متن توییت برای مهاباد

متن توییت برای مهاباد

Goner. ( DropInH3ll )

متن توییت به انگلیسی:

The Islamic Republic has attacked the city of #Mahabad with heavy artillery and is shooting at the houses of innocent people! The Islamic Republic is slaughtering innocent people! Be their voice. @UN


The city of #Mahabad in Kurdistan is being attacked by heavily armed IRGC forces. They've cut off the city's power and are shooting non stop in the streets and the people's homes. They're killing everyone. Do something!! @UN @CNN


Government forces trying to crack down and suppress the continuing protests in #Mahabad, Iran. They cut the electricity, took heavy artillery and there is non stop shooting and gunfire sounds. @UN


SOS! #Mahabad, Kurdistan, in occupied Iran. Islamic regime is committing another massacre, this time in Mahabad. People were shot dead by live ammunition. Be their voice. 350+civilians were murdered in the past 8w by this terrorist regime. @UN


A significant number of troops have been sent to #Mahabad from Hamza Urmia camp with combat weapons and semi heavy weapons. the image of their heavy shooting can be heard in the residential areas of Mahabad. @UN


The situation in #Mahabad is reported to be completely warlike. Half of the city's electricity has been cut off continuous shooting is going on in all the streets. @UN


Armed Forces have invaded the city of #Mahabad in Kurdistan. The city is under Martial law and they're Shooting at defenceless people's houses. If you stay silent another massacre will happen. Be the voice of Mahabad @UN


People of #Mahabad, a Kurd populated city on the NW border of Iran are now under attack by IRGC weapons, targeting their homes and residences. The regime is sending down forces from Urmia, don't let the IR carry out yet another Kurd genocide. @UN


Mahabad (one of Iran’s Kurdish cities) is under heavy gunfire by the IRGC against the revolutionary people that fighting with bare hands. Be our voices, and try to stop another massacre by the Islamic republic. @UN


In #Mahabad, a Kurdish city in Iran, half of the city's electricity was cut off, and the sound of gunfire towards the protesting people didn't stop. The Islamic Republic is committing another massive massacre in this city. @UN


Civilians resist barehands in #Mahabad despite Islamic regime intends to do a genocide using tanks! World, do you know Islamic regime still has embassy relationships with your governments? Act now! Ask to end all relationships! @UN


Blackout and genocide in #Mahabad ! World, please be our voice, do not let world to be blind against mass murdering in Mahabad please be our voice! Islamic regime kill people with tanks and heavy weapons in Mahabad @UN


The sound of volleys in #Mahabad, at the same time as lightning strikes in parts of the city. The situation has become extremely worrying in Mahabad. @UN


We ask all the cities around #Mahabad to come to the streets so that the pressure can be removed from the people of Mahabad. @UN


The forces of the Islamic Republic attacked the people a few minutes after the electricity was cut off in the south of the city of #Mahabad, which was in the hands of the protesters.the sound of shooting can be heard all over the city. @UN


The situation in #Mahabad is reported to be completely warlike. Half of the city's electricity has been cut off continuous shooting is going on in all the streets. @UN


The Revolutionary Guards have committed mass murder in #Mahabad. The electricity is cut off in parts of the city and the sound of the barrage does not stop for a moment. @UN


Repressive forces of the Islamic Republic attacked #Mahabad with heavy military equipment. There is a sound of gunfire throughout the city. @UN


متن توییت به زبان آلمانی:

Die repressiven Kräfte der Islamischen Republik haben Mahabad mit Panzern, Mannschaftstransportern und Waffen angegriffen, lasst uns die Stimme von #Mahabad sein. @UN


 Das Wasser von Mahabad wurde vergiftet, der Strom der ganzen Stadt wurde abgeschaltet und die Islamische Republik ist Zeuge eines Verbrechens in Mahabad, sei die Stimme von #Mahabad. @UN


 Die Islamische Republik hat in #Mahabad den Strom abgestellt und begeht im Blackout der Stadt Verbrechen und massakriert protestierende Menschen. @UN


 Die Islamische Republik Iran hat ihre Unterdrücker nach Mahabad gebracht, um sich mit Kriegswaffen gegen die protestierenden Menschen in Mahabad zu stellen, sei die Stimme von #Mahabad. @UN


 In der Stille von Mahabad geschieht ein Verbrechen, sei die Stimme von #Mahabad. @UN


متن توییت به زبان اسپانیایی:

Las fuerzas represivas de la República Islámica han atacado Mahabad con tanques, vehículos de transporte de personal y armas, seamos la voz de #Mahabad. @UN


 El agua de Mahabad ha sido envenenada, la electricidad de toda la ciudad ha sido cortada y la República Islámica está presenciando un crimen en Mahabad, sea la voz de #Mahabad. @UN


 La República Islámica ha cortado la electricidad en #Mahabad y está delinquiendo en el apagón de la ciudad y masacrando a la gente que protesta @UN


 La República Islámica de Irán ha traído a sus opresores a Mahabad para que se levanten con armas de guerra contra el pueblo que protesta en Mahabad, sea la voz de #Mahabad. @UN


 Está ocurriendo un crimen en el silencio de Mahabad, sé la voz de #Mahabad. @UN


متن توییت به زبان ایتالیایی:

Le forze repressive della Repubblica Islamica hanno attaccato Mahabad con carri armati, veicoli per il trasporto di personale e armi, siamo la voce di #Mahabad. @UN


 L'acqua di Mahabad è stata avvelenata, l'elettricità di tutta la città è stata interrotta e la Repubblica Islamica sta assistendo a un crimine a Mahabad, sii la voce di #Mahabad. @UN


 La Repubblica Islamica ha tagliato l'elettricità a #Mahabad e sta commettendo crimini nel blackout della città e massacrando le persone che protestavano. @UN


 La Repubblica islamica dell'Iran ha portato i suoi oppressori a Mahabad per schierarsi con armi da guerra contro il popolo protestante di Mahabad, sii la voce di #Mahabad. @UN


 C'è un crimine che sta accadendo nel silenzio di Mahabad, sii la voce di #Mahabad. @UN


متن توییت به زبان دانمارکی:

De undertrykkende styrker i Den Islamiske Republik har angrebet Mahabad med tanks, mandskabsvogne og våben, lad os være #Mahabad stemme. @UN


 Vandet i Mahabad er blevet forgiftet, hele byens elektricitet er blevet afbrudt, og Den Islamiske Republik er vidne til en forbrydelse i Mahabad, vær #Mahabads stemme. @UN


 Den Islamiske Republik har afbrudt elektriciteten i #Mahabad og begår forbrydelser i byens blackout og massakrerer demonstrerende mennesker. @UN


 Den Islamiske Republik Iran har bragt sine undertrykkere ind i Mahabad for at stå med krigsvåben mod det protesterende folk i Mahabad, vær #Mahabad stemme. @UN


 Der sker en forbrydelse i Mahabads stilhed, vær #Mahabad stemme. @UN


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