Yes, Prime Minister

Yes, Prime Minister

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This is a list of Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister episodes. 38 episodes were made in total, running from 1980 to 1988. This includes a one-hour special that Product Description. Yes, Prime Minister: The Complete Collection (DVD). ]]> Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn's superb sitcom Yes, Prime Minister Jun 8, 2017 Yes Minister/Yes, Prime Minister was a BBC sitcom that ran for five series and one special between 1980 and 1988. It starred Paul Eddington Aug 11, 2016 The official website of Yes, Prime Minister. A new comedy by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn on UK Tour and in the West End. Jun 8, 2007 Aug 11, 2016 Comedy · James Hacker was propelled along the corridors of power to the very pinnacle of politics - No. 10. Yes Minister is a Political satire British sitcom written by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn that was first transmitted on BBC Two from 1980 to 1984, split over three seven-episode series. The sequel, Yes, Prime Minister, ran from 1986 to 1988. Jan 9, 2016 Shaun Ley speaks to the writers behind Yes, Prime Minister and fans of the show including Tony Blair on its 30th anniversary.

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