

it isn't an "opinion" that homophobic jokes creates a toxic environment, it's well-researched psychological theory. the pyramid of hate is a concept developed by the Anti Defamation League out of numerous research done on genocide and the origins of it.

ADL https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/pyramid-of-hate.pdf

Citings by the University of Columbia in their writeup on their "hate speech and incitement to violence" workshop https://www.law.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/microsites/law-culture/files/hate-speech-files/Hate-Speech-Cotler.pdf

The Bikindi case also raised explicitly a tension that underlies many judgments on incitement to genocide: the appropriate balance between freedom of expression and the criminalization of genocidal incitement. Recognizing the right to freedom of expression, the Trial Chamber explained:
However, this right is not absolute. It is restricted by the very same conventions and international instruments that provide for it. For example, the [Universal Declaration of Human Rights] states that everyone should be free from incitement to discrimination. Similarly, the [International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights] prohibits war propaganda, as well as the advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence, and the [International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination] 58 Ibid., at para. 425. aims to outlaw all forms of expression that explicitly lead to discrimination. Each of the regional conventions mentioned above also restrict the freedom of expression: the [European Convention on Human Rights] recognises that there are “duties and responsibilities” that accompany the freedom of expression and thus limit its application; the [American Convention on Human Rights] allows for legal liability regarding acts that harm the rights or reputations of others, or that threaten the protection of national security, public order, or public health or morals and considers as offences punishable by law any propaganda for war and advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitute incitements to lawless violence; and the [African Charter on Human and People’s Rights] restricts the right to that which is “within the law”. The Chamber notes that the restrictions on this right have been interpreted in the jurisprudence of the various adjudicating bodies created from the international and regional instruments above. The Chamber also notes that a large number of countries have banned the advocacy of discriminatory hate in their domestic legislation.59

The American Psychological Association on The Psychology of Hate Crimes


Hate crimes are an extreme form of prejudice, made more likely in the context of social and political change. Public and political discourse may devalue members of unfamiliar groups,ix and offenders may feel that their livelihood or way of life is threatened by demographic changes.x Offenders may not be motivated by hate, but rather by fear, ignorance or anger. These can lead to dehumanization of unfamiliar groups and to targeted aggression.xi,xii

WashPo on how online hate turns into real-life voilence


The Conversation


Disparagement humor fosters discrimination against social groups – like black Americans – that occupy this kind of shifting ground. In our study, we found that off-color jokes promoted discrimination against Muslims and gay men – which we measured in greater recommended budget cuts to a gay student organization, for instance.

Report Page