未來無論走到哪都要掃描我們的臉孔嗎?Have our faces scanned wherever we go in the future?

未來無論走到哪都要掃描我們的臉孔嗎?Have our faces scanned wherever we go in the future?

Pandemic Truths

取代銀行卡的臉部識別軟件 Facial Recognition Software That Replaces Bank Cards

芬蘭已經推出了這項稱為 Uniqul 的技術。它不需要錢包、銀行卡或電話,衹需要在結賬時,攝像機定位對準購物者的臉掃描照片入數據庫,匹配存儲支付的詳細信息後完成交易。 Finland has already launched this technology called Uniqul, it doesn’t require a wallet, bank card or phone – instead a camera is positioned at the checkout and takes a photo of a shopper’s face which scans a database for the face and matches it to stored payment details in order to complete the transaction.


  • 在商店收銀臺安裝Uniqul臉部識別攝像頭系統 Uniqul system installs facial recognition cameras to checkouts in shops
  • 顧客對著攝像頭點一下頭,軟件就會自動掃描他們的臉 A customer nods at the camera and the software scans their face
  • 與存儲人臉和關聯支付細節的數據庫相匹配 This is compared to a database of stored faces and linked payment details
  • 購物者使用觸摸屏確認交易 The shopper confirms the transaction using a touchscreen display
芬蘭一家初創公司推出了全球首個使用面部識別的支付系統。攝像頭被放置在收銀臺或加油站,拍攝顧客的臉部照片。然後將掃描結果與存儲的支付細節進行匹配,以完成交易。A Finnish startup has launched the world's first payment system to use facial recognition. The camera is positioned at the checkout, or a petrol pump, pictured, and takes a photo of a shopper's face when. It then matches the scan with stored payment details to complete a transaction.

臉部識別技術已在商店和數字廣告展示中使用 Facial Recognition Technology Already Being Used In Stores And In Digital Advertising Displays

廣告網絡 Amscreen 最近推出了一項獨特的臉部檢測技術,該技術最初是由自動化觀眾測量公司 Quividi 開發的。Amscreen 的數字廣告顯示屏上安裝了攝像頭,可以掃描一個人的臉部並確認他們的性別、年齡、日期、時間和閱覽量。這樣廣告會提供給最合適的受眾群。Amscreen已經擁有6000多塊數字屏幕,每周有超過5000萬的觀眾觀看。

Advertising network Amscreen recently launched a unique face-detection technology, originally developed by automated audience measurement firm Quividi. Cameras have been installed in Amscreen’s digital advertising displays that can scan a person’s face and determine their gender, age, date, time and volume of the viewers. This is so adverts are served to the most appropriate audience. Amscreen already has over 6,000 digital screens seen by a weekly audience of over 50 million people.

據美國國家公共電臺 (NPR) 報道,在零售領域,倫敦的客戶面孔數據庫由名人和重要客戶組成。如果人臉通過匹配,程序就會通過電腦、iPad或智能手機向工作人員發送提醒,提供衣服尺碼、最喜歡的商品或購物歷史等細節。

According to NPR, in the retail setting, the database of customers’ faces is comprised of celebrities and valued customers, according to London’s . If a face is a match, the program sends an alert to staff via computer, iPad or smartphone, providing details like dress size, favorite buys or shopping history.

谷歌要在我們的大腦裏植入芯片?Google Wants To Put A Chip In Our Brains?

谷歌相信總有一天會發生… Google believe will happen someday…

谷歌希望有一個無處不在的個人助理,永遠不會停止工作,能夠自然地用任何語言交談。谷歌的目標是:在用戶的大腦中植入一個芯片,讓他們可以想象到最輕松的搜索引擎方式。Google hopes to have the ubiquitous presence of a personal assistant that never stops working, capable of conversing naturally in any language. The goal is to insert a chip inside your head for the most effortless search engine imaginable.

Elon Musk Wants To Put A Chip In Human Brains ← Read more

馬斯克想在人類大腦中植入芯片 Elon Musk Wants To Put A Chip In Human Brains

Google Glass 是一個更廣泛的生態系統的一部分,目前並不是作為手機的替代品,而是作為手機的補充。它需要你口袋裏的手機來定位你的位置,並通過4G和藍牙與你的聯系人連接。本·戈麥斯 Ben Gomes 同意,將芯片植入大腦遠非科幻幻想。他說:“人們已經開始嘗試讓殘疾人操縱輪椅。他們借助輪椅獲得了一些方向感,但要真正實現還有很長的路要走。我們必須在大腦中做得更好,使這種互動成為可能。我們對這種情況迫不及待,可是技術還需要繼續發展。” Google Glass is part of a wider ecosystem and is not currently intended as an alternative to a mobile phone but as a complement to it. Glass needs the mobile in your pocket to locate your position and connect to your contacts via 4G and Bluetooth. Ben Gomes agrees that a chip embedded in the brain is far from a sci-fi fantasy. "Already people are beginning to experiment with handicapped people for maneuvering their wheelchairs," he says. "They are getting a few senses of direction with the wheelchair but getting from there to actual words is a long ways off. We have to do this in the brain a lot better to make that interaction possible. We have impatience for that to happen but the pieces of technology have to develop."

五角大樓正在開發一種名為ATLAS的“終結者機器人” The Pentagon Is Developing A “Terminator Robot” Named Atlas

美國軍方正在製造像“終結者”這樣的機器人,名叫 ATLAS,它能夠逐家逐戶地行軍穿過布滿廢墟的戰區,操縱武器,追捕恐怖分子。換句話說,美國國防部高級研究計劃局 (DARPA) 的機器人挑戰賽可能會創造出一個真實的終結者機器人。The U.S. military is building robots like "the Terminator" which is called ATLAS? be able to march through debris-strewn war zones, manipulate weapons and hunt down terrorists, on a house-by-house basis. In other words, the DARPA Robotics Challenge could result in the creation of a real-life Terminator bot.

僅使用聲波懸浮和移動小物體 Using Only Sound Waves To Levitate And Move Small Objects

瑞士蘇黎世的一組科學家開發了一種“聲學懸浮”方法,可以讓物體彼此漂浮在一起,並使它們相接觸。使用超聲波—即是對於人類來說太高的聲波頻率——科學家們讓水滴、速溶咖啡晶體、泡沫薄片和一個牙簽跟其他的物體掛在半空中,沿著一個平面並相互影響。這是科學家們第一次能夠利用聲音同時使幾個物體在空中懸浮並移動。A team of scientists in Zurich, Switzerland, have developed a method of acoustic levitation that allows them to float objects next to each other and bring them into contact. Using ultrasonic waves – that is, sound waves whose frequency is too high for humans to hear – scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have made water droplets, instant coffee crystals, Styrofoam flakes, and a toothpick, among other objects, hang in midair, move along a plane, and interact with each other. It is the first time that scientists have been able to use sound to simultaneously levitate several objects next to each other and move them around.

超聲波“神經塵埃” Ultrasonic Neural Dust

像大多數未來主義的概念一樣,這個還沒經過測試——它只是一個正式的提議。但它卻是我們可能嚮往的另一個迷人窺見,繞過笨拙的身體質量指數 (BMI) 頭部千頭萬耳的微小接口,無需電線,與未來星系的虛擬信息,將我們連在一起。 Like most futurist notions, this one hasn’t been tested yet — it’s just a formal proposal — but it’s another fascinating glimpse into where we might be headed, bypassing clumsy literal BMI head-jacks for micro-scale interfaces that would link us, wire-free, to future galaxies of virtual information.

Neural Dust ← Read more Wikipedia

參考資料:6 New Apocalyptic Technologies That You Haven’t Heard About Yet!

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