



1) 血壓:

65歲:150 / 90



血壓在 150 - 130 之間比較安全,最好是高一點,而不是低一點。

2) 血糖:

60歲以上糖尿病患者空腹血糖控製在 6.5 左右,

70歲以上糖尿病患者空腹血糖控製在 7.5 左右。


偶爾,它可以在 8.5 左右。


🇺🇸 美國已正式規定:

65歲以上的老人血壓標準為 150/90;

80歲以上的正常老人血壓為 160甚至 170。

多年來,我們深受過去關註醫療和商業利益的「舊標準」(不超過 120) 的影響。給60-70歲以上的老年人造成了巨大的不必要的心理負擔!從現在開始,我們必須糾正醫生教的觀念。請看下面的報告:

  • 製藥業試圖顛覆我們對正常血壓的認知!—— 所有年齡段的正常血壓是多少?
  • 收縮壓正常 = 吳氏收縮壓計算值 = (82歲+實際年齡)

例如:75歲 = 82 + 75 = 157



  • 男性 = 82歲+年齡
  • 女性 = 80歲以上

健康/正常的指標:測得的收縮壓 = 收縮壓正常。

北醫院(第三醫院)醫生表示,70歲以上的人,血壓不能低於 130,否則容易發生體位性低血壓暈倒,血壓在 150~130 之間比較安全,宜高一些,不宜低一些。

血糖也是如此。隨著年齡的增長,放松的標準是適當的。60歲以上糖尿病患者的空腹血糖控製在 6.5 左右,70歲以上糖尿病患者的空腹血糖控製在 7.5 左右。大多數時候80歲以上的人不會超過 8.0。偶爾會達到 8.5 左右。低血糖會更可怕。我希望每個家庭都有一個健康的人!





我以前煮米飯,總是怕冷,都招呼家人 “趁熱吃!”






這讓我覺得吃壽司也很好。(難怪日本人普遍活得長壽,不僅因為他們吃更多的海魚,而且相當 “科學地” 吃米飯,他們還吃冷飯團、壽司和冷蛋糕。

  • 讀完後,請不要猶豫,盡快轉寄給朋友們分享!
  • 最後……有些人說話很理性

🙏❤️ = 請註意,以上資料並非基於證據。大家可以自行研究和搜查更多信息哦!



*The new standard blood pressure and blood sugar that the USA has officially stipulated are as follows* :

1) *BLOOD PRESSURE :65 years old : 150 / 90*

*Normal elderly over 80 years old : 160 or even 170.*

*Blood pressure over 70 years old cannot be lower than 130, otherwise it is easy to produce postural hypo tension fainting.*

*High blood pressure between 150 - 130 is safer, preferable to be higher, not lower.*


*The fasting blood sugar of diabetics over 60 years old is controlled at around 6.5 and the control of over 70 years old is about 7.5. Most of the time over 80 years old does not exceed 8.0. Occasionally, it can be around 8.5.*

*Here is the article for your reference* :

There is new news about blood pressure:

 🇺🇸 The United States has officially stipulated that: 65-year-old standard blood pressure 150/90, normal elderly over 80 years old, 160 or even 170.

Over the years, we have been greatly affected by the number of “old standards” (not exceeding 120) that have focused on medical and commercial interests in the past. *It has caused a huge unnecessary psychological burden on the elderly over the age of sixty or seventy years old!*

From now on, we must correct the concept of being taught by a doctor. Please see the following report.

*The pharmaceutical industry has tried to subvert our perception of normal blood pressure!* What is the normal blood pressure of all ages?

*Normal systolic blood pressure = Wu's calculation of systolic blood pressure = (82 + age)*

Example: 75 years old = 82 + 75 = 157

【in conclusion】

*Normal systolic blood pressure:*

*Male = 82 + age,*

*Female = 80 + age,*

Health (normal) indicators: measured systolic blood pressure = normal systolic blood pressure.

*The doctor of the North Hospital (of the Third Hospital) said that the blood pressure of people over 70 years old can not be lower than 130, otherwise it is easy to produce postural hypotension fainting, high blood pressure between 150~130 is safer, prefer to be higher, not lower.*

*The same is true for blood sugar. With the increase of age, the standard of relaxation is appropriate. The fasting blood sugar of diabetics over 60 years old is controlled at around 6.5, and the control of over 70 years old is about 7.5. Most of the time over 80 years old does not exceed 8.0. Occasionally, it can be around 8.5. Hypoglycemia is even more terrible. I hope that every family has a healthy person!*

There is *"anti-intestinal cancer"* substance in rice!

*Do you eat rice?*

*Eat hot?*

*Still letting cool down?*

*I used to cook rice, always afraid of cold, and greeted my family to eat hot.*

*Wrong! There is a substance in rice that can fight intestinal cancer, called resistant starch; cooked rice, only after cooling, will produce more resistant starch.*

*Therefore, after the rice is cooked, open the lid, stir the rice with a spoon, and let the rice cool. After the rice is eaten at a mild temperature, it will produce resistant starch. Such rice, because of more resistant starch, resistant starch is not easily converted into sugar, which is beneficial for weight loss and easier to control blood sugar, and is also very good for preventing intestinal cancer.*

*Hurry and change the old concept of eating!*

*Starting today, we are beginning to change the old habit of eating hot!*

 This makes me think that eating sushi is also very good. *It is no wonder that Japanese people live longer, not only because they eat more sea fish, but also eat rice scientifically. It is also a rice ball and a sushi and a cold cake.*

*P. S. After reading it, please don't hesitate to forward it to your friends as soon as possible.*

*At last... someone is speaking rationally.*


*Please note that the above info is not evidence-based*

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