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Простота использования / отсутствие удобства для пользователя: отправка и получение цифровых денег по-прежнему громоздка, потому что каждый раз, когда пользователь решает тратить криптовалюты, он должен посетить три разных веб-сайта, чтобы иметь возможность выполнять простые операции, такие как создание кошелек, обмен или использование криптовалюты. У пользователей также нет уверенности в безопасности своих средств.

- Время проверки для проверки аккаунта происходит медленно

- Увеличение комиссионных сборов

- Отсутствие сквозной видимости

- Использовать несовместимые системы

- Поддержка занимает много времени 


- Ослабление входа в криптографическую торговлю

- Интеграция FIAT & Crptocurrency Exchange

- Дезинтермедиация

- Функциональность Trade-on-the-Go

- Безопасный и надежный кошелек

- Modern trading functions (Spot, Margin Futures, DEX, etc.)


Millions of global citizens have minimal access to banking services and are forced to take credit lines from unofficial channels with an annual income of up to 4,000 percent. It's not that ordinary banks do not want to serve more people, but it's simply not profitable for them to do it in remote and less populated areas.

Digital transformation lags far behind in financing SMEs. Getting short-term finance can be a painful task, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises that do not know the strings. This is mentioned in a credible survey of small businesses that even with the advent of new online lending platforms, small businesses continue to look for problems in the search for capital. The survey also showed that 45% of applications for a loan were rejected more than once, and

23% were not aware of the reasons why their applications were rejected. Similarly, owners of digital assets have limited liquidity capabilities in the modern digital economy on the basis of cash.

Inefficiency of current financial platforms

Without blocking, SME creditors can not:

 Quickly launch a business and offer new value propositions

 Improvement of spreads and margins

 Reduce operational risk and costs

 Follow the rules in different regions

 Real-time accounting

 Get a 360-degree view of each customer

 Data on mines and provide real-time dashboards and reports


The financing industry is in dire need of new innovations to provide an easy, transparent and affordable financial ecosystem for SMEs. And it is here that Zuflo.IO with technology based on blockchain technology and smart contracts. Zuflo.IO is an ecology, over which we can provide money to applicants against existing assets or without assets through the technology of intellectual contracts Ethereums. This is a network of lending and borrowing, which allows users to use their blocking assets to secure loans in cash. 

Access to finance

Combating absent populations in the interests of the global financial system is key to ensuring a sustainable solution to their future economic prospects.

Our blockbased platform allows us to simplify auditing and improve operational efficiency, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the cost of lending than traditional service providers using centralized databases.

Identification of funding

Zuflo will provide the applicant with the ability to use digital identifiers based on blocking, which will allow borrowers to create their own economic histories and credit profiles, even if they are invisible to the inherited banking system. Thus, the unique advantage in this setting is the possibility of using existing affinity networks to create and verify the identity of the borrower. We do not just provide financial services, we provide a person who is connected with everything that a person does and will act as an "economic passport" for them.

Works with Ethereum Smart Contract

A critical feature of Ethereums smart technology platform, means that it will be possible to check the health status of loans issued. At the same time, confidentiality of important user data will be preserved. The existence of a loan portfolio of borrowers on a hacked account can serve a purpose for a transparent credit scoring system. 

Transportation for rules

Initially, Zuflo will publish the entire history of loans issued, including currently active, paid and default loans to the Ethereum block chain. At the next stage, Zuflo intends to publish the entire history of current activity and transactions with an active loan in the blockroom. This will make Zuflo completely transparent to government agencies, the community of borrowers, partners, current shareholders and potential investors. Our transparency policy will largely help borrowers, funds, current and potential investors, including predictability and accountability of investments. In addition, to protect investment in lending and the lender, all loans will be insured.

Platform for conventional and digital assets

In addition, the option of traditional Zuflo assets also allows members of their credit platform to use the value of certain digital assets, thereby giving them access to cash, compensating for tax events, avoiding exchange commissions and maintaining their long position in the asset they hold. Zuflo is a credit platform developed with account for blockchain assets. Unlike traditional forms of collateral, such as real estate and cars, blocking assets are divisible, interchangeable and in many cases instantly transferred. We are striving to provide a new way to monetize the constantly expanding universe of chain blocks.

Deposits and investments

Zuflo.io will provide a traditional banking function for the placement of digital assets to allow its customers to receive premiums on their holdings or borrow at a more favorable rate. Investments will include inexpensive venture capital facilities, for example, funds with exchange rates (ETF), crypto funds (portfolio of various crypto-competitions and crypto-tokens), progressive ICOs, and consulting solutions for capital management. In the next phase, Zuflo will offer investment banking services, including financing corporate strategies of our business customers.


Architectural / technological flow between the Raiden network and the recipient





Project Name: Zuflo.IO

Project Description: Integrated Platform for Trade and Finance

Name of the token: coin Zuflo

Token Ticker: ZFL

Total capacity of the token delivery: 500 000 000 ZFL

The offer price of ZFL: 1 ZFL = 0.36 US $

Sale of tokens (period before ICO): February 22, 2018 to April 30, 2018

Selling tokens (ICO period): May 1, 2018 through May 30, 2018

Preliminary Proposal of the ICO & ICO Period: 200,000,000 ZFL

Discounts for tokens before ICO: level 1: 50% discount to $ 0.36. Between February 22 and April 15, 2018

Level 2: 30% discount to $ 0.36. Between April 16 and April 30, 2018

Payment options: BTC, ETH, BCH




ZFL is a utility token designed to facilitate efficient transactions with a wide range of assets on our stock exchange, while acting as a means of exchange and a margin of value that can become more valuable in accordance with the growth of users and increased use of the Trade Platform.

Membership Key

ZFL is a membership key on the Zuflo Exchange and Financing platform


Message ICO, the ZFL token will give liquidity, as they can be exchanged on different exchanges

Toxification means

Subjects and individuals would have the right to "be labeled" or listed on the ZFL platform

Bonuses and Payouts

The user can use ZFL to participate in the combined liquidity fund ZFL to receive weekly or monthly bonuses

Payment of commission

Intellectual contract ZFL will allow unrestricted distribution and distribution of referrals

Issuance of finance

Financing of a special retail sector of small and medium-sized businesses based on business identity confirmation will be allocated to borrowers in the ZFL token 

The ZUFLO.IO command

We specialize in FinTech software tools and professionals with many years of experience in developing complex trading and financial algorithms for trading and financial institutions. Our team has a deep understanding of all the needs of professional traders, lenders and borrowers, and we are very pleased that we can get out of the current state of the market in the exchange of crypto-currencies, trade and finance.

We are a strong and experienced team both in technical terms and in creating successful start-ups. Each member has a unique character trait, which when combined with other members creates an ideal synergy. This ensures that the probability of our success is very high. We have many years of demonstration experience in this field, and we strive to use it in the ambitious Zuflo.IO project.


Jeremy Bel - Founder and CEO

Sharik Khashmi - founder and project manager

Arpita Takar - Technology Leader

Muhammad Salman - Leading Communications

Shardul Bhatt - Blockchain Developer

Parth Barot - Blockchain Developer

Amit Patel is a developer of Blockchain


Zuflo.IO prides itself on having one of the experienced consultants in its field, and we are negotiating with several other experienced consultants.

Rumen Slavchev I Advisor to ICO - Strategy I (Top 12 ICO Bench Advisor)

Yuen Wong I ICO Advisor - Strategy I (CEO Galaxy Esolutions)

Giovanni Casagrande I Advisor to ICO - Marketing

Erickvand Tampilang I ICO Advisor - Community

Richard Trummer I Advisor to ICO - Strategy

Nikolay Shkilev I Chief Advisor to ICO

More Information :

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3323906

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Zuflo/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/zuflocoin

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/zuflocoin/

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/zuflocoin

Telegram : http://www.t.me/zuflo


Имя пользователя Bitcointalk: Laut merah

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