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Bible is a jewish (or maybe Fallen Angels?) war-manual. Both OT and NT. Face-it. That's why is gematria and symbolic encrypted, a skeleton lacking parts such as Lilith present in oral secret only. (oral = Pharisee + Talmud that with Goy = animals..) Any name (like Rebecca = knot) has a meaning - hooks for interpreting. The original hebrew text is "blockchained" every word, so any translation destroy the code. The Gematria key interlink. There is "structure, symbol" and "anchors" under many "garmet" words. A keyed symbol+parable code. An intel-service code with "perfect deniability" and "forward secrecy".

That's why was MISTRANSLATED in key-points from the first translation Septuagint 280-325/Alexandria Libr. .. Septuagint is the oldest swindle. For example ELOHIM + JHWH jointly amalgamated as GOD or Psalm 33:11 changed >

Original 33:11> YHWH frustrates the plans of the Goyim.

Other 33:11> God frustrates the plans of the nations

Septuagint 33:11>The rich went poor... :)))

Is the same issue as later NAOS and HIERON. But being FOOLS or TRUSTING like Esau, most disregarded all that 2000 years.


Bible is full of questionable juridic aspects, for our standars (but not for pharisee laws + YHWH!). The judgement of Goy (nations) is simply condemnation no judgement - several passages. Deceiving is high in praise: All nations were deceived by pharmakeia [Rev 18:23 ] - yet condemned to Hell. God sends a mighty deception so all will be condemned [2:Th.2:11]. Bio-terrorism is fine > 7 plagues in Egypt = a plot for Rev 16> 7 bowls obviously bioweapons. Blackmail [Jacob versus Esau] was fine. Misleading woman: Rebecca (his own sohn), Rahab, Dalila. Plunder Exo 3:21 Zech 14:14 It seems like a war-juridics "vae-victis" as Romans said. Because it is a war: the one between Jacob and Esau (rest of the world) .

"The one who is victorious will inherit all that" - Rev 21. Basically they made a contest in our poor 3d realm being part and judges.

This juridics is nothing like the 42 Maat laws from which the 10 Moses Laws are derived! That's for common guys. As  Nietzsche said, for Gods power is the moral. And his idea of man-as-god is straght from Bible: "Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!" 1 Cor 6:3/ Paul.

EGYPT-1 Joseph

What's the story of Egypt, in short? 1. Joseph comes there, bring all his people. Then make all Egyptians poor (by 7 years stock-speculation) ans enslaves them to the Pharaoh. Then he confine them in cities. Basically owns the state. (as today??) The 7 years as stock speculation was pointed by Mark Twain not me.

EGYPT-2 Moses

Moses trigger a bio-warfare against Egyptians, (like Gates today - so praise the "prophet"). Mark the houses. Then flee from destroyed Egypt, not before he sack all Egypt army in the sea.

Why is no Covenant Ark inside the pyramid thumb even if the measures in pyramid basalt-shroud are the same? Moses made a "dummy-copy" [Exo 25 + 25:16] and stole the original [ 25:16]?? How about that? חֹרֵב - Horeb mount are pyramids? Exo3 That's why Egyptians chased him? Else would be a big release to get rid of this plague-bringer. Then he mass-slaughtered the Canaanites ... just so.

Going to Horeb (pyramid) to "find food for his sheeps" is a symbol- find knowledge for his people. They also plundered egyptians when going: Exo 3:21 > "And so you will plunder the Egyptians"


What is the first mark? Is in Exodus 13:16 same as Rev 13:16. Then the "snake-bite" of Sarap and the healing "copper-snake" Nehushtan. A copper-coil on a rod= like 5G.

Anything looks only like a plot for TODAY.


You cannot deny the existence of devices in the Bible. They were not amulets but real devices, by function! The Ark of the Convenant, copper-coil Nehushtan. + GMO-plagues, marking of "houses" (like FEMA), only "nice stuff" just as today.

The Ark may be key, as it might be an inter-dimensional communication device. May be a datalink to Fallen Angels? Don't forget the speaking fire-bush. Like a Tesla singing-coil exactly! High frequency discharge can speak. ... Where are today all those devices? Who keeps the Ark? A legend say it's in Templars hands today...

Do not forget that in a certain period S-Turkey was part of the Egyptian Empire, hence the source of alchemy secrets. "Pharmakeia-Pergammon".


The last mention of the Ark was around 600 BC. Jeremiah 3:16 announce a "cease in communication". And the last prophet Malachi lived around 400 BC.

There is a certain period of "prophets" During that, the Ark was installed well . I suppose "Sefirot" is a code of the Ark - like our computer-password. Prophecy time ceased after the "official" disparition and the "over" announced in Jeremiah 3:16. Also the deepest Gematria keys cannot be made with no computer - the Ark helped. Only simpler code versions as in Gospels (Greek not Hebrew!) can be done manually.

Ark gone, prophecy gone! Out of batteries or strategy? Was a communication device, maybe trans-dimensional. But some speculate the device was hidden inside the Temple-mount tunnels! Searched heavy by Templars later! So a re-usage at key-moments could occur!

The whole "prophetic period" reduces +/- 10% timeline to the Ark presence. That's probably the source of Kabbalah and Gematria key - a server was behind, maybe in higher dimensions, for me quantum kind and far superior to our knowledge.

Corolary the jews didn't lied a bit: Bible is "the word of God".. that is: not "invented" but sourced from that surreal datalink machine!

Further, ARK:

According to 2 Macc 2, the prophet Jeremiah hid the ark just before the final siege of Jerusalem

That Ar of Covenant is present in Apocalypse/Throne scenes. A strong indication this is the LINK in to the future and with the third heaven (John mentioned by Paul in 2 Cor 12) > Rev 11:19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. This is SUPER- important in the first century context!

Its also pretty clear that Crusades and the Templars order were designed by Bernard de Clairvaux in order to find the Ark inside the Jerusalem mountain. And indeed Templars made heavy research in the tunnels. It's a central item in Scottish Masonic Rite...

Ark and CIA report

Ark and WWW

Indirectly you get the source-idea of "our" www... Also Check Amos 4:2 and Isaiah 59:5 for web and waw-hooks like www. Not forget other details such as the weaving Creation goddess Neith (the priests family of Joseph wife) corresponding with Athen and Arachne story - check my Acheiro . Neith is said to create the Universe by ..knitting. A symbol of entanglement of particles for sure... Thus the quantum computing + web today. This manner Bible (+ other myths) becomes quite intelligible not more mambo-jambo.

..but who on earth could envision that before today's tech??? The "mind-shot" would be too long for any human unaware of tech. Yet a tiny "chosen" group knew that. Yet that kind of tech could be the source of Quantum Financial System or QAnon. But the source-tech could surpass any of our imagined ways: subquantum at the root of the very matter creation. Who knows? The Egyptian Gods...


Anything is reduced to the moment> חֹרֵב - Horeb mount = pyramids/Moses. By some Greek writers Moses is assimilated with Hermes Trismegistos discovering Tabula Smaragdina inside pyramids! A strong link to alchemy

Note - Sinai as Horeb is only a LATER assumption and no textual proof in Torah.

That's why pyramids shells dismantled, during ..crusades and by Saladin son to wipe any leftover detail. The pyramids are crucial! Check the many devices in Tesla's style and remember Tesla was born in the area of Bosnian pyramid! Others are in Antractica, again guarded by the ww treatise. Not all world pyramids are the same! Only pre-Noah can bear such tech - Bosnia and Antarctica pyramids. Same near the Kogaion/Bucegi-Sphinx ... guarded now by CIA/Mossad...

Only the lost Enoch texts speaking from the fallen angels, can clarify who made the pyramids, as there is no internal inscription but polished hard stone....

IsraEl (Jacob)> Joseph>Moses

The whole story is tied to egyptian secrets + a small clan> IsraEl/Jacob's son - Joseph makes a direct link to creation goddess Neith via his wife Asenath (servant of Neith) ...Moses is straight next (Jethro-Zipporah)

All lineage is deeply involved with Egyptian Priests. Is known that Priests ruled Egypt in fact (check Plato + Plutarch+Maneto etc) and they had alchemical secrets. Plutarch himself a Heliopolis priest later, tell us how priests shaved their heads just as directed by Saul (aka Paul) for christian monks.

Moses was straight line from Jacob =IsraEl as follow> Levi was a son of Jacob. Moses was a son of a levite (Levi children) called Amram. Gen 48>Jacob’s {IsraEl) adoption of Joseph’s two sons. Moses was involved in a fait-war just as a priest of Akenathen. He fled first, came back was incarcerated and saved by Zipporah. Then searched the MAIN DEVICE!

All those levites were sephards/shepherds = priests of the human herd. Symbol source: Egyptians venerated the ram as Ra-symbol.

Also Moses wife was the daughter of the priest of Midian - Exo 3;1. He was no shepherd of goats but just as today priests "shepherd of souls". That's why Moses left his people and goes to חֹרֵב - Horeb mount of God - [pyramid] in search of knowledge (= search of "grass for his sheep"..). There he found the Ark datalink device presumably in the empty basalt shroud of today... And all history began!

Once the device called Ark was found by Moses they inverted that Ra-thing: sacrificing a ram. Rewind Apocalypse Lamb and Crius Chrysomallus story by Greeks! Check below. Also check Neith complex figure with a spider meaning weaving just like Athen + Arachne... Basically Joseph married inside those SECRETS!

Ark theories

There are many upto the Ark as dimensional portal And technically can be true. Tesla spoke about. Noah arc may be an ark! Interdimensonal escape. And of course a consistent link to Akenathen. Just search online there are plenty. ark-covenant

Some presume Akenathen did an error in the "stargate" code of the Ark, thus connecting with a "bad parallel universe". Or maybe Moses? Or is simply the stargate to Osiris in the Underworld called by Greeks Abyss/Tartar? That would explain...

Egypt timeline?

Egypt dynasties timeline is impossible to put together in lack of Manetho writings. The trouble is that: no original remained just the one copy of Flavius Josephus a jew which took part at jewish wars against Rome. The timeline could be falsified. But it matches the Akenathen priests-war certainly! Thus Moses period. The rest may be modified more specific SHORTENED! .

Manetho in Ægyptiaca (check) tell us about a population with leprosy which was organized by Orsaseph (Moses) as if a continuation of Akenathen priesthood wars. Interesting the scene of Ark discovery Exo 3 mentions a leprosy healing of Moses Exo 4:7 and that disease is preset in Nr 12:10 + 2 Kings 5:27 (white as snow).... in conjunction with the fact Egypt plagues are a bio-warfare.

Now a special section of tetracyclines can cure leprosy and that was available in Elephantine islands south-Egypt. Also some bacteriophage viruses present in some waters + essential oils. Its a very hard to hea mycosis... but Ark healed fully!

Moses history begins with a chase of the first born by Pharaoh where he escape, and ends in Egypt by kiling himself (via last plague) the first born inclusive the Pharaoh son.

Lucifer+Fallen Angels Back!

Check and crosslink info with "temple"

Isaiah 14:12 + Luke 10:18 + Revelation 9:1 ."He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him” (Rev 12:3–9)

A third of stars fell to earth. The sous of Fallen Angels about whom Enoch 1-16  speaks. From Rev we know 1/3 of the stars fell. 999 x 1/3=333 Hence the 33 degree. The rest of 666 are Goyim or Esau-ites. > 33 = the same latitude as Galilee by the way... get the point?

You need to remember how each soul has a star on the sky ... in higer dimensions called Heaven. "As in Heavens so on Earth" - written on Tabula-Smaraldina. Then remember the soul-root system/ Kabbala -anyone goes to root. Basically "true jews" Rev 2:9 belong to the fallen angels souls-root. The rest are "animals". So Apocalypse is the restauration of the initial Lucifer (Helel ) star - that's Astera Proinos (primordial star) In Rev 21.

And is only for "true jews" (Rev 2:9+3:9). The left "courtyard" in  Rev 11:1-2 for Goy = 666 (Rev 13:16), don't exist In restored star Rev 21:15–17.

Basically the secrets revealed / apocalypse is the plot (oral tradition) again encrypted.. How to restore Helel star "most high". That's "Lucifer" who rebelled. Wars in the sky are ubiquos in old religions too, much more sincere exposed by Greeks and Sutras. Check the lost (why?) Titanomachia .

Lucifer restoration. And thus as Paul said they will "judge saints". For the masses (non-true jews) that religion was a misleading. It's for "true jews" Rev 2:9 and 3:9 ONLY as souls of the Fallen Angels root-system. Besides that's exactly what Jesus said in Matt 15:24 Anything plotted by John and Paul around 37-42 AD will all power. >>

The Ark of Covenant device re-fired, Sephirot-access key used coupled with a timeloop / timetravel > LHC and Teslas papers. Result > "fulfilled prophecy"

Angels of wrath

Something is bizarre with Saul (aka Paul) as he says you will judge angels 1 Cor 6:3 ! That looks like Helel (Lucifer) check  Isaiah 14:14 .... then Rev 14:14 Therefore they considered themselves as "future gods" like in Rev 21:9. And the rest-people of course don't count. Same pattern as in bolshevik USSR.... Curiously Lenin rests as a pharaoh mummy in a stepped pyramid at Kremlin...

So maybe that's why they play the Apocalyptic Angles. Basically today Gates, Fauci or Schwab consider themselves Angels, the ones with bowls in Rev 16! Welcome to.. Fallen Angels. The result of the "inverted" moral in Apocalypse, where angels just destroy, destroy, destroy... The power is the sole moral. "Vae Victis".

"Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!" 1 Cor 6:3/Saul aka Paul.


That's why they required to STEAL the first-born right (soul-root of old humans here) Rebecca-Esau story. And the rest-plot is symbolic encrypted in Egypt-Exodus story, incl bio-warfare with genetics or 5G/hi-freq Nehushtan.


In original written and oral, the Rebecca story [Gen 24-25] is the key where 2 nations separates: Rebecca means "knot" but a kind of kabbal chart knot - splitting 2 souls-branches. They were "dizygotic twins". That's a symbol for them..

JACOB means "deceiver". It was called later Isra-El, because he wrestled at Peniel (which means face of God) with ELI (the creator in Genesys..) + humans! ...Lucifer's fight???

ESAU was blackmailed by Jacob to give-him the first birth right. Rebecca was against his first sohn Esau coz JHWH told so and plotted the deception of Jacobs blessing by Isaac.

This split Jacob-Esau is the root of JEWS-against-ALL OTHERS. All that transforms in a racial war later> Jerem. 49:10 >> "But I have stripped Esau's descendants [...] " Genesis 25:23

In Genesys the serpent is doomed so: man will crush his head and himself will bite the heel of man. In turn Jacob came holding to the heel of Esau, and Esau was decapitated by a son of Jacob.. Check the symbols. - inverted coz by deception he inherited the first right...


Nehushtan it's crucial because it's related to Exodus 13: 16-18 (the marking guideline for Rev 13:16 the same exact nr) and another bite of the serpent "Sarap " Nr. 21: 6. Sarap is related to Seraphim, light-serpents. Nehushtan "healing copper serpent" is compared to Jesus in John 3:14. ... but that implies a snake-bite in advance - check one meaning of charagma in Strong's!

A copper serpent on an iron pillar can mean a coil as Teslas or 5G... and we are back to devices. Further Paul 2 Cor 12 mention that skolops = thorn/needle as apocalypse-parable - a clear suggestion of vaccine, check below. The Pharmakeia that deceived the Goy/nations. In S-spike are found PRIONS, adding DOD CONOP and CDC prepardness check that

Google for: 5G Israeli made, antenna connection clearly labelled COV19. Then check for Zech. 14:8 (day of the Lord) > "On that day living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem" -- Sarap-Nehushtan

Yet in Rev 16 which describe the "real-world" continuation of the vaccine/charagma with 7 bowls , we have no indices of Zombie-Apocalypse directly. But that's no problem: Apocalypse is a code as told, and the indices are in OT +NT! More than 1/3 of Revelation are simple cites or derivates of Torah.

Death-rise and disease is suggested at end-days:

Zechariah 14:12 +  Isaiah 26: 19-20+ Rev 20:13,14 + Matt 27:52-54 

Plagues: Leviticus 26:16 + Deut. 28:21 + Deut. 28:59 +...

Cannibalism: 2 Kings 6:26-29 + Deut. 28:52-57 + Jerem. 19:7-10 + Levit. 26:27-30 + Ezekiel 5:7-11 ... [what about eating the flesh and blood of Jesus?...John 6: 56 ??]

Zechariah 14:12>  And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets...[...]

Isaiah 26: 19-20> Your dead will live; their bodies will rise Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead. [...]

Matthew 27:52-54> And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,  And came out of the graves after his resurrection

Back to 2 Cor 12:7 > apocalypse parable [hyperbolē tōn apokalypseōn]: a thorn/needle [skolops] in flesh, Satan tormenting him. That was what Paul said in relation to (presumably..) John visions. A clear link to vaccine and the way Cleopatra died.

The thorn is a needle. ..but Jesus had a crown of thorns [akantha]. That's a symbol. Corona. Countless vaccines. The misterious crowning in Rev 14. And the idea Jesus must be lifted John 3:14 just as Nehushtan... The persons are different in Rev and Gospels! ..and I don't say anything more find yourself if enlightened...

Thorns are in Numbers 33:55 + Ezekiel 28:24 + Hosea 2:6 besides 2 Corinthians 12 and course coupled with nothing good.

And to make anything round, remember that everything began in Egypt with Moses... were the religion stated the rise of dead in bodies! After all that's why mummies existed. But also the Existing religion in Egypt was NOT the pre-noahide one and even disputed as by Akenathen with clear manipulated cortex genes. [check Acheiro] Connect that Nehushtan with Asklepius rod - WHO. It was said that Asklepius could rise deads.. by a snake-bite. On his family the doctors took oath since Antiquity! That's snake-rod is same as Moses!

As for the science besides prions (zombie-disease) they study how some cortex cells (glial) increase activity after.. death. They just prepare that...


Bible speaks about the "sea" in many passages: for ex. giving back the dead. But we miss the old way to describe waves! Thalasos it's a way to describe in old Greek "waves". For the water-body we can use pélagos and for the surface with WAVES we can use thálassa. Thalasos meaning even today - waves. Like EM-waves too.. Present twice in Rev. "thalasos gave back the deads"! 

Aristotle used thalasos for describing the waves of light - "like thalasos on water".  

Remote we can understand the split of red-waters by Moses just as the split of EM-vawes! A direct corresp. to Neith primordial split of Nun waters... [Egypt-sourced]

TIP: don't forget that our "Maxwell Equations" are stripped down to 4 and are NOT made by Maxwell! Also only in 3-dim. but the real filed is in n-dim. But someone can know the full way. The stripping was made by Morgan-paid people, the same banker which sacked Tesla...


Any electro-magnetic device is a copper-coil on an iron rod yes? 

He will rule with an iron rod > Rev 2:27 :: Rev. 12:5 :: Psalms 2:7-9

Nehushtan (Heb. ןָּתְשֻחְנ), : a copper-serpent on a rod = coil 

Both its serpentine shape (naḥash) as well as the material (neḥoshet) are suggested.Was made (constructed) by Moses and placed on a pole (Numbers 21:8-9) all poles were demolished later by Hezekiah at the beginning of his reign (II Kings xviii. 4)

Waters in occult mean waves. Especially "thalasos"=waves!

Living-waters will flow summer and winter from Jerusalem at end-days: Zechariah 14:8 -- 5G tower devices inscribed with COV-19 produced in Israel..


What you have today is the full specter: Nehushtan (5G). Skolops+charagma (vax and ID) an S-spike with prions /zombie = pharmakeia. Add the CONOP DOD 8888-11 + CDC Zombie Response etc = Rev 16:16.


Check the full range of the "Day of the Lord" by a full blooded Ark of Covenant prophet :  I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle (Rev 16:14)

8 > On that day living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea. It shall continue in summer as in winter. [living wates? check 5G thalasos... waves. ]

12 > And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples that wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh will rot....

 14>And the wealth of all the surrounding nations shall be collected, gold, silver, and garments in great abundance. (check Exo 3:21 )


Addition to early history : ANCIENT TECH archive.is/scbJK  + TEMPLE

The official version of Nero is correct: the CHRISTIANS. At that time 64 AD many Christians were gnostics or jewish militants. Also militants against Rome as "occupier of Israel". Check Bar-Kohbach and other Jewish wars against Rome.

Professor Gerhard Baudy of the University of Konstanz has spent 15 years studying ancient apocalyptic prophecies. He has learned that in the poor districts of Rome, Christians were circulating vengeful texts predicting that a raging inferno would reduce the city to ashes. “In all of these oracles, the destruction of Rome by fire is prophesied,” Baudy explains. “That is the constant theme: Rome must burn.

Gangs of thugs prevented citizens from fighting the fire with threats of torture, Tacitus wrote. Tacitus is the ONLY serious source [he don't point on Nero] and any sources were REWRITTEN during 600-900 AD by Charlemagne MONKS! The Whore of Babylon, is described as having seven heads. “The seven heads are seven mountains,” Revelations says. Rome, of course, is famously known as the city of seven hills.

Paul wrote the book of Romans around 57 AD Brittanica conjecture that the apostle found himself caught up in Rome amid Nero's persecution following the great fire 65 AD. Based on historical events, the Romans beheaded him, at the same time that Apostle Peter was crucified upside down. If so, both Peter and Paul were involved in the fire-affair - or at least responsible, as top christian leaders. Both were only 2-3 years in Rome! I think Nero had intel about (the said manifests) and simply let them do, in order to expose Christians as a threat for the empire.


This is the same pattern as by London burning 1666 (and plague!) finalized with the occupation of the center [Square-Mile] by MASONS - known grand-children of Gnostics via Templars. In advance, similar papers of revolution as in Rome> Rosicrucian Manifesto "Frama Fraternitas". Once London burned and plagued, the rosicrucians gained (bought cheaply) the Square_Mile of the City of London being foundation of infamous UK Empire and East-India Company which plundered pretty-much the whole Earth.. by ships.

...back to burned Rome: Judeo-Christianity consolidated in Rome which was sacked by Visigots. And the citizens blamed the Christians for that . Therefore Pope simply hired the best BARRISTER (St Augstine) to write a propaganda book [in Popper's style] where all "deniers, refusenics and skeptics" are branded as ENEMIES (The City of God Against the Pagans]- the sophistic "paradox of intolerance" 2000 years ago. Same schema.

The first usage of the PLAGUE (bioweapon) was against the Byzantine Empire around 530 AD when the plague broke-out on the byzantine ships sent to conquest Rome and Vatican! (unacceptabe) 1/2 of Byzantine population vanished - and his hegemony too! Last stroke - Templars crusades 1204.

Bioweapons were known especially natural anthrax flavors or pox. Also the natural Tetracycline antidote for the "conspirators". Know-how again sourced in Egypt. Check "Last Days"/  archive.is/scbJK

Around Apocalypse time cca 37-40 AD the Romans flooded their city with 8 large and 42 small Egyptian obelisks. Rome Obelisk (now in Vatican Plaza) was moved from Egypt to Rome in 40 AD quite timed with the christian spread.

"An ancient Egyptian prophecy would have been well known in the Christian quarters of Rome. It foretold the fall of the great evil city on the day that the dog star, Sirius, rises. In 64 A.D., Sirius rose on July 19, the very day the fire of Rome started." 

Sirius the Dog-Star is central for the measurement of the original Christian JULIAN calendar, set by Julius Caesar! (??) . Sirius is tied to Isis-Osiris myth.



Is the story of Isis Osiris Seth and Horus -present in the oldest pyramid texts. After a fight Osiris was chopped and only his DICK remained. That's oldest pyramid txts.

Check for HELIOS (saturn-Sol) in DELOS-islands where Dion-Isus (yeah...) is represented as a DICK. That's the symbol of MASONS - the dick. Covered with Arch-Apron (check Paul's "arch of souls" Ephes 2:19-21)
Horus remained with one eye (the pyramid eye + "enopion" Rev 14 sucking the "harvested" souls) The other blinded (no light) is the Moon in Lethoides story (in Delos was also the Fort-Knox of greeks - all the gold)

As said (check below) the ancients gave the quality of Sol/Helios to Saturn (check Saturn return/Virgil's enclogues; Saturn (Chronos) was thrown in Tartar after Titanomachia with many other titans

There are dozens similarities observed between Isus(Jesus) and Dion-Isus/Orphic mysteries (also a chopped son of Zeus + human Semele - chopped by titans this time). It seems that triggered (in Thracian view) Titanomachia. Dion-Isus had to inherit Zeus throne...

Add the later story of Egyptian Amun-Ra > Sol deity with death-rebirth after a NIGHT... but maybe not a simple night, but a "symbolic" long period.


Greeks have at least 3 generations of gods; Protogaenoi (initial Creation) then Titans like Helios or Atlas, and Chronos/Saturn (several titans generations). Then after Saturn dethroning the last generation Olympians led by Zeus. For sure the jewish Genesys was "censored" of the most essential aspects - the details are ignored (proof: Lilith story, the first "demonic woman" don't appear in Genesys, but in oral tradition only)

Old Greek versions tell us that Saturn dispossessed his father Ouranus then was himself dispossessed by his son Jupiter. Saturn was the son of Caelus/Ouranus [sky or heaven = Horus in Egypt or Uranus/Ouranus greek] and Terra, and married his sister Ops [wealth]. She, with her other sisters, persuaded their mother to join them in a plot, to exclude Helios, from his birthright (?), and raise Saturn to his father's throne. Saturn/Cronus, fearing that he would be overthrown by one of his children, ate each one upon their birth. Zeus was saved... and dethroned him. The child-devouring by the "Dragon" in Revelation?

Hyperion(father) and Helios(his sohn) were both sun-gods and titans (sometime the SAME person as light-giver; the whole family is related to LIGHT -CREATION in simplified Genesys where Protogaenoi - the initial forces-creators were named El/Elohim a plural). Hyperion was one of the twelve Titan children of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky). Thus famly with Saturn (one of the 12 chidren)

In Homeric literature, Apollo was clearly identified as a different god (diff. from Helios), a plague-dealer with a silver (not golden) bow and no solar features> the apocalyptic plagues and Apollyon/Abbadon! On anoter path, Asclepius and Panacea were the children of Apollo, both with snake-bite and Pharmakeia... That's the "oath " of doctors!


Saturn castrated Ouranos with his SICKLE >The Rev 14 sicke? Anyhow the sickle is a Saturn symbol and THE SAME with "grains-harvest" as Saturn was the god of agriculture... (in Egypt the sickle was the tool of Seth which killed Osiris and only the DICK remained - also kinda castration> the masonic myth from which derived Dion-Isus/Orphism most probable)

Details differ in several sources; Diodorus Siculus (Book 3), Uranus and Titaea were the parents of Cronus and Rhea and the other Titans. Ammon, married Rhea. That's the EGYPTIANIZED version (Ra + Ammon as Amun/Amen in Rev) A comparative here

The Greeks called Saturn-planet “Phaenon,” which means “the shining one.” (from phos=light )Check the Phaeton story/Ovid and the asteroid belt... (he fell damned by Zeus because his ligt-charriot scorched Gaia)


Saturn is the Saturday "day" - Shabbat. Basically included in ANY Saturday maas jewish or christian alike. Thus all jewish-derived (Abrahamic) religions are related to SATURN, but the public don't know! Just like romans "Saturnalia"/Virgil enclogues... Saturn was in Babylonian astrology the Sol-star (instead Helios) . By greeks Cronus/Saturn, was the son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of Zeus (Jupiter).

Thompson in his introduction to his collection of astrological reports has noticed that the planet Saturn was also designated as Šamaš, i.e. “sun” by the Babylonian-Assyrian astrologers and he quotes the statement of Hyginus to the effect that Saturn was called the star of the sun. catastrophism.com/texts/sun-and-saturn + Saturn: the Ancient Sun God | David Talbott

Tacitus on Jews >"The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter.">> check Titanomachia - the island Crete is course a symbol for another planet or realm, like in any greek myths. Rhea secretly gave birth to Zeus in Crete! Check also Rhea Ra correspondence

Saturn and the Jews | Herbert D. Katz > Jewish society of the talmudic period recognized the same association is shown by the fact that the Babylonian Talmud (Shabbat 156a) refers to Saturn as Shabbetai, i.e., the star of Shabbat (Saturday). Greek and Arab astrology, however, considered Saturn to be the most malignant of the seven planets; and thus the Jews, astrologically governed by Saturn, were considered to be contaminated by the planet's wicked nature. // Check also the "Black Cube" significane - from Mekka to the "NEXT" computer

Saturn and the occult In archaic copies of Plato's Timaeus, the word for the planet Saturn is Helios, the "sun" god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn as Kronos, alter ego of Helios, and Kronos is said to have ruled "over the pole".

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