Pink Runtz Strain Review

Pink Runtz Strain Review

Pink Runtz strain is one of the most popular marijuana strains available today. With its delectable aroma and sweet taste, it has quickly become a favorite of many marijuana smokers. It has even become a favorite of many medical marijuana users as well. With this in mind, it has become important for marijuana connoisseurs to understand the characteristics of this sweet weed.

First of all, you should always buy runts that are straight from the seed or are feminized. Although pink runts are commonly feminized, it is still better to buy them from the mothers instead of from seed. You can always do some research online about the different strains and their characteristics so that you can pick the one that suits your preference. Pink Runtz is very popular in Colorado, where it is the most popular marijuana strain. Big in the industry and the marketing behind the brand name of medical marijuana products.

So what makes this strain so succulent? Well, the pink flowers have large amounts of cannabidiol (the substance that produces the 'high') in them, along with large amounts of other compounds that produce a pleasant and calming effect. The large amount of cannabidiol translates into an exceptionally powerful 'head high'. This high can be compared to a heavy sugar rush, or to alcohol withdrawal; however, it lasts much longer than alcohol, meaning you can stay high for longer periods of time. Read more at

The reason why this strain is so unique and tasty is because it contains two types of acids, namely the urine and the hopoid acids. Both are present in abundance in many other strains, but nowhere else on the planet. Taurine is found only in the minds of male sheep and in lesser amounts in many other strains. The hood acid is only found in indices and as you may have guessed, it also contributes to producing the 'kick' that is associated with this highly addictive drug.

Pink rune seems to have a very distinct smell about it, which is attributed to the large amount of citric acid that it contains. In fact, this strain is actually better for you if you don't smoke a lot of marijuana because of its sugary scent. This scent is actually quite unpleasant to non-weed smokers because they find it quite disagreeable. However, the majority of people find the scent quite pleasant. This sugary scent is produced by the over-production of sugar by the marijuana plant. The more sugar in the plant has, the more sugary and floral the aroma of Pink Runtz will be.

The smell of Pink Runtz tends to be around a lighter shade of purple compared to some other strains, such as the Blue River, Chronic, Potlatch, or even Diamond Cinderella. But there are some distinct differences with this particular strain. Its scent is described as being quite lemony, fruity, almost syrupy and almost buttery. The flowers have nice deep colors and tend to stay pretty even after harvest.

Like most pink indicates, Pink Runtz is extremely resistant to mold and insects. It will grow in almost any kind of indoor environment, including full sun, partial shade, well drained soil, well-drained soil with a lot of organic mulch and compost. In fact, this strain is so good for your garden that I would recommend it for anyone who wants to grow a nice big plant that will stay put all year round. It doesn't matter what kinds of diseases or pests you are trying to get rid of, Pink Runtz will hold its own.

A large number of people do not realize this but Pink Runtz can be a very powerful full-flowering plant. It can produce a huge amount of stalks and even trunks if left to grow to its full potential. It is really beautiful to look at and if trained right, can be a showstopper. One thing that should be noted about this beautiful strain is that it tends to be highly sensitive to frost. If the temperature gets too low, particularly in the winter, the foliage will start to die back and the plant can go into a "hibernation" type condition, thus producing a lot less flowers. Because of this sensitivity, it is suggested that you keep the Pink Runtz in the warmer areas of your garden during the winter months.

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