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현재 병과와 함께 도우와 함께 지원하고 유력한 지원을 하고 있습니다.

The review, "Adequacy of profound tissue knead treatment, and regulated reinforcing and extending practices for subacute or tenacious crippling neck torment. The Stockholm Neck (STONE) randomized controlled preliminary," involved 619 grown-ups with subacute or tenacious neck torment.

Concentrate on Design

These subjects were arbitrarily appointed to either a back rub bunch, an activity bunch, a joined back rub and exercise bunch, or a benchmark group that got guidance to remain dynamic.

Subjects in the back rub, practice and joined treatment bunches got six meetings of their relegated mediation all through a six-week intercession period. Subjects in the benchmark group got three meetings of guidance on remaining dynamic during the six-week intercession period.

Each back rub meeting endured 45 minutes, as did each exercise meeting. For the consolidated back rub and exercise bunch, 25 minutes of activity treatment were trailed by 25 minutes of back rub treatment.

Result Measures

The fundamental result measures in this study were neck torment force and agony related incapacity, the two of which were evaluated through the Chronic Pain Questionnaire. Auxiliary result measures were seen recuperation and nonattendance because of ailment.

All result means were surveyed before the beginning of the six-week mediation period and again at seven, 12, 26 and 52 weeks.

Aftereffects of the exploration uncovered improvement in torment force among subjects in the back rub bunch and the joined back rub and exercise bunch when contrasted with those in the guidance just benchmark group. These upgrades happened in the back rub bunch at weeks seven and 26 and in the consolidated treatment bunch at weeks seven and 12.

Be that as it may, improvement in torment power was most prominent among subjects in the activity bunch at week 26. Seen recuperation was higher in every one of the three intercession bunches at all evaluation times contrasted with the benchmark group. No predictable huge contrasts in torment related handicap or nonappearance because of affliction were noticed.


"Our discoveries recommend that a short course of profound tissue rub alone or in mix with fortifying and extending activities could be a treatment choice for people with subacute and steady neck torment," express the review's creators. "Clinicians and patients shouldn't expect a higher decline in degrees of agony force or incapacity by utilizing these treatments rather than exhortation to remain dynamic, but instead an improvement in different elements of the condition, better estimated by apparent recuperation."

Creators: Eva Skillgate, Oscar Javier Pico-Espinosa, Pierre Côté, Irene Jensen, Peter Viklund, Matteo Bottai and Lena Holm.

출처: 근골격계 및 스포츠 부상 역학 센터, 오피 가격 오피정보 오피후기 작업자 건강을 위한 중재 및 시행 연구 단위 및 생물통계 단위, 환경의학 연구소, Karolinska Institute, 스웨덴 스톡홀름; 스웨덴 스톡홀름에 있는 스칸디나비아 Naprapathic 수기 의학 대학; 및 캐나다 토론토에 있는 온타리오 공과 대학의 장애 예방 및 재활 연구 센터. 2019년 10월 Musculoskeletal Science and Practice에서 온라인으로 처음 배포되었습니다.

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