Population of Poland: What was in 2021

Population of Poland: What was in 2021


As you know, the demographic situation is constantly changing. And it is quite difficult to keep track of the indicators. One of the main tools is the census. Of course, it does not give 100% accurate figures. But at least it is possible to know an approximate situation in the country.

The year 2022 is coming to an end. But still relevant are the figures obtained from studies of the demographic situation in Poland in the previous year. This is an excellent basis, which will make it possible to compare the figures with previous years, as well as with the data for the current year 2022.

Population of Poland in 2021

If you look at Poland on a map, you can see that it is one of the largest European countries. Nevertheless, the population is not as large as, for example, in Asian countries.

According to estimates by subject matter experts, at the end of last year 2021, the country's population was 37.88 million people. And if you compare these figures with those of the previous year, you can see a positive trend. After all, the population growth was just over 7 thousand people. This is taking into account the fact that there has been an excess of mortality over fertility for decades.

At the beginning of 2021, the population was about 37.87 million people. Therefore, we can safely talk about an annual growth rate of 0.02%. It doesn't seem like much, but the figure is positive. And that is the most important thing.

The main figures for 2021

According to the results of demographic indicators for the past year, we can highlight some of the most significant and interesting figures.

  • Fertility. During the year, slightly more than 393 thousand new people were born in Poland;
  • Death rate. During the same period, a little more than 371 thousand people, living on the territory of Poland, left this world;
  • Natural increase. Comparing the birth and death rates, the increase was 21.5 thousand people;
  • Migration increases. It is fair to say that Poland is not among the most popular countries for migration. Nevertheless, in 2021, a little less than 14.5 thousand people moved here;
  • Number of men. The male population accounts for 18.27 million people. These figures were current as of December 31, 2021;
  • Number of women. The proportion of the female population in Poland is slightly higher than the male population. It is 19.6 million people.

As a result, we can say that the demographic situation in the country remains quite stable. But according to the forecasts of experts, in a few decades, the population of Poland may decline beyond 10 million. So far these are only forecasts.

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