

We live in a technically advanced era where anything and everything is possible.

Who had thought our workload will be taken over machines and gadgets will provide us entertainment. But it all did happen, from more than the level of comfort and ease to fun and enjoyment, technology has got humans addicted to it.

Now is the time, when more than a human friend a smartphone is closer to an individual.

Smartphones are our bestfriends, aren't they?

Another invention in the field of smartphones is amazing and quite surprising for many!

Scientists, including those of Indian origin, have developed a laser emitter that can safely charge a smartphone across a room as quickly as a standard USB cable.

The major problem which is very common among smartphone users has been solved. The time consuming process of charging battery of smartphone users was challenged by a team of researchers.

The researchers mounted a thin power cell to the back of a smartphone, which charges the smartphone using power from the laser. They custom-designed safety features - including a metal, flat-plate heatsink on the smartphone to dissipate excess heat from the laser, as well as a reflector-based mechanism to shut off the laser if a person tries to move in the charging beam's path.

The researchers have designed, constructed and tested this laser-based charging system with a rapid-response safety mechanism, which ensures that the laser emitter will stop the charging beam before a person comes into the path of the laser. The blocking of the guard beams can be sensed quickly enough to detect the fastest motions of the human body.

This next generation invention; nano-scale optical devices are expected to operate with Gigahertz frequency, which could reduce the shutter's response time to nanoseconds.

The beam charges the smartphone via a power cell mounted on the back of the phone. A narrow beam can deliver a steady 2W of power to 15 square-inch area from a distance of up to 4.3 metres, or about 14 feet.

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