محمود میرزایی‌.

محمود میرزایی‌.


بازداشت محمود میرزایی آهنگساز و رهبر ارکستر در تهران 

محمود میرزایی آهنگساز و رهبر ارکستر از دو هفته پیش تاکنون بازداشت شده و هم اکنون در زندان فشافویه تهران محبوس است.او ، از امضا کنندگان «بیانیه جمعی از موسیقی دانان مستقل ایران در همبستگی با جنبش آزادی خواهی ایران» است. این بیانیه هشتم مهر ماه منتشر شد.این آهنگ‌ساز، هم اکنون در زندان فشافویه محبوس است و علیرغم وعده مقامات قضایی مبنی بر آزادی به قید وثیقه اما همچنان در بازداشت به سر می برد.‏وضعیت ‎محمود میرزایی بسیار خطرناک است و آنقدر که باید توجه و رسیدگی به او نمیشود. عفونت ریه، شکستگی دنده و آنفولانزا. این مرد هنرمند و بزرگوار رو آزار میدهند و حتی اجازه‌ی داشتن وکیل هم به او نداده. صدای محمود میرزایی باشیم.

متن توییت برای محمود میرزایی:

The first piece for Mahsa Amini was composed and song by Mahmoud Mirzaei, after posting this piece on Oct forth at night, he was arrested from his home and his Instagram was closed, which has not been available until today.

The singer and conductor of the orchestra is in prison and in "serious physical and mental condition". Mahmoud Mirzaei, after publishing a protest text on his personal Instagram page, was arrested by security agents at night and without any explanation at his home on Oct forth. and transferred to Fashafuye prison.

Mahmoud Mirzaei has sinusitis and his lungs are severely infected. Painful coughs, broken ribs and lack of access to minimal medical facilities have made the conditions unbearable for this imprisoned artist.

According to reports, Mahmoud Mirzaei, the imprisoned singer and conductor, is in very bad physical and mental condition. He has been in custody since the Oct forth. He has contracted various diseases such as flu.

Mahmoud Mirzaei, a singer, musician, and conductor, has been in prison for a month and now he is in bad conditions and his life is in danger. Please be the voice of Mahmoud.

The conductor,composer & singer Mahmoud Mirzayee was arrested by Iranian regime security forces at his home on Oct forth. He is one of the signatories of the Iranian musicians.

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