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This study explores the discourse around tobacco use, mainly cigarette smoking, as it related to changing values of citizenship in English Canada between 1890 and 1930. It focuses particularly on changing perceptions of working-class male youths who had taken up cigarette smoking in this period. Despite the general attraction of smoking to other sectors of the population after World War One, including middle-class male youths and adults as well as young women, this paper will argue that cigarette smoking had special symbolic meanings for those relatively disenfranchised from mainstream civic order and respectability. Conventional wisdom has long held that in addition to tobacco's threats, there are also certain benefits. These benefits have been presented as age-, gender-, and product-specific. After 1920, smoking represented different terrors for those establishing and monitoring Canada's civic norms, and different "performative" possibilities for those contesting them.
Despite well documented health risks, young women are still drawn to the act of smoking and continue to smoke at an alarming rate. A century ago, women were vocal leaders of campaigns against tobacco across North America. In Sex, Lies, and Cigarettes, Sharon Anne Cook explores the history of the paradoxical relationship between women and the cigarette, in a sensitive and lively description of the many different meanings that smoking has held for women. Focusing on the social context of smoking, Cook explores its allure for elite, middle-class, working, and marginalized women from the late-nineteenth to the early twenty-first centuries. She argues that smoking's attraction is rooted in women's changing identity formation and in strategies for empowerment, an idea enriched through extensive analysis of visual culture. It is in these images (yearbooks, posters, photographic collages, print advertisements, billboards, movies) but also in the act of smoking itself, that women harnessed the power of the visual. Smoking remains a powerful way for women to express themselves and is closely connected to the processes of modernity, sexualization, and commodification of desire. Textual documents (newspapers, magazine features, textbooks, teachers' guides) and oral testimony are also explored to show how dominant discourses of smoking, sexuality, and health have shaped women's experiences and how women have moulded these discourses themselves. The first comprehensive study of women and smoking in Canada, Sex, Lies, and Cigarettes creates a rich portrait of the cultural factors that have resulted in over a century of women smokers.
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The proportion of Hispanics in the U.S. Veteran population is expected to increase rapidly in the next several decades. Although Veterans have a heightened smoking risk relative to the civilian population, few studies have examined whether this risk extends to Hispanic Veterans. The aims of the present study were to examine differences in the smoking and cessation characteristics of ... [Show full abstract] Hispanic Veterans and Hispanic non-Veterans, and to determine whether these differences persist after controlling for demographics and markers of acculturation.

Materials and Methods
This was a secondary analysis of the 2014–2015 Tobacco Use Supplement of the Current Population Survey administered by the U.S. Census Bureau. The main analysis included Hispanics aged 18 or older (N = 27,341). Additional analyses were restricted to participants who had smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime (N = 4,951), and current smokers (N = 2,345). Regressions modeled the associations between Veteran status and demographics, markers of acculturation, smoking characteristics, and cessation behaviors. Additional regressions modeled the associations between Veteran status and the smoking and cessation outcomes while adjusting for demographics and the acculturation variables of U.S. nativity, U.S. citizenship, and English interview language. Probability weights produced nationally representative findings.

Hispanic Veterans were older, more likely to be male, and more acculturated than Hispanic non-Veterans. Unadjusted analyses revealed that Hispanic Veterans were more likely to be current daily smokers (8.6% vs. 5.7%, p = 0.015) and much less likely to be never smokers (59.3% vs. 81.0%, p < 0.001) compared to Hispanic non-Veterans. These differences were reduced after adjusting for the demographic and acculturation characteristics of the two groups. However, Hispanic Veterans were still less likely to be never smokers compared to non-Veterans after this adjustment (74.3% vs 80.7%, p < 0.001). In unadjusted analyses, Veterans were less likely to have stopped smoking for one day or longer as part of a quit attempt than non-Veterans (33.2% vs 45.4%, p = 0.056), although this was not a significant difference. Use of telephone quit line was very low for both Hispanic Veterans and Hispanic non-Veterans (4.3%). After adjustment, the difference in the likelihood of stopping smoking for one day or longer as part of a quit attempt was increased, becoming statistically significant (31.4% vs 45.8%, p = 0.030).

Demographic and acculturation differences account for much, but not all, of the differences in the smoking characteristics and cessation behaviors of Hispanic Veterans and Hispanic non-Veterans. These findings suggest that Hispanic Veterans, and Veterans more broadly, should be a focal point for cessation efforts. These efforts should include facilitating access to under-utilized cessation treatments, and providing coordinated cessation care for Veterans being treated for comorbid health conditions.
January 2012 · Community Literacy Journal
This article examines what a pedagogy of public rhetoric and community literacy might look like based on an understanding of twentieth century Mexican American civil rights rhetoric. The inductive process of examining archival materials and conducting oral histories informs this discussion on the processes and challenges of gaining civic inclusion. I argue that writing can be both a healing ... [Show full abstract] process and an occasion for exercising agency in a world of contingency and uncertainty. To illustrate, I describe several key events shaping the evolution of the post-World War II Mexican American civil rights movement in New Mexico. Taking a case study approach, I begin this chapter by examining the civic discourses of one prominent New Mexico leader in the post-World War II civil rights movement: Vicente Ximenes. As a leader, Ximenes confronted critical civil rights issues about culture and belonging for over fifty years beginning in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is a historical moment worth revisiting. First, I set the stage for this examination about writing, citizenship, and civic literacy by analyzing two critical rhetorical moments in the life of this post World War II civil rights activist. Secondly, I connect the Ximenes legacy to a growing movement at the University of New Mexico and the ways that we are making critical responses to current issues facing our local communities in New Mexico. By triangulating social acts of literacy, currently and historically, this article offers organizing principles for Composition teachers and advocates of community literacy serving vulnerable communities in their various spheres of practice.
The purpose of this research was to identify actionable strategies from current civic engagement literature in the fields of institutional citizenship, service learning, and deliberative democracy as well as practices from the ancient rhetorical tradition that could be used to foster civic engagement in a public speaking classroom. The author has an interest in civic engagement and has been a ... [Show full abstract] public speaking instructor at Iowa State University. Research findings identified strategies from current literature to establish a classroom citizenship, connect coursework with the community, advance active participation, facilitate deliberation, and to use peer critiques and reflection tools to promote civic-minded thinking. Elements identified from the ancient rhetorical tradition include the concept of phronesis, practical wisdom, and structured workshops that build upon one another similar to the ways of the ancient pedagogy of the progymnasmata. A series of structured workshops designed to focus on social, civic, and ethical issues from a civic perspective is recommended for public speaking instructors who would like to foster civic engagement in their classrooms.
Bilim insanları çeşitli perspektiflerle ve oldukça uzun süredir hayli soyut ve tartışmalı bir kavram olan ulusal kimliği
nesnelleştirmeye çalışmışlardır. On sekizinci ve 19. yüzyıldan bu yana uluslar; vatandaşlarına, içeriği düzenin ve
kanunun oluşturduğu farz edilen tekil bir kimlik sunmuşlardır. Bu sebeple, milli kimlik ya da diğer bir deyişle ulus
kimliği bireyin psikolojik olarak inşa ettiği ... [Show full abstract] bir olgu olarak değil, daha çok yasal tanımı dikkate alınarak
kavramsallaştırılmıştır. Bir taraftan, ulusla özdeşleşme belirli bir toprak üzerinde oluşturulan bağ ve ortak geçmişe
inanç olarak soy temelli kavramsallaştırılabilir. Diğer taraftan, günümüz modern çoğulcu toplumlarda ulus kimliği;
bireyin politik kurumlar, kamusal hayat ve kolektif olarak benimsediği toplulukların (community) şekillendirdiği
bireysel bir kimlik olarak da tanımlanabilir. Bu nedenle mevcut çalışma Türk, Amerikan ve Britanya politik
bağlamlarına odaklanarak özcü ve sivil gibi farklı ulus kimlik içeriklerini Sosyal Kimlik İçeriği Kuramına (Social
Identity Content Theory) odaklanarak anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Mevcut çalışmada, Türkiye (N = 595), Birleşik
Krallıklar (N = 643), ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (N = 587) vatandaşlarına Sivil Kimliklenme ve Vatandaşlık
Ölçeği (Civic Identification and Citizenship Scale) tamamlamaları istenmiştir. Elde edilen veriye Lavaan yazılım
paketi ile R programlama ortamında çoklugrup doğrulayıcı faktör analizi uygulanmıştır. Gruplar arasında sivil ve
özcü ulusal kimlik içeriklerinin çoklu-grup eşitliğini (multigroup invariance) incelemek için faktör yükleri, faktör
eşdeğişkenlik (factor covariance), ve yapısal dönüş (structural regression) eşitliklerine odaklanan bir dizi model test
edilmiştir. Bulgular; bireylerin ulus kimlik içeriğini şekillendiren ulusal kimliğin farklı psikolojik formları olduğu
düşüncemizi desteklemiştir. Sonuç olarak çalışmamız, milli kimliğinin içeriğini oluşturan özcü ve sivil içerik
boyutlarının, her üç ülkede de kısmen aynı olarak gözlemlendiğini; ulus devletlerin ortaya çıkışıyla birlikte merkeze
aldıkları milliyetçiliğin özcü içeriğinin ötesinde, çoğulcu demokrasiler için merkezi öneme sahip olduğu düşünülen
siyasal bir bağlılığa işaret eden sivil içeriğin; milli kimliğin bağımsız bir boyutu görünümünde, günümüz
toplumlarında bireyin vatandaşı olarak yaşadığı ülkeye bir bağlanma biçimi olarak belirdiğini ortaya koymuştur.
What should the civic purposes of education be in a liberal and diverse society? Is there a tension between cultivating citizenship and respecting social diversity? What are the boundaries of parental and state authority over education? Linking political theory with educational history and policy, Rob Reich offers provocative new answers to these questions. He develops a liberal theory of ... [Show full abstract] multicultural education in which the leading goal is the cultivation of individual autonomy in children. Reich draws out the policy implications of his theory through one of the first sustained considerations of homeschooling in American education. He also evaluates three of the most prominent trends in contemporary school reform—vouchers, charter schools, and the small school movement—and provides pedagogical recommendations that sharply challenge the reigning wisdom of many multicultural educators. Written in clear and accessible language, this book will be of interest to political theorists, philosophers, educators, educational policymakers, and teachers.
May 2010 · Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Several countries in Europe have recently adopted obligatory language and country-knowledge requirements for settlement, naturalisation and immigration. Integration tests, courses and contracts are only a few examples of the new ‘civic integration policies’ states are using to promote individual autonomy and common values for newcomers. Are these requirements in response to concrete problems of ... [Show full abstract] immigrant integration? Do they enable, or actually inhibit, integration? This paper examines the various pressures behind attaching mandatory integration requirements to status acquisition. To systematically examine these policies, I develop a civic integration index (CIVIX) to measure language, country-knowledge and value-commitment requirements across the EU-15. While there is a general shift toward civic requirements across Europe, evidence reveals important differences in the degree of policy change. Finally, I explore how new civic requirements complement or challenge existing citizenship practices, identifying where integration is facilitated and rewarded with citizenship. I also show where civic requirements fill strategic goals, mainly controlling the inflow and impact of immigration. The arguments made here support a critical rethinking of the conventional wisdom about national models of integration and a dynamic understanding of state citizenship strategies, where policies define not only the rules but also the content of national membership.
March 2009 · Canadian Journal of Political Science
This paper explores how citizenship norms of duty to vote and to volunteer in one's community influence political participation, and the role of group identities in producing these norms. By showing how citizenship norms influence an array of political activities, and by drawing on social psychology literature that shows how citizenship norms are shaped by group identifications, the paper offers ... [Show full abstract] a more complete picture of the relationship between citizenship norms and political participation beyond traditional civic duty/federal vote models that currently dominate Canadian political research. The central argument forwarded is that not only do citizenship norms matter to political participation, but that group identities matter, too.
Résumé. Cette étude explore les effets sur la participation politique des normes relatives au devoir du citoyen de voter et de contribuer à sa communauté, de même que le rôle des identités de groupe dans la production de ces normes. En montrant comment les normes de citoyenneté influencent une foule d'activités politiques et en puisant dans la littérature en psychologie sociale, qui montre comment ces normes sont formées par des identifications de groupe, cette étude aide à mieux comprendre la relation entre ces normes et la participation politique au-delà du cadre traditionnel devoir civique / vote fédéral qui domine actuellement la recherche en politique canadienne. La thèse avancée est que les normes de citoyenneté jouent effectivement un rôle important dans la participation politique, tout comme les identités de groupe.
September 2009 · Journal of Canadian studies. Revue d'études canadiennes
Public opinion on national identity in Canada is changing. Using data from the International Social Science Programme, this essay presents evidence that most Canadians have a strong national identity rooted in universal conceptions that everyone can share, such as citizenship. Data also show, however, that a growing number of Canadians define their national identity narrowly, such as through ... [Show full abstract] birthplace and religion. Drawing on research from social psychology, the essay suggests that theories of Canadian identity need to take into account the fact that many Canadians have strong national identities that do not fit cleanly into the civic/ethnic theoretical dichotomy.
This research is motivated impact of globalization so that the degradation of culture and local wisdom, lack of awareness in the preservation of the culture and values of local wisdom study aims to describe the cultural part of civic skills, behaviors that reflect civic skills, citizenship skills development, constraints and efforts in conservation. So it needs to assess the values of local ... [Show full abstract] wisdom as civic skills in Talang Mamak tribe culture. A qualitative approach with descriptive analytic method. The findings of this study were 1) Talang Mamak tribe has a culture of mutual trust are values, attitudes ability to work together, trust, responsibility, solidarity, consensus, unity, and mutual cooperation. 2) Talang Mamak have local knowledge as a guide to behaving that reflects the behavior of citizenship skills are value patriotism, the value of equality, caring, responsibility, independence and the value of educational value. 3) the development of citizenship skills is done by carrying out traditional ceremonies, instilling the values of culture and local wisdom, and follow the cultural events organized by the government and society. 4) constraints contained in the preservation of culture and values of local wisdom that economic factors, educational factors, factors of confidence, and transportation factors.

Keywords: cultural Talang Mamak Ethnicity, local wisdom, civic skills.
Indonesia as a developing country still faces with complex societal issues. To overcome these problems and to strengthen national identity one way is through the field of education. Education that takes into account the value of local wisdom will be easier to achieve educational goals. Naskah Amanat Galunggung contains the values of Sundanese wisdom that can be integrated into the Civic Education ... [Show full abstract] lesson. The location of the study was carried out on learning Civics in SMP Darul Falah 2 Cihampelas. The research method chosen is qualitative research using descriptive analytic method. In descriptive method of analytic data is collected as is then analyzed and given interpretation according to requirement of research. The results of this study indicates that the values contained in the Naskah Amanat Galunggung can be easily integrated into the Citizenship education as it is in accordance with the objectives of the Civic Education lesson. The integration of values of Amanat Galunggung in Civic
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