

Теперь проверь свои желания на заданиях!

  1. I wish I ____ come to the zoo with you next weekend, but I’m going to be busy.

A) could   
B) had   

C) will

Ответ: А

2. Which sentence is NOT correct?

А) I wish you wouldn’t do that.   
В) I wish could do that!   
С) I wish I were stronger.

Ответ: В

3. I’m sorry I made you angry. I wish I ____ shouted at you.

А) wouldn’t   
В) hadn’t   

С) weren’t

Ответ: В

4. Which sentence is correct?

А) I wish we live in a bigger house.   
В) I wish I were going to the beach with my friends!   

С) I wish you wouldn’t keep shout at me!   

Ответ: В

5. Your colleague talks a lot and you don’t like it. What could you say?

А) If only he had been quiet!   
В) If only he would be quiet!   

С) If only he is quiet!   

Ответ: В

6.  What CANNOT go in the space?

He’s really handsome! If only I ___ ten years younger!

А) was   

В) were   

С) would be   

Ответ: С

7.  You want to go to Sally’s party, but you can’t. What can you say?

А) I wish I could go to your party.   
В) I wish I went to your party.   

С) I wish I would go to your party.  

Ответ: А

8.  I wish I ____ play the piano.

А) would

В) could

Ответ: В

9. I wish ____ the manager.

А) see

В) seeing

С) to see

Ответ: С

10. 'Wish' can be replaced by....

А) If

В) If only

С)Either could be used here.

Ответ: В

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