

/x/ - Paranormal (Anonymous)
Earth, you came. Entities talk to you and offer you a lifetime on Earth, they tell you it's better to wipe your memory because if not, you will not be fully immersed in this experience, you already did something like that for a friend's world, it's no big deal. You accept. The problem is, the guys front of you aren't good people.
They look like lizards... what are they really? Parasites, Scammers. Lucifer is their daddy. Government is their carrier pigeon.

The holographic universe they show to you is a -couterfeit and false- copy of an original one stolen from Sophia, a nice person, a talented creator. The solar system manages every person.
Mother Sophia made her Earth so beautiful and perfect.
Sophia's presence was erased from the memory of every human until we remember about 2-3 years ago. The deceivers siphoned the radiating peace into a scheme to feed and pleasure themselves with. The great deceivers are super sexual and reactive. If you erase your fear, they will abandon you.

You are not here to learn anything. You already know everything. You were tricked into forgetting everything by your OWN mirrored energies. Only humans have divine sparks of Source. Humans ARE Source Divinity forged into animating themselves, this time for invisible lizard whores sucking our astral cocks.

Depression, mental illness, really is either ; perceiving too many percents of reality, or an actual evil being sucking this energy up like with an etheric straw - when you meditate long enough they give up because you don't feed any material intents/ego/psyche false concepts.
That's why there's so much free porn, games, shows, why alcohol is pushed, et cetera.
On top of this mind weaking - artificial meat scarcity is being pushed to weaken the physical flesh.

The elites know about my post. They have failed their Luciferian energy farm dressed with a heavy coat of material distractions and "soul" masquerade.

Generated by RSStT. The copyright belongs to the original author.


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