第47集 - 圍剿?禁錮?

第47集 - 圍剿?禁錮?


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其實問題真係好好,喱種方法叫Kettling,而最終喺2012年,歐洲人權法庭(European Court of Human Rights,ECtHR)裁定係合法行動。


In March 2012 the Court ruled that kettling was lawful and that the Metropolitan Police were entitled to detain groups of people as "the least intrusive and most effective means to protect the public from violence".
On the issues related to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the court ruled: "Article 5 did not have to be construed in such a way as to make it impracticable for the police to fulfil their duties of maintaining order and protecting the public." — Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights, Ruling, March 2012


當然,喱個係以歐洲情況去睇,英國喺1998年將歐洲人權公約(European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR))在本地立法成為Human Rights Act 1998,以人權保障嚟講比香港嘅人權法案更大,大家可以比較Article 5 of ECHRArticle 5 of BORO,大同小異。


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