Задание 3:

Задание 3:

Two cups of English

1. five, there, in the park, children, are

There are five children in the park.
В парке (находится) пять детей.

2. on the, there, a cat, is, sofa

There is a cat on the sofa.
Кот (лежит) на диване.

3. little, balls, there, three, are, floor, on , the

There are three little balls on the floor.
На полу (лежит) три маленьких мячика.

4. a cake, in the, there, picture, is.

There is a cake in the picture.
На картинке (изображён) торт.

5. big, a, dog, in the, there, hall, is

There is a big dog in the hall.
В зале (находится) большая собака.

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