萬磁王測試 EMF Magnetic Test

萬磁王測試 EMF Magnetic Test

Pandemic Truths

接種者 ( 輝瑞 ) 與未接種者的比較測試

A comparison between a vaccinated person (Pfizer) and an unvaccinated person

〖 案例 #32 〗 → 前額呈磁性

男性接種疫苗者 Male vaccinated

日期:8月17日 第1劑;9月7日 第二劑

品牌:輝瑞 Pfizer

測試日期:9月25日 下午 4:30


CASE #32

→ Tested magnetic positive on forehead.

Dates: 17 Aug - 1st dose  7 Sept - 2nd dose

Brand of vaccine: Pfizer

Date of Test: 25/9/21 at 4.30pm

Place: Bukit Timah SC

身體各個部位被測出有 WIFI (RF) 輻射:



Tested WIFI (RF) emissions on parts of the body with mobile phone near by (second reading in red ink) and far away

背景射頻 = 7.6uW/m2

采用天馬 TD 190 多場測量儀

Background RF = 7.6uW/m2

A TENMARS TD 190 Multi Fields Meter was used.


Android phone detected 5 Bluetooth addresses with uncommon alpha numeric addresses (gibberish).


The second readings in red ink of the vaxxed person is with his mobile phone near by but on airplane mode.





1) The vaccinated person emits higher intensity of radio frequencies than the unvaxxed.

2) With a mobile phone near by the intensities of  RF is higher than without.


疫 時 代 眞 相 手 冊


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