



“Vaginitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment ”, 图片源地址:https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/175101.php

一. 什么是阴道炎?



二. 阴道炎的分类

1. 细菌性阴道炎 是15-44岁女性最常见的阴道感染。当在女性阴道中通常携带的“有益”和“有害”细菌之间存在不平衡时,就会发生这种情况。可能的原因有: > 服用抗生素 > 阴道灌洗 > 避孕环(宫内节育器,IUD) > 与新的伴侣进行无保护的性行为 > 有多个性伴侣 2. 霉菌(念珠菌)感染 发生在阴道内太多念珠菌生长时(念珠菌是这种霉菌的科学名称)。这是一种无处不在的真菌,包括在你身体的其他地方。你的阴道生长有过多的念珠菌可能是因为: > 使用抗生素 > 怀孕 > 糖尿病,特别是不能很好地控制的糖尿病 > 皮质类固醇药物 3. 滴虫病 也可引起阴道炎。滴虫病是一种常见的性传播疾病。它是由寄生虫引起的。 4. 过敏 如果您对某些您使用的产品过敏或敏感,也可能患有阴道炎。过敏原包括阴道喷雾剂,冲剂,杀精剂,肥皂,洗涤剂或织物柔软剂。它们会引起灼热,瘙痒和漏液。 5. 激素变化 也可引起阴道刺激。例如,怀孕或哺乳期,或是更年期。 以上致病原因有可能同时发生。

三. 阴道炎的症状


1. 细菌性阴道炎 你可能没有症状,也可能有稀薄的白色或灰色的阴道分泌物。分泌物可能会有强烈鱼腥味的气味,特别是性行为之后。

2. 真菌感染阴道炎 阴道会排泄看起来像干酪(如下图)的白色分泌物。分泌物可以是水状,通常没有气味。霉菌感染通常会导致阴道和外阴变得瘙痒和发红。

Cottage cheese 干酪。图片源自网络。

3. 滴虫病 可能没有症状。如果有症状,包括阴道和外阴瘙痒,灼热和酸痛,排尿期间有灼热感,灰绿色的恶臭漏液。



> 询问你的健康史

> 做盆腔检查

> 观察阴道分泌物的颜色、质地和气味

> 用显微镜观测你的阴道液体标本


四. 阴道炎的治疗








五. 阴道炎的预防

> 经常感染真菌性阴道炎的妇女要尽量避免穿着闷热或是潮湿的衣服,例如没有棉衬里的连裤袜,尼龙内裤或紧身牛仔裤。 > 不要灌洗内阴或使用阴道喷雾,因为它们可以杀死“好”的细菌或引起刺激。 > 安全性行为可以帮助防止通过性行为传播的阴道炎,如限制性伴侣的数量和使用安全套。


当患有阴道炎时,请保持生殖器部位的清洁和干燥: > 清洗外阴、会阴、PP时避免使用肥皂,用清水冲洗干净。 > 泡澡使用温水而不是热水。 > 洗后彻底干燥。 > 避免冲洗内阴道,这可能会使阴道炎症状恶化,因为它会去除阴道内的“好”细菌,这些细菌有助于防止感染。 > 避免在生殖器区域使用保健喷雾剂、香水或粉末。 > 感染时使用卫生巾,而不是卫生棉条。 > 如果有糖尿病,请控制血糖水平。

允许更多的空气到达生殖器区域: > 穿宽松的衣服,而不是紧身连裤袜。 > 穿棉质内裤(而不是合成纤维的),或内裤裆部有棉衬里。棉质材料通风性好,可以避免水分积累。 > 夜晚睡觉时裸睡。

各年龄段的妇女都应该: > 知道如何在坐浴或淋浴时适当地清洁他们的生殖器区域。 > 大号后正确擦拭,方向从前往后。 > 上厕所前后洗手。






> 以前曾经感染过霉菌阴道炎,知道症状,而且阴道炎并不频发。

> 症状很温和,没有盆腔疼痛或发烧。

> 没有怀孕。

> 不可能在最近的性行为中产生另一种感染。

自行用药请参考药物的使用说明。 > 使用药物3至7天,具体取决于使用什么样的药物。 > 即使症状消失,也不要比说明提早停止使用药物。







因为我不是医学从业者,所以我并不能自己写出原创的权威的相关科普文。以上内容翻译自MedlinePlus,源链接: https://medlineplus.gov/vaginitis.html https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/vaginitis/conditioninfo/Pages/prevention.aspx https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000566.htm

MedlinePlus与MedlinePlus医学百科(MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia)是一个存放有关健康与医疗讯息的网站,内容来自属于美国国家卫生研究院的美国国家医学图书馆(United States National Library of Medicine)。除此之外,也提供了线上医学辞典,以及药物索引、医学新闻报导等服务。



更多内容请参照: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0024522/ https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/vaginitis/Pages/default.aspx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaginitis http://www.medicinenet.com/vaginitis_overview/article.htm https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/175101.php


Vaginitis, also called vulvovaginitis, is an inflammation or infection of the vagina. It can also affect the vulva, which is the external part of a woman's genitals. Vaginitis can cause itching, pain, discharge, and odor.
Vaginitis is common, especially in women in their reproductive years. It usually happens when there is a change in the balance of bacteria or yeast that are normally found in your vagina. There are different types of vaginitis, and they have different causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection in women ages 15-44. It happens when there is an imbalance between the "good" and "harmful" bacteria that are normally found in a woman's vagina. Many things can change the balance of bacteria, including: > Taking antibiotics > Douching > Using an intrauterine device (IUD) > Having unprotected sex with a new partner > Having many sexual partners
Yeast infections (candidiasis) happen when too much candida grows in the vagina. Candida is the scientific name for yeast. It is a fungus that lives almost everywhere, including in your body. You may have too much growing in the vagina because of > Antibiotics > Pregnancy > Diabetes, especially if it is not well-controlled > Corticosteroid medicines
Trichomoniasis can also cause vaginitis. Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by a parasite.
You can also have vaginitis if you are allergic or sensitive to certain products that you use. Examples include vaginal sprays, douches, spermicides, soaps, detergents, or fabric softeners. They can cause burning, itching, and discharge.
Hormonal changes can also cause vaginal irritation. Examples are when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or when you have gone through menopause.
Sometimes you can have more than one cause of vaginitis at the same time.
The symptoms of vaginitis depend on which type you have.
With BV, you may not have symptoms. You could have a thin white or gray vaginal discharge. There may be an odor, such as a strong fish-like odor, especially after sex.
Yeast infections produce a thick, white discharge from the vagina that can look like cottage cheese. The discharge can be watery and often has no smell. Yeast infections usually cause the vagina and vulva to become itchy and red.
You may not have symptoms when you have trichomoniasis. If you do have them, they include itching, burning, and soreness of the vagina and vulva. You may have burning during urination. You could also have gray-green discharge, which may smell bad.
To find out the cause of your symptoms, your health care provider may > Ask you about your health history > Do a pelvic exam > Look for vaginal discharge, noting its color, qualities, and any odor > Study a sample of your vaginal fluid under a microscope
In some cases, you may need more tests.
Creams or suppositories are used to treat yeast infections in the vagina. You can buy most of them without a prescription at drug stores, some grocery stores, and other stores.
Treating yourself at home is probably safe if: > You have had a yeast infection before and know the symptoms, but you have not had a lot of yeast infections in the past. > Your symptoms are mild and you DO NOT have pelvic pain or a fever. > You are not pregnant. > It is not possible that you have another kind of infection from recent sexual contact.
Follow the directions that came with the medicine you are using. > Use the medicine for 3 to 7 days, depending on what kind of medicine you are using. > DO NOT stop using the medicine early if your symptoms go away before you have used it all.
Some medicine to treat yeast infections is used for only 1 day. If you DO NOT get yeast infections often, a 1-day medicine might work for you.
Your health care provider can also prescribe a medicine called fluconazole. This medicine is a pill that you take once by mouth.
For more severe symptoms, you may need to use the yeast medicine for up to 14 days. If you have yeast infections often, your provider may suggest using medicine for yeast infections every week to prevent infections.
If you are taking antibiotics for another infection, eating yogurt with live cultures or taking Lactobacillus acidophilus supplements may help prevent a yeast infection.
Call your provider if: > Your symptoms are not improving > You have pelvic pain or a fever
It is important to treat BV and trichomoniasis, because having either of them can increase your risk for getting HIV or another sexually transmitted disease. If you are pregnant, BV or trichomoniasis can increase your risk for preterm labor and preterm birth.
> Women who often get yeast infections may want to avoid clothes that hold in heat and moisture, such as pantyhose without a cotton lining, nylon panties, or tight jeans. > Do not douche or use vaginal sprays because they can kill "good" bacteria or cause irritation. > Practicing safe sex can help protect against sexually transmitted forms of vaginitis. Limiting the number of sex partners and using condoms are examples of safe sex.
Keep your genital area clean and dry when you have vaginitis. > Avoid soap and just rinse with water to clean yourself. > Soak in a warm bath -- not a hot one. > Dry thoroughly afterward.
Avoid douching. Douching may worsen vaginitis symptoms because it removes healthy bacteria that line the vagina. These bacteria help protect against infection. > Avoid using hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area. > Use pads and not tampons while you have an infection. > If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar levels under control.
Allow more air to reach your genital area. > Wear loose-fitting clothes and not panty hose. > Wear cotton underwear (rather than synthetic), or underwear that has a cotton lining in the crotch. Cotton increases air flow and decreases moisture buildup. > DO NOT wear underwear at night when you sleep.
Girls and women should also: > Know how to properly clean their genital area while bathing or showering > Wipe properly after using the toilet -- always from front to back > Wash thoroughly before and after using the bathroom
Always practice safe sex. And use condoms to avoid catching or spreading infections.
The treatment depends on which type of vaginitis you have.
BV is treatable with antibiotics. You may get pills to swallow, or cream or gel that you put in your vagina. During treatment, you should use a condom during sex or not have sex at all.
Yeast infections are usually treated with a cream or with medicine that you put inside your vagina. You can buy over-the-counter treatments for yeast infections, but you need to be sure that you do have a yeast infection and not another type of vaginitis. See your health care provider if this is the first time you have had symptoms. Even if you have had yeast infections before, it is a good idea to call your health care provider before using an over-the-counter treatment.
The treatment for trichomoniasis is usually a single-dose antibiotic. Both you and your partner(s) should be treated, to prevent spreading the infection to others and to keep from getting it again.
If your vaginitis is due to an allergy or sensitivity to a product, you need to figure out which product is causing the problem. It could be a product that you started using recently. Once you figure it out, you should stop using the product.
If the cause of your vaginitis is a hormonal change, your health care provider may give you estrogen cream to help with your symptoms.

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