世界新秩序不是陰謀論——介紹一本威爾斯少有人知的書的來歷 NWO is not a conspiracy theory - The origins of a little-known book by H.G. Wells

世界新秩序不是陰謀論——介紹一本威爾斯少有人知的書的來歷 NWO is not a conspiracy theory - The origins of a little-known book by H.G. Wells


每個人都知道奧威爾,幾乎每個人都知道《1984》,但並非人人都知道公開陰謀的圖畫正是威爾斯所畫,他被認為是科幻小說流派的代表人物,他的小說《時間機器》(1895)、《隱形人》(1897)和《世界大戰》(1898)尤為著名。在半個世紀的創作生涯中,威爾斯寫了大約40部小說。他的一些書直到最近才被翻譯出來。 Everyone knows about Orwell, almost everyone knows about 1984, but not everyone is aware that the drawings of the open conspiracy were drawn by none other than Wells. He was perceived as a representative of the science fiction genre. His novels The Time Machine (1895), The Invisible Man (1897), and The War of the Worlds (1898) are especially famous. For half a century of creative activity Wells wrote about 40 novels. Some of his books have never been translated until recently.


“The crying sounded even louder out of doors. It was as if all the pain in the world had found a voice.”

這些少有人知的都是些什麼書? What are these books that few people know about?

新世界秩序現在是一個熟悉的詞組,尤其是在美鈔上的銘文形式,但有一種觀點認為這個詞的作者是威爾斯 H.G. Wells。The New World Order is now a familiar phrase, especially in the form of inscriptions on dollar bills, but one theory is that it was written by H.G. Wells.

Annuit cœptis 一美元纸币

引自維基百科:“習慣上發現該術語的本質是這樣一個事實,即國際社會的某些知識精英正變得比 21 世紀之前實行的個別國家的民族自決更可取。在新世界秩序下,許多事件及其結束的結果是由具有影響力的國際政治家、國際銀行家、商人、媒體大亨和其他影響個別國家政治的人士參與決定的。“世界的新秩序”的意識形態一方面體現了在全球化進程中,同時也伴隨著世界資本的集中化和媒體借助特殊輿論的形成。從全球化主義者的角度來看,人類一切的發展,它應該被認為是最正確的。”
Quote from Wikipedia: “It is customary to find the essence of the term in the fact that a certain intellectual elite of the world community is becoming much more preferable than the national self-determination of individual states, which was practiced before the 21st century. Under the new world order, many events and the results of their end are determined with the participation of an influential group of international statesmen, international bankers, businessmen, media moguls and other persons influencing the politics of individual countries. The ideological side of the "New World Order" is seen in the globalization processes in the world, accompanied by the concentration of world capital and the formation of special public opinion with the help of the media, in which the "New World Order" supposedly should be considered the most correct, from the standpoint of the globalizers themselves, by every development of humanity ”.

這也是共濟會對不久的將來的暗喻之一: “新世界秩序”一詞也解釋為他們在這裡統治著這整個世界。It is also one of the Masonic allusions to the near future. The phrase "New World Order" is also explained by the fact that they rule this world here.

《錫安長老的協議》是一份於 1903 年首次以俄文出版的文件,它描述了猶太-共濟會企圖統治世界的陰謀。文本是猶太集團秘密會議的協議,他們密謀代表所有猶太人統治世界,因為他們認為自己是上帝的選民,它還提到了新世界秩序。The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a document first published in Russian in 1903, which describes a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy to achieve world domination. The text is the protocol of the secret meetings of the Jewish clique, which conspires to rule the world on behalf of all Jews, because they consider themselves the Chosen People of God. It also mentions the New World Order.

“遺傳和種族衛生理論”系列海報(斯圖加特,大約 1935 年)。描繪了共濟會、猶太教和歐洲革命的象徵。 Poster from the series "Theory of Heredity and Racial Hygiene" (Stuttgart, circa 1935). Depicted symbols of Freemasonry, Judaism and European revolutions.

有消息稱,阿道夫在閱讀了這份文件後,毫不猶豫地得出了驅逐猶太人的結論。因此,在 1928 年,威爾斯以引人入勝的標題“公開的陰謀”發表了一部作品《世界革命的藍圖》(公開的陰謀:世界革的藍圖)。這更像是一篇哲學和政治文章,或者程序提供。威爾斯在本書中開始使用我們目前經常聽到的“新世界秩序”一詞。 在1940 年,他出版了一本名為《世界新秩序》的書。There is information that Adolf, after reading this document, came to the conclusion about the eviction of the Jews, without hesitation. So, in 1928, Wells published a work under the intriguing title Open Conspiracy. Blueprints for a World Revolution ”(The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution). This is more of a philosophical and political essay. Or offer program. Wells uses in this book the very term "new world order" that we hear so often now. And in 1940 he published a book that was called The New World Order.

H.G. Wells
H.G. 威爾斯

《開放的陰謀》一書的封面 ~“世界革命的藍圖” The cover of The Open Conspiracy Blueprint for a World Revolution

《世界新秩序》一書封面 A New World Order - book cover

威爾斯的主要思想是:地球上應該有一個共和國形式的聯合世界國家。很熟悉不是嗎?來自世界經濟論壇和施瓦布的言論,他們大概只是從威爾斯的培訓手冊中復製過來的! Wells' main idea: there should be a United, World State on the planet in the form of a Republic. It is familiar, isn't it, from the rhetoric of the WEF and Schwab, who, presumably, simply copied from Wells's training manual.

民族國家必須通過將主權移交給一個”世界政府“來自願交出它們的主權。“公開陰謀”不僅敵視那些同意將自己視為在過渡期間仍運作的臨時政府機構、議會和君主制:只要這些憲法以我所指出的精神為指導——“公開陰謀” 和“不攻擊他們”。想必,對於那些不准備自願交出權力的政府和君主,應該對其使用武力。這就是我們從已經被殺害的幾個國家的總統身上看到的。 Nation states must voluntarily surrender their sovereignty by handing them over to the World Government. An "open conspiracy" is not hostile only to governments, parliaments and monarchs who agree to consider themselves temporary institutions that will still function during the transition period: and as long as these constitutions are directed in the spirit I have indicated, the "Open Conspiracy" does not attack them. " Presumably, in relation to those governments and monarchs who were not ready to voluntarily surrender their powers, it was supposed to use force. This is what we can see from the already killed presidents of several countries.

因此,總的來說,這個想法並不新鮮——通過戰爭、獨裁和暴政來實現普遍性和持續性的“和平”。 So, the idea in general is not new - to achieve universal and eternal "peace" through wars, dictatorship and tyranny.

然而,他計劃如何將一個國家中具有截然不同文化的不同民族團結起來呢?單一的世界宗教應該在消除各個民族的民族和文化差異方面發揮重要的作用:“在我們看來,宗教建立的虛假忠誠、虛假榮譽觀念、虛假關係越多,我們就越應該為我們的自主意識和他們加註的意識而努力掙脫並爭取自由,還有那些包圍我們的人,以及對他們不可逆轉的拒絕。” However, how did he plan to unite different peoples with very different cultures in the One State? A single World Religion should play an important role in erasing the national and cultural differences of individual peoples: "The more beautiful and attractive false loyalty, false ideas of honor, false relationships established by religions seem to us, the more we should strive to free our consciousness and consciousness from them and those who surround us, and to the irrevocable rejection of them. "


我們現在親眼所見。威爾斯同意文明多樣性的存在,但認為有必要擺脫這種多樣性,且建立一個單一的文明,好比通過摧毀落後文明來擺脫落後文明。他在其中還寫道關於“俄羅斯文明”:“印度、中國、俄羅斯、非洲是應用社會制度的混合體,其中一些是注定的,而另一些將被採取極端情況:大西洋、波羅的海和地中海文明的金融、機械化和政治入侵,或多或少地在摧毀、佔有、剝削和奴役了他們。” And we see it now with our own eyes. While agreeing that the diversity of civilizations exists, Wells believed that it was necessary to get rid of it, to build a single civilization. Get rid of by destroying "backward" civilizations, in which he also wrote Russia ("Russian civilization"): "India, China, Russia, Africa are a mixture of applied social systems, some of which are doomed, while others will be taken to extremes: finance, the mechanization and political invasion of the civilizations of the Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean destroy them, take possession of them, exploit and enslave them to a greater or lesser extent. "


他代表的是他的利益。威爾斯是共濟會會員和秘密社團的成員,這已經不是什麼秘密。許多人都有理由去認為作者是一位高級共濟會會員,他只是在描述未來事件的情景,將來被秘密世界統治者、海灣戰爭(許多人可能知道也是假的)、第二次世界大戰等實現。據《300人委員會》一書作者約翰·科爾曼介紹,威爾斯是這個被認為是幕後世界最高權威的委員會的成員,其中還包括著名的羅斯柴爾德家族洛克菲勒家族巴魯克家族和其他混蛋。 The only "promising civilization" Wells considered the Anglo-Saxon world. It is his interests that he represents. It's no secret that Wells was a Freemason and member of secret societies. It is not without reason that many consider the writer a high-ranking Freemason who simply described scenarios of future events, subsequently realized by secret world rulers, the Gulf War (also a fake, as many may know), World War II, etc. According to the author of the book "The Committee of 300" John Coleman, Wells was a member of this committee, which is considered the highest authority of the world behind the scenes, it also includes the well-known Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Baruchs and other bastards.

臭名昭著的杜金寫道:The notorious Dugin wrote:

“非常重要的是,這絕不是巧合,因為 H.G. Wells 不僅是費邊社的成員,而且還是其英語分會的領導人之一。此外,在 1916 年,威爾斯與其他原始世界主義社團的代表——弗蘭克-梅森斯萊昂內爾·柯蒂斯和格雷勳爵(都屬於“圓桌會議”)和其他一些人一起組織了“自由國家聯盟”、 “費邊社”代表...等。此外,這位科幻小說作家實際上是“未來文明未來學”項目的開發者之一,與秘密社團 “Kibbo Kift” 有關聯,該社團於 1921 年以同一個亞當·魏薩普模式在英國成立。如果我們考慮到威爾斯的"社會主義世界主義"背景,那麼他與列寧眾所周知的友好關係以及他對蘇聯共產主義者的特殊興趣就會完全不同了。” "It is extremely important that this is by no means a coincidence, since HG Wells was not only a member of the Fabian Society, but also one of the leaders of its English branch. In addition, in 1916, Wells organized the "League of the Association of Free Nations" together with representatives of other proto-Mondialist societies - Frank-Masons Lionel Curtis and Lord Gray (both also belonged to the "Round Table") and some other representatives of the "Fabian Society" ... In addition, the science fiction writer, and in fact, one of the developers of futurological projects of the future civilization, was associated with the secret society "Kibbo Kift", founded in England in 1921 on the model of the Order of the same Adam Weishaupt. If we take into account Wells's socialist-mondialist background, then his well-known friendly relations with Lenin and his special interest in communist Russia will appear in a completely different light."

也許有人知道 17 年革命是用羅斯柴爾德家族的錢發動的。沒有前途的(!)文明的統治精英應該站在“開放陰謀”的這一邊,應該給予他們希望成為世界精英的一部分:歐洲和美國崛起的物質進步,開放陰謀可以做出無止境的承諾。一躍而下,他們將能夠離開他們過時系統的垂死之船,並在他們目前的征服者的頭上,如火如荼地進入這個世界統治者的兄弟情誼。” Perhaps there are those who are aware that the revolution of 17 years was cranked up with the money of the Rothschilds. The ruling elites of unpromising (!) civilizations should be on the side of the "Open conspiracy", they should be given hope to become part of the world elite: of material progress to which Europe and America owe their rise, the Open Conspiracy can make endless promises. In one leap they will be able to leave the dying ship of their outdated system and, over the heads of their present conquerors, at full speed join the brotherhood of the rulers of this world. "

H.G. 威爾斯其他初版書籍

我們仔細研究了 Gref 和其他認為自己是白骨 *1 的“數字化者精英”,並將他們與上述人進行了比較。 值得注意的是,威爾斯在實施“公開的陰謀”方面非常依賴蘇俄。他積極評價布爾什維克的力量:“許多人認為這個政府是一項非常有趣的創新。當一個宣傳者社區變成一個共和國時,它受到了公開陰謀的想法的啟發,為它們的實踐鋪平了道路。” 1917年10月之後,托洛茨基立即提出了把“俄國”革命變成“世界革命”的口號,他的言辭與現在的非常相似。誠然,在威爾斯撰寫《公開的陰謀》時,斯大林已經與托洛茨基一起想通了,宣佈在一個國家建設社會主義的可能性,以便在意識形態上證實該國開始的工業化。 We take a close look at Gref and other "elite digitalizers" who consider themselves a white bone *1 and compare them with the above. It is noteworthy that H.G. Wells was counting very much on Soviet Russia in the implementation of "The Open Conspiracy". He positively assessed the power of the Bolsheviks: “Many consider this government an extremely interesting innovation. As a community of propagandists turned into a republic, it is inspired by the ideas of the Open Conspiracy, paving the way for their implementation. " Trotsky immediately after October 1917 put forward the slogan of turning the "Russian" revolution into a "world revolution" and his rhetoric was very similar to the current one. True, at the time of Wells' writing of The Open Conspiracy, Stalin had already figured it out with Trotsky, announcing the possibility of building socialism in a single country in order to ideologically substantiate the industrialization that was beginning in the country.

韋爾斯與斯大林訪問蘇聯,1934 年 Wells with Stalin on a visit to the USSR, 1934

在《公開的陰謀》和其他地方,威爾斯仔細地解決了他想要的社會的社會經濟結構問題。無論如何,這是一種壟斷和銀行主導,經濟由國家控制的模式。然而,在某些方面,威爾斯對新世界秩序的看法是非常明確的。他認為未來社會的社會結構應該是極其簡單的。上面——精英,下面——所有的其他人(平民、無產者、群眾),沒有了階層和中產階級。精英應該由知識分子和資本家組成。正如布爾什維克宣稱工農聯盟是社會主義制度的基礎一樣,對於H.G.威爾斯來說,社會的基礎應該是知識分子和大企業的聯盟。 In "The Open Conspiracy" and elsewhere, Wells carefully tackles the question of the socioeconomic structure of the society he desires. In any case, this is a model in which monopolies and banks dominate, and the economy is controlled by the state. In some ways, however, Wells's view of the new world order was very definite. He believed that the social structure of the future society should be extremely simple. Above - the elite, below - all the rest (plebs, proletarians, masses). No strata and middle classes. The elite should be made up of intellectuals and capitalists. Just as the Bolsheviks proclaimed an alliance of workers and peasants as the basis of the socialist system, so for H.G. Wells, the basis of society should be the alliance of intellectuals and big business.

至於當時的俄羅斯,儘管其“文明的落後”,據威爾斯說,它有很大的機會比其他國家更快地加入NWO,因為它有“知識分子”。 “公開的陰謀”在這群羊身上非常非常重要,其成員數量只有幾萬。只有他們自己才能接觸到世界改革的思想,而在迫使俄羅斯制度真正參與世界陰謀的問題上,只能指望這一小部分人,及他們對無數受其控制的個體的影響的反思。從歐洲、俄羅斯開始,有思想、穩定和準備得足以讓他們理解我們和幫助我們的人數與那些沒有這種思想的人數之間,越往東走,比例就越大。改變在於此。在支持後者之下,導致我們得出一個可怕的結論。摧毀這個小派系,你會發現自己與野蠻人面對面,他們容易陷入混亂,缺乏超越軍事冒險家或強盜首領的任何社會或政治組織的能力。俄羅斯本身並不能保證防止這種退化的可能性。 As for Russia of that time, despite its “civilizational backwardness,” according to Wells, it had a great chance of joining the NWO faster than others, since it had an “intelligentsia”. The "open conspiracy" was counting very, very much on this flock, whose members number in only a few tens of thousands. Only they alone have access to the ideas of world perestroika, and in the matter of forcing the Russian system to take real participation in the world conspiracy, one can count only on this small minority and on the reflection of its influence on the myriads of individuals controlled by it. The further to the east, starting with European Russia, the ratio between the number of people who have a mind, stable and prepared enough for us to make them understand us and help us, and the number of people who do not have such mind, does change. In favor of the latter, which leads us to a frightening conclusion. Destroy this small faction and you will find yourself face to face with barbarians prone to chaos and lacking the ability for any kind of social or political organization surpassing that of a military adventurer or robber chieftain. Russia itself is in no way a guarantee against the possibility of such degradation. "

新世界秩序(譯文):即使鬥爭似乎正在轉向世界社會民主,但在它成為一個有效和有益的世界體系之前,仍然可能存在延遲和挫折。無數人會憎恨新世界秩序,因它的出現而對他們的激情和野心失望而變得悲慘,並為抗議它而犧牲性命…… 我們必須記住一代人左右的苦難,並感到不滿,其中許多人是非常英俊優雅的人士”。 New World Order (translation): Even when the struggle seems to be shifting towards world social democracy, there can still be delays and frustrations before it becomes an effective and beneficial world system. Countless numbers of people will hate the New World Order, become miserable due to disappointment in their passions and ambitions caused by its appearance, and die protesting against it ... We must remember the suffering of a generation or so, dissatisfied, many of them are pretty gallant and graceful looking people "

然而,正如我們從文字中所看到的,他害怕大多數俄羅斯人及他們的不可預測。他感嘆說,沙貝茲·戈伊Shabez Goi; 綠帽保守主義)的人數趨於零,而“無法理解”和服從的群眾人數要多得多。威爾斯非常希望蘇俄支持《公開的陰謀》。然而,蘇聯卻走自己的路,甚至搞亂那些英國陰謀家的底牌,英國作家闡述了他們的觀點。 1934 年,威爾斯終於明白了這一點,當時他訪問了蘇聯並會見了斯大林。與此同時,“公開的陰謀”的想法幾十年來仍然具有相關性。奧爾德斯·赫胥黎 Aldous Huxley 和喬治·奧威爾 George Orwell 等英國作家只是從威爾斯 H.G.Wells 那裡借用了一些東西,並在他對新世界秩序未來的描述中加入了一些東西。 However, as we can see from the text, he was afraid of the majority of Russians and their unpredictability. He laments that the number of shabez gois (Cuckservative) tends to zero, and the number of the masses, who “cannot be made to understand” and obey, is much greater. Wells hoped very much that Soviet Russia would support "The Open Conspiracy". However, the USSR went its own way and even confused the cards for those British conspirators, whose views were expounded by the English writer. This finally became clear to Wells in 1934, when he visited the Soviet Union and met with Stalin. At the same time, the idea of ​​an Open Conspiracy remained relevant for decades. English writers like Aldous Huxley and George Orwell simply borrowed something from H.G. Wells and added something to his description of the future of the new world order.

儘管如此,2021 年的新書《公開的陰謀——世界革命的藍圖》還是在俄文出版物中“看到了曙光”。 Nevertheless, the book “Open Conspiracy Drawings of the World Revolution ” ‘saw the light of day’ in a publication in Russian in 2021.

以俄文出版的書本封面 Cover of the book published in Russian

“公開的陰謀”是作者提出的一種“新宗教”概念,正如他們所說的“不是通過洗滌,而是通過滾動”,以及通過脅迫和暴政,被提議並擴展到全人類,這要歸功於他(公開的陰謀)。據說,那將建立一個“光明的未來”,在這樣的未來裡, “一個幸福的人類”將在不再有戰爭、疾病,和“為了生存的需要而奮鬥”的情況下發展創造力。 An open conspiracy is a new religion proposed by the author, which, as they say, "not by washing, so by rolling", as well as coercion and tyranny, is proposed to be extended to all of humanity, which, thanks to him (an open conspiracy), will supposedly build a bright future in which "a happy humanity " will develop creatively without wars, diseases and" the need to fight for existence. "

從本質上和現實上來說,一個“公開的陰謀”的目標可以歸結為兩點:第一,它是在一個單一的世界中心的控制之下消除邊界和統一每個人,該中心將分配資源、控制、組織社會和執行規則;第二,是人口下降。總的來說,本書的全部內容是對這些目標的現實手段和可能性進行描述。必須承認的是,所描述的“宗教”已經部分地引入了我們的社會,並且已經實現了許多。我們中的許多人本質上已是“公開的陰謀”的參與者,只是他們還對此一無所知罷了。 In essence and in reality, the goals of an open conspiracy can be reduced to two points: first, it is the erasure of boundaries and the unification of everyone under the control of a single world center that will distribute resources, control, organize society and enforce rules; and the second is population decline. The entire content of the book is, in general, a description of the means and possibilities for realizing these goals. It must be admitted that the described "religion" has already been partially introduced into our society and a lot has been realized. Many of us are essentially participants in an open conspiracy, only they do not know anything about it.

正如你所看到的,月球下沒有什麼新鮮事。一切都發生在盲目鼓掌的人群面前,他們認為這一切都來自“科幻小說”和“陰謀論”領域。如果有人注意到某事,那麼通常情況下,他不想了解他所看到的究竟是什麼。沒有人會隱藏任何東西,甚至不會去嘗試。一切都“隱藏”在最顯眼的地方了——你只需要睜開眼睛就能看到!有耳可聽者可聽,有眼可看者可看,有心者也算(聖經除外)。你看到了什麼呢?同樣顯而易見的是:如果我們想要保留身份、自由意志、傳統、民族、榮譽、尊嚴、道德;如果祖國和故土等詞彙對我們還有意義;如果一個人對我們來說不僅僅是動物和一種物種,那麼我們需要一個開放的反情節 *2! As you can see, nothing is new under the Moon. Everything happens in front of a blind, applauding crowd who thinks this is all from the realm of "science fiction" and "conspiracy theory." And if someone notices something, then, as a rule, does not want to understand WHAT exactly he sees. Nobody hides anything or even tries. Everything is "hidden" in the most conspicuous place - you just need to open your eyes and see. He who has ears to hear will hear, who has eyes to see will see, who has a mind let him count (excluded from the Bible). What do you see? It is also obvious that if we want to preserve identity, free will, tradition, nation, honor, dignity, morality, if words such as homeland and fatherland mean something to us, and if a person for us is not just an animal and one of the species, we need an open anti-plot! *2

—— 完 THE END


根據 V.Yu. Katasonov 教授的材料和其他開源信息。 Author - based on materials by Professor V.Yu. Katasonov and using information from open sources. 漢譯自電報頻道:難以忽視的眞相 "An Inconvenient Truth"

*1 白骨:哈薩克貴族,中世紀可汗的後裔——區別於黑骨。
*2 The Anti-Plot:
The Anti-Plot throws away all the rules of
story telling. The narrative can
be fractured, reality and time up
in the air, the protagonist doesn’t change.
It’s post-modernism at its finest.


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