


I love the softness of your breath when you sweetly say my name in a sigh full of dreams and hopes

I never thought I would feel like this again. This sweet warmth in my chest that is full of dreams and tender innocence. My heart overflows with happiness just thinking about you and shyly smiles when I think about holding your hand. The curve of your smile is the exact shape of my happiness and my every wish is your wellbeing. It is such a pure love I feel for you. It's a love full of walks on the beach on starry nights and poems recited while eyes shine bright. It is stolen kisses in libraries and love letters tucked between book pages. It is a cherishing of every instant together and a burning anticipation of what is to come as we walk this life together. It is a fresh promise every day made and a wish upon a star that every day is fulfilled. I love you are three words that hold an infinity of feelings that you have made eternities in me. 

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