


"What you need is a SYSTEM,"

the leaflet yelled at me

"none of your streams of thought can reach their full potential for lack of structure.

A system is a harness, a vocabulary without which you cannot even form ideas, let alone express them. Without, your mind is crippled, your actions resembling the clueless stumbling of an inarticulate toddler, unaware, drooling, dumb. What thoughts can be thought with a short-term memory of mere seconds?

With The System you can free your mind from the limitations of the evolved brain. You will gain CLARITY and the ability to build a cathedral of ideas, sound of structure and of beautiful intricacy.

The System is a chance to transcend constraints, it is minimal in implementation but universal in its application.

Do not be fooled, adopting The System is simple, not easy.

You might (erroneously) think that The System can be reduced to mere numbered pages and cross-references. NO. It is also the METHOD that makes The System. You would not reduce LOVE to mere preference-attribute comparisons, so do not trivialise The System.

The System takes dedication to INTERNALISE and to deploy to the benefit of YOUR full POTENTIAL.

Should you FAIL to effectively (c.f. efficacy vs. efficiency) apply The System, that FAILure would be your OWN. Reflect on how YOU have failed up to YOUR goals and do not shift blame. The gifts have been laid before your FEET.

Great MINDS before you have successfully applied The System and their success will be your benchmark. Why can't you DO the same?

Have you seen how swarms of LOCUSTS can lay waste to a field? Your mind is the same, all those chaotic thought intrusions eating up healthy gray matter, until only TRASH is left.

Come on, just give it a try. But do NOT FAIL, or you have only your SELF to blame.

For inquiries contact the NUMBER.


I turned the leaflet around, but it was blank.

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