​🇨🇳​. Professor 👨‍🏫 Cai Degui conducted a comprehensive study on how Bahai spread into China ​🇨🇳​ as well as the key 🔑 figures in this process such as Presbyterian missionary Gilbert Reid, correspondent Martha Louise Root, and ➕ how some prominent Chinese such as Hu Shi, Sun ☀️ Yat-sen perceived Bahai.


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