社会学博士资格考试书单分享Part 2:发展社会学

社会学博士资格考试书单分享Part 2:发展社会学


Part 1:【政治社会学】


我发展社会学的指导老师是Laura Enriquez,她本人研究拉美地区的农村/农业/农民问题。Laura是一位经历堪称传奇的人物。她读博期间,尼加拉瓜发生了1979社会主义革命,Laura的学术生涯便是以研究尼加拉瓜社会主义下的土地改革为开端的——为此,她甚至花了四年时间在Sandinista政府的农业部门全职工作。不幸的是,1990年Sandinista政府在民主选举中被选下台,尼加拉瓜的社会主义革命就此结束。1990年代,Laura转而研究古巴社会主义,尤其是冷战结束后古巴在农业政策方面的转型,并致力于增进美国与古巴学者之间的交流。2000年之后,小布什政府上台,古美关系大幅转冷,Laura在古巴的研究也遇到重重困难。但与此同时,查韦斯在委内瑞拉领导的「二十一世纪社会主义」模式横空出世。在之后的十多年,Laura扎根委内瑞拉,研究社会主义转型中的农村变迁,直到2013年后委内瑞拉社会主义模式全面崩溃。可以说,Laura的整个学术生涯都在追逐拉美地区的社会主义实验,考察第三世界国家谋求发展的另类可能性。这些实验最终都以不同的形式失败了,而Laura既没有选择回避这些失败,却也没有放弃继续寻找下去的希望,这应该就是真正的pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will吧。




Evans, Peter. 1979. Dependent Development: The Alliance of Multinational, State, and Local Capital in Brazil. Princeton University Press.

Collier, Ruth Berins, and David Collier. 1991. Shaping the Political Arena: Critical Junctures, the Labor Movement and Regime Dynamics in Latin America. University of Notre Dame Press.

Enriquez, Laura. 1997. Agrarian Reform and Class Consciousness in Nicaragua. University Press of Florida.

Murillo, Maria Victoria. 2001. “From Populism to Neoliberalism: Labor Unions and Market Reforms in Latin America,” World Politics Vol .52, No. 2: 135-174.

Davis, Diane. 2004. Discipline and Development: Middle Classes and Economic Prosperity in East Asia and Latin America. Cambridge University Press.

King, Lawrence Peter, and Ivan Szelenyi. 2004. Theories of the New Class: Intellectuals and Power. University of Minnesota Press.

Fernandes, Leela. 2006. India’s New Middle Class: Democratic Politics in an Era of Economic Reform. University of Minnesota Press.

Agarwala, Rina. 2013. Informal Labor, Formal Politics, and Dignified Discontent in India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tugal, Cihan. 2015. “Elusive Revolt: The Contradictory Rise of Middle-Class Politics.” Thesis Eleven 130/1: 74-95.

发展过程中的阶级政治。这部分当中既有广为人知的经典作品(Evans 1979;Collier and Collier 1991),也有年代比较晚近的著作。在选择书目的时候,我特别注意涵盖尽可能多的阶级类别:有组织的工人阶级、非正式工人阶级、农民、城市中产阶级、小生产者、知识分子、民族资产阶级、跨国资产阶级。同时,也涵盖了20世纪第三世界国家最主要的几个经济发展模式:进口替代、出口导向、新自由主义、社会主义。不同的经济发展模式,背后一定需要不同的阶级联盟支撑,而这些阶级联盟的构建,需要一系列非常复杂的政治操作,包括对于阶级身份和认同感的塑造。

对我个人而言这部分里最大惊喜是Diane Davis,其论点有许多值得推敲商榷的地方,但理论上的创新性、视野上的宏大格局令人拍案叫绝。


Collier, David (ed). 1979. The New Authoritarianism in Latin America. Princeton University Press.

Bates, Robert. 2005 [1981]. Markets and States in Tropical Africa. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Hamilton, Nora. 1982. The Limits of State Autonomy: Post-Revolutionary Mexico. Princeton University Press.

Evans, Peter. 1995. Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation. Princeton University Press.

Weiss, Linda. 1997. “Globalization and the Myth of the Powerless State,” New Left Review 225 (Sept./Oct. 1997): 3-27.

Scott, James C. 1998. Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. Yale University Press.

Chibber, Vivek. 2003. Locked in Place: State-Building and Late Industrialization in India. Princeton University Press.

Babb, Sarah. 2004. Managing Mexico: Economists from Nationalism to Neoliberalism. Princeton University Press.

这个部分涵盖了以发展中国家中的「国家」为对象的一些最著名的论述。包括O'Donnell的「官僚威权主义」(bureaucratic authoritarianism)理论,Bates对国家行为的理性选择分析,Evans提出的「嵌入的自主性」,Weiss对全球化是否削弱国家能力的讨论,以及Scott站在无政府主义立场上对国家干预的批判。不过遗憾的是,这些论述之间对话感不强,所以显得这一部分有一种支离破碎的感觉。

这部分中对我个人收获最大的,是两本从马克思主义角度、以阶级斗争为出发点解构「state autonomy」概念的书:Hamilton的The Limits of State Autonomy和Chibber的Locked in Place。当代政治社会学需要的恰恰是这种把阶级斗争放在中心的马克思主义国家理论,而不是像1970年代的马克思主国家理论一样,走入抽象讨论「相对自主性」的死胡同。


Baviskar, Amita. 2005. In the Belly of the River: Tribal Conflicts over Development in the Narmada Valley. Oxford University Press.

Lee, Ching Kwan. 2007. Against the Law: Labor Protests in China’s Rustbelt and Sunbelt. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Wolford, Wendy. 2010. This Land Is Ours Now: Social Mobilization and the Meanings of Land in Brazil. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Fernandes, Sujatha. 2010. Who Can Stop the Drums? Urban Social Movements in Chavez’s Venezuela. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Kay, Tamara. 2011. NAFTA and the Politics of Labor Transnationalism. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Ciccariello-Maher, George. 2013. We Created Chávez: A People’s History of the Venezuelan Revolution. Durham: Duke University Press.

Lee, Cheol-Sung. 2016. When Solidarity Works: Labor-Civic Networks and Welfare States in the Market Reform Era. Cambridge University Press.

Lapegna, Pablo. 2016. Soybean and Power: Genetically Modified Crops, Environmental Politics, and Social Movements in Argentina. Oxford University Press.

Simmons, Erica. 2017. Meaningful Resistance: Market Reforms and the Roots of Social Protest in Latin America. Cambridge University Press.

Anria, Santiago. 2018. When Movements Become Parties: The Bolivian MAS in Comparative Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.

发展过程中的民众抗争。这部分全都是2005年之后的新著作,主要关心两个问题:抗争运动自身的发展轨迹,尤其是其局限、内在张力和去动员的过程(Baviskar 2005;Lee 2007;Wolford 2010;Kay 2011;Lapegna 2016;Simmons 2017);抗争运动如何与国家权力互动(Fernandes 2010;Ciccariello-Maher 2013;Lee 2016;Anria 2018)。令我非常感动的是,好几位作者(Baviskar、李静君、Wolford、Lapegna)都在书中明确提出了拒绝对全球南方抗争运动的浪漫化想象,坚持将批判的视角带入运动内部——这其实是对运动最大的尊重。

特意选择了两本讲查韦斯时代委内瑞拉基层社运如何与国家权力互动的书(Fernandes 2010;Ciccariello-Maher 2013),也正是这两本书给我的收获最大。进步主义政府和基层社会运动之间,有一种既相互依存、相互成全,又充满张力、暗藏悖论的关系。某种程度上,这种关系在社会主义时期的中国也能看到。


Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, and Enzo Faletto. 1979. Dependency and Development in Latin America. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Arrighi, Giovanni, and Beverly J. Silver. 1999. Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System. University of Minnesota Press.

Bockman, Johanna, and Gil Eyal. 2002. “Eastern Europe as a Laboratory for Economic Knowledge: The Transnational Roots of Neoliberalism.” American Journal of Sociology 108(2): 310-352.

Fourcade-Gourinchas, Marion, and Sarah Babb. 2002. “The Rebirth of the Liberal Creed: Paths to Neoliberalism in Four Countries.” American Journal of Sociology 108(3): 533-579.

Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2004. World-System Analysis: An Introduction. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Huber, Evelyne, and John Stephens. 2012. Democracy and the Left: Social Policy and Inequality in Latin America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Hopewell, Kristen. 2016. Breaking the WTO: How Emerging Powers Disrupted the Neoliberal Project. Stanford University Press.

Lee, Ching Kwan. 2018. The Spectre of Global China: Politics, Labor and Foreign Investment in Africa. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Fairbrother, Malcolm. 2019. Free Traders: Elites, Democracy and the Rise of Globalization in North America. Oxford University Press.

发展过程中的跨国维度。沃勒斯坦的世界体系理论,与阿瑞吉/希尔弗的世界体系理论相比,两者风格不同。似乎后者对于当代实证研究的激发能力要更强一些——Hopewell和李静君的著作,本质上都是在回应阿瑞吉/希尔弗的问题意识。不过在我看来,这两种世界体系理论的美感、弹性和解释力都不及Cardoso and Faletto的依附理论。一想起依附理论在提出之后如何被极度庸俗化、简化、并被主流学界扔进垃圾堆,我就觉得十分悲愤。诚然,依附理论的某些版本确实不太经得起推敲(比如Andre Gunder Frank),但Cardoso and Faletto的依附理论绝对是金子啊。

这部分中的另外一块内容是对发达国家以外的新自由主义起源的跨国比较研究(Bockman and Eyal 2002;Fourcade-Gourinchas and Babb 2002;Fairbrother 2019)。这还涉及到非常有趣的如何在全球北方和全球南方之间作比较的问题,也许值得另文谈谈。

Huber and Stephens那本书较为无聊,看完就后悔了。


Resnick, Idrian. 1981. The Long Transition: Building Socialism in Tanzania. New York: Monthly Review Press.

White, Gordon, et al (eds.). 1983. Revolutionary Socialist Development in the Third World. Lexington, KY.: The University Press of Kentucky.

Fagen, Richard, et al (eds). 1986. Transition and Development: Problems of Third World Socialism. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Nove, Alec. 1991. The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited. Routledge.

Burawoy, Michael and Janos Lukacs. 1994. The Radiant Past: Ideology and Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Heller, Patrick. 1999. The Labor of Development: Workers and the Transformation of Capitalism in Kerala, India. Cornell University Press.

Cannon, Barry. 2009. Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution: Populism and Democracy in a Globalised Age. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press.

Ellner, Steve. 2012. “The Distinguishing Features of Latin America’s New Left in Power: The Chávez, Morales, and Correa Governments.” Latin American Perspectives 39(1): 96-114.

Hetland, Gabe. 2014. “The Crooked Line: From Populist Mobilization to Participatory Democracy in Chávez-Era Venezuela.” Qualitative Sociology 37(4): 373- 401.

这一部分关注真实存在过的社会主义模式(或者说带有社会主义色彩的发展模式),讨论的案例主要聚焦中国以外的第三世界国家(话说Monthly Review那帮人真是热心第三世界啊)。这些社会主义模式无一不是充满矛盾和张力的,而这一部分中的一些作者,既不是幼稚地吹捧社会主义模式,也不是「一棍子打死」式的否定,而是看到社会主义模式自身孕育着激发内部反抗、自下而上地超越自身局限的潜能。Burawoy的论断尤其振聋发聩:相比发达资本主义,官僚社会主义其实蕴含着更大的导向民主社会主义的可能性。当然,他的期待最终完全落空,这也是历史的讽刺和悲剧之处吧。



Friedman, Edward, et al. 1991. Chinese Village, Socialist State. Yale University Press.

Wu, Yiching. 2005. “Rethinking ‘Capitalist Restoration’ in China.” Monthly Review 57 (6): 44-63.

Huang, Yasheng. 2008. Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State. Cambridge University Press. [Also Joel Andreas’ critical review of Huang’s book: “A Shanghai Model?” New Left Review, No. 65 (2010), pp. 63-85. And Huang’s rejoinder.]

Wu, Yiching. 2013. “Coping with Crisis in the Wake of the Cultural Revolution: Toward a Historical Critique of Chinese Postsocialism.” Historical Materialism 21(4): 1-32.

Hung, Ho-Fung. 2015. The China Boom: Why China Will Not Rule the World. Columbia University Press.

Xu, Zhun. 2018. From Commune to Capitalism: How China’s Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Andreas, Joel. 2019. Disenfranchised: The Rise and Fall of Industrial Citizenship in China. Oxford University Press.

这一部分关心如何站在中国社会主义的角度理解后社会主义时期的转型。编排的时候着重处理了两个脉络,一是试图在城市和农村的阶级关系之间建立对比,二是在自由主义史观(Friedman et al;黄亚生)、毛派史观(安舟、许准)和更具批判色彩的左翼史观(吴一庆、孔诰烽)之间形成某种对话感。


Part 3:【政治经济学】

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